

英語 高校生

全然わからないです😭 1問でも教えて頂けたら嬉しいです…🙏

Lesson 3. Palliative Care 部突破! いま最もアツく、最もイカ Medical treatment / Health STEP P 1 Read the Article Let's learn about palliative care, medical care that relieves pain, symptoms and stress caused by serious illness. 1) Palliative care, form of health care that seeks to improve the quality of life of patients with terminal disease through the prevention and relief of suffering. It is facilitated by the early identification of life-threatening disease and by the treatment of pain and disease- associated problems, including those that are physical, psychological, social, or spiritual in nature. As defined, palliative care begins at the point of diagnosis of terminal disease and can be delivered in a variety of health care settings. In general, it involves health and social care professionals working in hospitals, communities, hospices, and voluntary sectors. 2) Palliative care has been associated with many different terms, including terminal care, care of the dying, end-of-life care, and supportive care. However, these forms of care are not necessarily the same as palliative care. Likewise, palliative care is also sometimes described as hospice care. While hospice care does imply palliative care, it is specific to care provided near the end of life. In contrast, palliative care covers the duration of a patient's illness and, hence, may be delivered over the course of years. 3) Palliative care emphasizes three main principles: 1) A team-based approach is fundamental in managing distressing symptoms, such as pain, nausea, fatigue, and depression. It is also a necessary component in meeting the physical and psychosocial needs of the patient and his or her family. 2) Dying is a normal process. Symptom management is needed in order to help patients live life to the fullest until they die. 3) The synthesis of physical care with psychological and spiritual care fulfills a vital role in the overall care of the patient. 4) Palliative care is a global concern, and a steady rise in the number of people who are living longer with degenerative disease suggests that demand for palliative care services will increase in the are areas of intense. developments such Standards Framewo and Palliative Care Indian Association health care profes intended to help physical and psyc 5) In some place For example, the and has identifie framework is int days of life. Its communication, their families, a palliative c diagnosis duration: nausea H Log in to Watch th Hear resear the 2020 co

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英語 高校生

Q&Aの解答が分かりません。 明日テストなので回答よろしくお願いします。

10 *** 5 Dances Around the World This is a student's report about dances around the world. Section 1 Setting 生徒が世界のさまざまなダンスについてレポートしています。 How did the hula begin? There are many dances around the world. Each of them has a unique background. Here, let's look at three styles of dancing: the hula, Irish dance, breakdancing. and The first dance is the hula in Hawaii. It comes from the indigenous religion there. In ancient Hawaii, people showed their respect for gods by dancing. They also danced to pass on important values from generation to generation. That was because they had no formal writing system at the time. In other words, the hula was more than a leisure activity. In the hula, dancers use their hands to express G emotions and things in nature. The dancers believe that they can communicate various messages through 15 the hula. background [bækgrȧund] hula [hú:lǝ] ♦Irish láiriЛ] breakdancing [bréikdænsin] religion [rilidzǝn] ancient [éinfant] generation [dzènǝréifn] leisure [li:3ǝr]) TF Su Read 世 フラダンスを踊るハワイ先住民の女性 (1938年) 1. Does each of the dances have a unique background? & 2. What did people in Hawaii show by dancing? 1 2 13 .text ⚫ new words A 3. What do hula dancers believe? 8 pass on ~~を伝える 8 from generation to generation (t 10 at the time 10 writing system 書きことばのしくみ

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英語 高校生

英検準1級の要約の添削をお願いします🙏 最後の方がまとまり切らなくて入らなかったので、アドバイス欲しいです!

Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, has emerged as a shining example of a city proactively addressing global warming. With a comprehensive and ambitious approach to sustainability, Copenhagen has set a goal to become the world's first carbon-neutral capital by 2025. The city has implemented a range of initiatives, including a robust public transportation system, extensive bike lanes, and a commitment to renewable energy sources. One of Copenhagen's notable achievements is its focus on cycling infrastructure, encouraging residents to choose eco-friendly modes of transportation. The city has invested heavily in creating an extensive network of bike lanes and bike-sharing programs, reducing reliance on carbon-emitting vehicles. Additionally, Copenhagen is committed to transitioning to renewable energy, with wind power playing a significant role in meeting its energy needs. While Copenhagen's efforts are widely praised, challenges remain. Critics argue that achieving carbon neutrality by 2025 is an ambitious target and may involve trade-offs, such as increased taxes and potential economic strain. Additionally, the city faces the complexities of balancing urban development with environmental preservation. Nevertheless, Copenhagen's dedication to tackling global warming serves as an inspiring model for other cities, showcasing the potential benefits of sustainable urban planning and the importance of balancing environmental goals with economic considerations.

