

英語 高校生

丸で囲った所モンタナ州以下より大きくない国土に、、でもよいのでしょうか? no bigger than 以下より大きくない。という意味ですよね?

比較表現 (81) no 次の英文の下線部を訳しなさい) With a population nearly half of the U.S.'s squeezed into an area no room left in its no bigger than Montana, Japan has virtually crowded cities. Developers have built towering skyscrapers and even artificial islands in the sea, but the space crunch keeps getting worse. mall as A is no bigger than B. という文を考えてみましょう。 法 この場合, no は big を否定し, 同時に 「差 (AがBより大きい, あるいは BがAより大きい)」を否定しているのです。図式化すると、以下のようになります。 [ no bigger than (関西学院大) no が差を否定するのは I am 3 years older than you. において, 3 years を「ゼロ」 つまり"no" にすると「差がない」のがわかりますね。ですから,以下のように,結 果的にAとBは差がなくて同じという意味になります。 A is no bigger than B. = A is as small as B. big を否定して, small の方向でということです。一般的な形でまとめてみましょう。 < no +比較級 + than> <as+反意語の原形+as> 詰め込まれている に 地域 ほどに 小さい と同じ モンタナ州 squeezed (into an area) no bigger than Montana,) P(通分) M では,第1文カンマまでを no bigger than に注目して検討しましょう。 の状態で 人口が およそ半分の 合衆国の (With a population (nearly half of the U.S.'s) ( 付帯状況)→ O M = as smalt as no blyger Than 以下切り焼くない 語句 population 人口 / squeeze O (into N) 「O を(Nの中へ) 押し込める」 / virtually ほとんど / the crunch 危機 / keep Ving 「Vし続ける」

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


【4】 次の1~10について, 誤った英語表現を含んだ部分がある場合には(a)~(d)から誤り を一つ選び,誤りがない場合には (e) を選んでマーク解答用紙にマークせよ。 1. In (a) classical Islamic history there could be no clash between since the caliph, the titular head of the Islamic state and community, (b) combined in pope and emperor, himself both (c) political or religious-though (a) not spiritual-authority. NO ERROR 2. The years (a) immediately following the end of the Cold War offered (ú) a tantalizing glimpse of a new kind of international order, with nation-states growing together or disappearing, ideological conflicts (c) melting away, cultures intermingling, and free commerce and communications (a) increasing. NO ERROR 3. Despite the growth of the economy, or perhaps (a) in part because of it, and because, as well, (b) the vast rural exodus owing to both (c) population growth and increasing agricultural productivity, workers (a) crowded into urban slums. NO ERR 4. Malthus, Ricardo, Marx, and (a) many others had been talking about inequalities for decades without citing any sources (b) whatsoever or any methods for (c) comparison NO ERROR one era with (a) another. 5. The religious differences between Europe and the United States are (a) typically described in terms of (b) beliefs and practices: Europeans are (c) far less likely than Americans (a) join and attend houses of worship or to believe in heaven and hell. NO ERROR

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


【4】 次の1~10について, 誤った英語表現を含んだ部分がある場合には(a)~(d)から誤り を一つ選び,誤りがない場合には (e) を選んでマーク解答用紙にマークせよ。 1. In (a) classical Islamic history there could be no clash between since the caliph, the titular head of the Islamic state and community, (b) combined in pope and emperor, himself both (c) political or religious-though (a) not spiritual-authority. NO ERROR 2. The years (a) immediately following the end of the Cold War offered (ú) a tantalizing glimpse of a new kind of international order, with nation-states growing together or disappearing, ideological conflicts (c) melting away, cultures intermingling, and free commerce and communications (a) increasing. NO ERROR 3. Despite the growth of the economy, or perhaps (a) in part because of it, and because, as well, (b) the vast rural exodus owing to both (c) population growth and increasing agricultural productivity, workers (a) crowded into urban slums. NO ERR 4. Malthus, Ricardo, Marx, and (a) many others had been talking about inequalities for decades without citing any sources (b) whatsoever or any methods for (c) comparison NO ERROR one era with (a) another. 5. The religious differences between Europe and the United States are (a) typically described in terms of (b) beliefs and practices: Europeans are (c) far less likely than Americans (a) join and attend houses of worship or to believe in heaven and hell. NO ERROR

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


1 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 ABC 1. 仮に生まれ変わることがあれば, オリンピック選手になりたい。 If I ( ) ( ) ( 2. あなたが素直になればいいのに。 deedom bito glad I wish( to) (podton) be honest. venom cremaltils dJiW S 3. あなたのお母さんはまるで1日中庭で働いているかのように見える。 onles the Your mother looks ( ) ( 4. 万一はぐれたら, ここに来て待ちなさい。 Simba end SuHo ) we ( Al eved bloow I 35mm )get separated, come and wait here. come ob taglia 5. 海外にいる日本人の中には,まるで日本にいるように振る舞う人もいる。 SECTO 3. #431 A ) born again, I would like to be De an Olympic athlete. Sow gied woy juodjiW the lea ) she ( home) working in the garden all day. of the Tom 2.17 Some of the Japanese people in foreign countries behave ( ) in Japan. 6. ほかのコースを選べばよかった。 de youte blwow Ⅰ,90aedaedt novi the octors advice my father is in good health I wish I ( ( 17 togod A d 1894 Td. )( ) some other course. noz 401 Jud.+101 ton 913 2 仮定法の文は直説法の文に,直説法の文は仮定法の文に書きかえなさい。 法 ARRAY TENTO 1. I'm sorry I can't eat out with you. 2. I'm sorry he didn't take my advice. lox. >J&laqe rad na of I wish I had a map of this city. adi movie gew ATES LAT 4. 25 JAAR'& conra adi við Spinedia I wish I hadn't drunk so much coffee. 90word 1990 van bloow ade bus wood vedion ) they om als bad IU S B givrisdio. £ royal good bad1 = A Ulvow B RAA

未解決 回答数: 1