

英語 高校生

憧れの人にファンレターを書く課題です⬇️ 下の自己評価、良ければしてほしいです!スペルミス、文法ミスがあれば書いていただけると嬉しいです〜✨

(例) Dear Mr. Usain Bolt, My name is Kento, and I am a high school student in Japan. I saw your 100-meter race in the Olympic Games in London. Since then, I am your fan. I am in the track and field club in my school, and I want to run like you in the near future. Sincerely yours, Yamamoto Kento Dear Ms. Miura Asami, My name is..." and I am a • high school student in I get I see often you on TV. Each time energy from Your Sauile! I think you have been energy I many people with your smile. I want to be a person Who... never stop suile too. Sincerely yours, 【自己評価】 内容 配点 4 3 ファンレターの形式を取って書いてあり、 ファンである事が、 読み手に十分に伝わる 内容である。 2 ファンである事が伝わる内容である。 1 ファンである事が伝わり難い。 0 上記に該当しない スペリング・文法 スペルミスが3つ以内である。 少し (3つ前後) はあるが かつ、文法ミスについて、 内容をしっかり理解できる程度である。 スペルミスが5つ以内である。 かつ、文法ミスが目立つ (3~5程度)が 読んでいて理解はできる程度である。 スペルミスが7つ以内である。 かつ、文法ミスが多く、読んでいて理解が難しい。 上記に該当しない Score 文章量 6文以上の英文で書いている。 (Dear~ Sincerely yours を除く) 5 文以上の英文で書いている。 (Dear~ Sincerely yours を除く) 4文以上の英文で書いている。 (Dear~ Sincerely yours を除く) 2文以上の英文で書いている。 (Dear~ Sincerely yours を除く) 上記に該当しない /10 自己評価 【A・B・C】

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


Program7 A Gate Way to Japan 1. 真央とダニエルの会話を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Mao: Hi, Daniel. You look happy. Did something good happen? Daniel: (just / from /have/ gotten / my uncle / an email / I) in Italy. Mao: Your uncle in Italy? What does he do there? Daniel: Ah, he's a sportswriter. He loves Japanese pop culture like manga and anime. Mao: Great! Are Japanese manga and anime popular in the U.S. too? Daniel: Yes. The words manga and anime are (P) in English. Mao Like sushi and kimono? Mmm, interesting. By the way, I'm going to do my homework for the speech after I get home. Have you (1) it yet? Daniel: I started it yesterday, but I (2) finished it yet. Mao: What are you () about? Daniel: About Captain Tsubasa. My uncle recommended it. Mao: Do people in foreign countries know about Captain Tsubasa? Daniel According to my uncle, a lot of professional soccer players watched it when they were children. Some of them started ( I ) soccer because of it. Mao: Wow! Captain Tsubasa gave them "wings." Q1 かっこ① の単語を並べ替えて、本文の内容に合うように英文にしなさい。 Q2 (ア)~(エ)に入る語を下から選び、それぞれ適当な形に変えて書きなさい。 play write do use Q3 かっこ②に入る単語を下から選び、 記号で答えなさい。 didn't haven't 5, am not Z. can't Q4 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 What does Daniel's uncle love? 2What does the word "wings" mean? ● 2. 日本のポップカルチャーについての発表内容を読んで、 問いに答えなさい。 Manga and anime are parts of Japanese pop culture. Today they attract and influence many people around the world. I've read a book about art history before. There was a similar situation about 150 years ago. In those days, ukiyo-e was pop culture like manga. It became very popular in Europe. Have you ever heard of Monet and van Gogh? They were greatly influenced by ukiyo-e. Japanese pop culture is getting more popular day by day. It is a gateway between Japan and other countries. Q1 下線部 ①~③は何を指すか、 下から選び、 記号で答えなさい。 あ、 Manga and anime 1, Japanese pop culture う、 art history 7, Monet and van Gogh ukiyo-e Q2 英語の問いに、 英語で答えなさい。 What became popular in Europe about 150 years ago?

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


2 〈不定詞 動名詞〉 (ア) A : Isaw your brother in the park last Sunday. B: (イ) A: B: (ウ) A: B : (エ) A : Oh, did you? He went (1. to 2. taking 3. of 4. there 5. take 6. pictures) flowers. I hear your dream is to be an actor. That's right. But my (1. is 2. to 3. wants 4. be 5. father 6. me) a teacher. Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? Yes. I'll join an event for children in the hospital. We (1. singing 2. are 3. to 4. sing 5. enjoy 6. going) with them. Do you think( 1. books 2. lot 3. are 4. reading 5. a 6. is) of fun ? B: Yes, I do. I like to read love stories. (オ) A: Please (1.watch 2. me 3. your 4. tell 5. see 6. let). I left my smartphone at home. B: All right. Here you are. (ア)3番目〔5〕5番目〔6〕 (1) 3番目〔3〕5番目〔4〕 (ウ)3番目〔3〕5番目〔4〕 (エ) 3番目〔 [] 5番目〔2〕 (オ) 3番目〔2〕 5番目〔 1〕 3 〈接続詞〉 (ア)A: I called you about 2:00 yesterday, but no one answered the phone. B: Sorry. I was (1. that 2. you 3. called 4. Bob 5. visiting 6. when) me. (イ) A: Do you have any plans for this weekend? B: Yes. I'm going to play baseball with my friends (1. on 2. sunny 3. is 4. if 5. will 6. it) Sunday. (ウ) A: What's your dream, Masami ? B: I want to be a (1. like 2. because 3. teacher 4. I 5. music 6. but) singing and playing the piano. エ) A: I'm sorry, I can't go shopping with you today. I have a headache. B: That's too bad. Lisa, (1. you 2. hope 3. after 4. will 5. that 6. I) be fine soon. (イ) 3番目〔5〕5番目〔1 (エ) 3番目〔4〕 5番目〔5〕 (ア) 3番目〔6 〕5番目〔3〕 (ウ) 3番目〔2〕 5番目 [ ] 〈文型〉 ■ A: Keiko, I heard you took many pictures in Okinawa. Can (1. to 2. I 3. them_4.me 5. show 6. you) ? B: Sure. A: You have a sister, right ? B: Yes. Her name is Akiko, (1. her 2. I 3. calling 4. Akko-chan 5. but 6. call). A: I want to give a birthday present to my mother. B: Great! A : Hi, Dad. B: All right. I'm sure (1. makes 2. will 3. it 4. her 5. make 6. happy). Mom hasn't come back from work yet. I'm hungry. Jim, (1. to 2. you 3. make 4. something 5. I'll 6. for ) eat. (イ) 3番目〔 3 (ア) 3番目〔 (ウ) 3番目〔 〕5番目〔4〕 [] 5番目〔6〕 (エ) 3番目〔6〕 - 22 — 5番目〔4〕 5番目〔 〕 1

解決済み 回答数: 1