

英語 高校生

5(3)について質問です。 No other thing is as hard as diamond. と書いたのですが、これは○でもいいのでしょうか。

-) ) 2.「…すればするほど、ますます」 V' .... the + 比較級+S+V~〉のS+V が省略されて The sooner, the better. 「早ければ早いほど良い」 となる 3. 「週1日、その年の中で最も...な」 <the + 最上級 + 名 詞 + of the week [day. year])。 4. far 「遠く、さらに」 は2種類の比較級・最上級を持つ。 距離を表す場合は far-farther-farthest, 程度を表す場合は far-further-furthest となる。 副詞の最上級では the は付 けても付けなくてもよい。 5. 「~した中で最も・・・な」 <the + 最上級+名詞+関係詞節〉。 5英作力を磨く 1. Which country has the third largest population? 2. This is one of the best robots ever made. 3. Nothing is as hard as [harder than] diamond./ Diamond is harder than anything else./ Diamond is the hardest (of all). 解説 1. 「この国は人口が多い」 This country has a large population. この文の下線部を the third largest に 変えて, 疑問詞 which を使った疑問文にする。 3. 原級 比較級を使って最上級の意味を表すことができる。 6 入試問題に Try 1. ⓘclean 3. ④ the second most 2.③ by far 解説 1. 「日本ほど清潔な国はない。」 〈No other+B (単 数名詞)... as +原級 + as A〉の形。 2. 「ニューヨークはずば抜けて大きい都市だが、 アメリカ のいくつかのほかの市もかなり大きい。」 最上級を強調す る場合, by far または much を使う。 「「ヘビーローテーション』 は2010年の日本のヒットチ ャートで2番目に人気があった歌だ。」 41 3. 金曜日は週の中であなたが最も忙しい日ですか。 4. Who throws a ball the players ? 5. それは,これまでに経験した中で最もつらい出来事だった。 Is Friday of the week for you? その選手たちの中で誰がいちばん遠くまでボールを投げますか。 XA It was the 5 英作力を磨く 1. どの国の人口が3番目に多いのですか。 /3. 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 [総合] 2. これは,これまでに作られた中で最も良いロボットの1つです。 X = ダイヤモンドほど硬いものはない。 Hints 1. 「~の人口が多い」 ~ has a large population 6 入試問題にTry ( 1. No other country in the world is as ( 2 cleaner ① clean 2. Although New York is ( quite large. ① a lot 3. "Heavy Rotation" was ( ① second more ever experienced. に入る最も適切な語句を①~④から選びなさい。 総合 ) as Japan. 3 more clean (2 as much 2. 「これまでに作られた~」 ~ ever made (愛知工業大 (4) cleanest ) the largest city, several other cities in the U.S.A. are a (近畿 ③ by far (4) far more ) popular song on the hit charts in 2010 in Japan. (東京 4 the second most ③ second most ② the second more

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

この教科書のレベルはどのくらいですか教えください この教科書でどのくらいのレベルの大学まで対応できますか?

1 On 10 February 2009, at a height of about 800 kilometers above Siberia, an American satellite collided the first such height [háit] satellite [séetalait] collide(d) [kaláid(id)] with an old Russian satellite. It was collision [kaligan] collision in the history of space development. As a result, fragment(s) [fráegmant(s)) debris [dabri:] more than 1,000 fragments of debris were scattered into space. 2 The image above shows the vast amount of space debris in orbit around Earth. Approximately 22,000 vast [váest] orbit [5:rbat] approximately [aprá:ksamatli) objects larger than 10 centimeters across are floating around Earth. Of these, about 16,000 are from known 10 considering [kansidarig) artificial [a:rtafijal] currently [ks:rantli] operation [a:paréifon] Considering that there are only about 1,000 artificial satellites currently in operation, the amount of Sources. space debris is astonishing. This space debris is not only due to the collision of satellites. For example, when rockets reach space, they s 15 leave behind surplus engines and fuel tanks. These objects remain in orbit as space debris. In addition, surplus s5:rplas] there are tools that astronauts have dropped while tool(s) [t:l(z)) astronaut(s) [astrand:t(s) aluminum [ala:manom per|par] working outside. Even a one-centimeter aluminum ball. when orbiting at a speed of around 10 kilometers per 0 bullet [bálat] second, is far more powerful than a bullet from a gun. gun [gán]