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英語 高校生


問題番号に対応 効とする。 うち受験票お researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, have found. Dogs won't give food to a human, even if that person gave them some food first, and that they would help other dogs that had helped them before. Therefore, the team Previous studies have shown that dogs can recognize cooperative and uncooperative humans, "reciprocal altruism"- that is, doing a good thing in return to a human who had given expected to find that their test subjects would put these two things together and show To start, the team trained a group of 37 dogs to press a button which would activate a them food first. *enclosure with the dispenser, while one of (2) two humans was in a separate enclosure with the button. One would press the button to food dispenser. Then, they put each dog in an would not. Each dog was paired with both humans in give food to the dog, and (4) unhelpful one. turn. After that, the researchers switched over the button and the dispenser. They expected that the dogs would press the button to give food to the helpful human but not to the though the dogs did press the button, they did it just as often when either human had the food dispenser, and even when no human was there at all. "In these kinds of studies (5) [perform / to / dogs / which/ trained / are in a particular behavior for an experiment, they will usually do the behavior a few times as they have simply learned the association between the behavior and getting a reward, and it may be enjoyable for them to do the behavior," said Jim McGetrick, a PhD student at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna who led the research. 身を正しく が本冊子 1番 2 次の英文を読んで下の設問に答えなさい。 (3) giving us some food? Are they a combination of reasons. "It is (6) Why wouldn't our best pals want to help us out by secretly all bad boys and girls? McGetrick believes there is possible that the dogs did not understand enough about the task to realize that only one of the humans was providing them with food," he said. It could also be because they didn't fully understand the button and dispenser system, or because they were too focused on the food to notice whether a particular human was pressing the button or not. "Having said all that, even if they did completely understand the task and were fully attentive to the actions of the humans, there is still a good possibility that they wouldn't have given food back in return," he added. "It could be that providing food to a dog as they do not typically do that in everyday life." After all, humans are the ones who human is something very strange for (7) already have food, from a dog's perspective. why would your pet need to worry about (8) making sure you have enough? However, all the humans in the study were people the dogs didn't know. "It is quite 5

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英語 高校生


プペンシルで解 people than ever can find an audience time filled with disasters, online, "conspiracy theories seem to be growing crazier by the day. We also tend to believe in such things under increased stress, which is unfortunate because many of these ideas are Some conspiracy theorists pride themselves on being "critical freethinkers," but a new damaging our democracies and ourselves. study showing a connection between lower critical thinking skills and increased conspiracy (2) theory belief suggests this may not be the case. "Conspiracy theories refer to attempts to explain the ultimate cause of an important event (social, political, climatic, etc.) by accusing a hidden group of perceived evil, powerful people or organizations of having secretly planned and carried out these events," say Paris Nanterre University psychologist Anthony Lantian and team in their paper. two studies, the researchers tested the critical thinking skills of 338 a French version of the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test. They then scored the students' tendencies towards conspiracy beliefs and their personal Across undergraduate students (4) the objective analysis and assessment of their own critical thinking skills. Critical thinking. evaluation of a situation requires a collection of cognitive skills. These include the ability to distinguish between relevant versus irrelevant information, think systematically, see other perspectives, recognize and avoid logical *fallacies, look beyond the obvious, be aware of and avoid biases, and change your mind in light of new evidence. "The more people believe in conspiracy theories, the worse they perform on a critical thinking ability test," Lantian said. "This test is characterized by an *open-ended format highlighting several areas of critical thinking ability in the context of argumentation." (6) All this is not to say that those with high critical thinking skills can't also be sucked into believing things that may not necessarily be true. The way (7) [is wired /a/ makes / thinking/ social species / our / as] us very vulnerable to believing those we identify with as part of our own cultural group- no matter how much education we have had that boosts science literacy. Trust plays a massive role in who we believe. We also have a tendency to believe each of us is above average at detecting misinformation, which can't possibly be true. Researchers have also linked this need to feel special to greater belief in conspiracies. Lantian and team point out that while their study suggests critical thinking lowers Deople's chances of believing in untrue conspiracy theories, the findings don't determine if (8) (9) た場合,そ 数学【数学 験番号 【化学 b てお 3 In a more (1) ① 次の英文を読んで、下の設問に答えなさい。 1 - (3) the po no a E

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