

英語 高校生


using participial adjectives USIIg real Iditionals to talk about present and future events%; Unit 2 oresent real conditional: To talk about a true or possible situation in the present, we use if + the imple present in the if clause, and the simple present in the result clause: Ifl have extra money at the end of the week, I get excited. The future real conditional: To talk about a true or possible situation in the future, we use if + the simple oresent in the if clause, and will + base form in the result clause: If you take this medicine, you will feel relaxed. We can also use time clauses to talk about the future. Notice that the structure is the same as the real Conditional: PRESENT: When I have extra money at the end of the week, I get excited. FUTURE: After you take this medicine, you will feel relaxed. Participial adjectives modify the nouns or pronouns they accompany. They are typically formed by adding -ing or -(e)d to a verb-also known as the present and past participle. (Remember, though, that the past participles of some verbs are irregular, such as freeze - frozen.) Generally, the "cause" of the feeling uses the -ing form: Her decision to quit was surprising. And the “receiver" of the feeling uses the -ed form: I was surprised by her decision to quit. ere are some other common participial adjectives: Base verb -ing -ed Base verb -ing -ed annoying annoyed frustrate frustrating frustrated annoy interest interesting interested bore boring bored satisfy satistying satisfied confuse confusing confused shock shocking shocked embarrass embarrassing embarrassed surprise surprising surprised excite exciting excited

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英語 高校生

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