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英語 高校生

これについて意見を書かないといけないのですが、 意見の書き方教えてください。。🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

Date Reading TR 15-18 The solar system* is known to have eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Mars seems to be an especially interesting planet to the scientists who study planets. Robert Zubrin* is one of those scientists. There are two main reasons why he is so interested in Mars. の 5。 One reason is that Zubrin wants to determine if human beings will be able to live on Mars in the future. Though Mars is now a cold and dry planet, 。it is more similar to Earth の- than any other planet in the solar system. So there is a possibility that Mars is a place where human beings can live. In what ways are Mars and Earth alike? First, the soil and atmosphere of Mars is similar to those of Earth. Scientists found that the soil and 10 atmosphere of Mars contains many of the main elements* essential for human life. A Mars exploration rover* named Curiosity has been working on the surface of Mars to gather various scientific information about its environment. Second, the rotation* period of Mars is 24 hours and 39 minutes, which is very close to that of Earth. Third, there are seasons on Mars as there are on Earth. 15 等 The other reason is that, studying Mars, Zubrin thinks we can better predict the future of Earth. It is believed that there used to be a liquid like water on Mars a long time ago. If we can find out how and why Mars has changed into a (A) and (B) place, we may be able to better understand the Earth's future. Zubrin says, “We humans have changed the Earth's environment through our actions and activities. From our research on Mars, 20 we may be able to solve such problems as global warming. Mars may be the key to our survival on Earth." Not only Zubrin but also many other scientists are doing research on Mars. Studying Mars might not seem to be connected with our daily life, but actually it is. New discoveries can influence our future. We should remember that in that regard* Mars is a 25 very important planet for our future. (357 words) Robert Zubrin:ロバート·ズブリン main element:主要元素(人間の生命維持に必要な元素。窒素, 水素など) rotation:自転 (注) solar system: 太陽系 exploration rover : 探査車 in that regard:その点で

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英語 高校生

要約(日本語で)お願いします🙇‍♀️🙏急ぎです💧 できる範囲で大丈夫です。

Reading 88点 Grammar 30 Writing 10点 100点 Conversation 10 Listening 12点 Reading TR. 15-18 C C 6 The solar system* is known to have eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Mars seems to be an especially interesting planet to the scientists who study planets. Robert Zubrin* is one of _those scientists. There are の two main reasons why he is so interested in Mars. の 5 One reason is that Zubrin wants to determine if human beings will be able to live on Mars in the future. Though Mars is nowa cold and dry planet, it is more similar to Earth than any other planet in the solar system. So there is a possibility that Mars is a place where human beings can live. In what ways are Mars and Earth alike? First, the soil and atmosphere of Mars is similar to those of Earth. Scientists found that the soil and 10 atmosphere of Mars contains many of the main elements* essential for human life. A Mars exploration rover* named Curiosity has been working on the surface of Mars to gather various scientific information about its environment. Second, the rotation* period of Mars is 24 hours and 39 minutes, which is very close to that of Earth. Third, there are seasons on Mars as there are on Earth. The other reason is that, by studying Mars, Zubrin thinks we can better predict the 15 future of Earth. It is believed that there used to be a liquid like water on Mars a long time ago. If we can find out how and why Mars has changed into a (A) and (B) place, we may be able to better understand the Earth's future. Zubrin says, “We humans have changed the Earth's environment through our actions and activities. From our research on Mars. 20 we may be able to solve such problems as global warming. Mars may be the key to our survival on Earth." Not only Zubrin but also many other scientists are doing research on Mars. Studying Mars might not seem to be connected with our daily life, but actually it is. New discoveries can influence our future. We should remember that in that regard* Mars is a 25 very important planet for our future. (357 words) (注)solar system: 太陽系 main element:主要元素 (人間の生命維持に必要な元素。 窒素, 水素など) exploration rover: 探査車 Robert Zubrin : ロバート ズブリン rotation:自転 in that regard :その点で

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