

英語 高校生


30 LESSON2 動詞の態(2) C参p.147 ~153) p.147) 54)S+V+O+0/S+V+O+C の受動態 S+V+O+0 の受動態 参…119 12. Santa Claus gives children wonderful presents. S V O O →a. Children are given wonderful presents by Santa Claus. b. Wonderful presents are given to children by Santa Claus. 0(人), 0(物)それぞれを主語にした2種類の受動態が考えられる。 a) give 型動詞(give, lend, send, show, tell など:参か.147) で、 0 (物) を主語にした場合,普通は 0 children のように0(人)の前に toをつける.(→ 12 b.) b) buy 型動詞 (buy, make, cook, choose, get など:参か.148) では, 0 (物)のみを主語にし, 0( は主語にしない. またO(物)を主語にしたとき, 必ずO(人)の前に for をつける. >His grandmother made John this cake. S V O → This cake was made for John by his grandmother. 2S+V+O+C の受動態:0を主語にし, Cは(be+過去分詞)の後にそのまま残す。 13. My classmates call the dog Ichiro. 0 C The dog is called Ichiro by my classmates. …120 V $5)注意すべき受動態 p.149) 14. They say that she is the most popular singer the U.S. …121 → a. It is said that she is the most popular singer in the U.S. b. She is said to be the most popular singer in the U.S. (x She is said that ) …122 15. I was spoken to by the girl yesterday. 16. The soccer player is known to many people in the world. 17. We were surprised at the newsflash. 18. Ten people were injured in the accident. …123 …124 …125 They say that の受動態:「.…と言われている, …だそうだ」(→14) 群動詞の受動態:群動詞全体を1語の他動詞とみなす。 15←The girl spoke to me yesterday. 3 by 以外の前置詞を使う場合(→ 16) w wへ ほかに be caught in ~, be covered with [in] ~, be filled with ~ など、 日本語では能動態で表すが英語では受動態を使う表現 a)感情や心理状態を表す (→17):ほかに be disappointed with [at/by] ~, be shocked by [at] ~。 be pleased with ~, be satisfied with~, be worried about ~ など、 b)被害を表す(→ 18): ほかにbe delayed, be hurt, be kiled など、 bfo 受動態で用いる前置詞に要注意。 >His grandfather was killed in [× by] the war. 注意慣用的表現: be dressed in~ (~を着ている), be seated (座る), be born (生まれる), etc. >参p.153,XIYpical Mistakes[8] 文

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英語 中学生


1各文の下線部の語句は S, V, O, Cのどれにあたるか, 下線部の下に書き入れなさい。A 1. We play badminton during lunch breaks l evg oH 2 After meals my dog sleeps for three or four houra 3. The view from the room is beautiful g oi 1od gH gainB led tdguod o 2「 ]内から動詞を選び,英文を完成させなさい。 BGO He Rwas gj 1. There five rooms in my house. 文 0Ov 8) at 7 every morning. a journalist. his phone number? 2. The bells 3. My aunt omid gob uo lleg eW S 4. Do you 0 5. your textbook to page 5. ぶ (0) 日() [open / ring / is / are / remember ] 0-0 )内の語句を並べベかえて英文を完成させ, 文型が SV, SVC, SVOのどれであるか を答えなさい。 3( ai gob w0) BCD 1.(a/ was / pet shop / there ) here before. 2.(my / broke / cup / I / favorite ). 3.(in /a teacher / became / she ) 2001. vsb y19ve loog edt mi arni 4.(sat / in / he / the chair / down ). 5. (looks / with / the result / happy / he). Jsdt fa perddola 19d 4 日本語に合うように, ( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成させなさい。 1. パーティーにはたくさん人がいましたか。 (at / many / there / the party / were / people )? [ 。Sdil sda 8e.a 2. 彼は服を着替え,部屋を出た。 (left / and / his clothes / changed / he / the room ). ま 3. そのボートは4人が乗るには小さそうだ。 (people / small / seems / the boat / four / for ). (憶曲) 191em ert b9aaupaih oW.a O tia ngsla dgisate bmesa T 19dtsow aidt basta f'ano 1.8 天い 動 1 mord otnub tipolo Use あなたが普段の生活で行うことを, 3つ書いてみよう。 (例)Tusually get up at 6:45. I ride my bike to school with my friends. I take a bath after it dinner. OT 0 文型と動詞の Lesson2

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