

英語 高校生

線が引いてある「a flat of」の意味が良く分かりません…どなたか教えてほしいです…!

5 without touching a keyboar 1 Much of what we eat today comes to our tables from other areas. Today, 1) walking ruch of wil through the aisles of a grocery store is almost like taking a trip around the world: strawberries from Chile and *Asian pears are available in the middle of winter. Americans have come to expect constant variety in their diet, wherever they live, whatever the time of year. This means we must often import our food from around the world. It is important to understand how this affects our Earth. 2 When food has to travel great distances, it is not just *shipping that is expensive; the environmental impact is also costly. For example, the true cost of transporting *a flat of strawberries from Chile to a grocery store in the United States must also take into account the *manpower, *fossil fuel consumption, and *carbon emissions. 3 The phrase "food miles" means the number of miles a product must travel in order to reach the consumer. A flat of strawberries from Chile *shipped to Ohio has traveled more "food miles" than a flat from California. Measuring food impact on the Earth must also take into account weather (strawberries grown in *hothouses have a bigger *carbon footprint than those grown in sunlight) and transportation type (*ocean freighters use less fuel than aircraft). "Food miles" are a rough but crucial calculation el than airc #5082 5) of the environmental impact of our foods. They can help us assess the full costs of our food choices.msdt gaidonot juodliw 21slugmos seu 240 words) aid ovom of oly boldeas and colorife) bosheidque ed gain a lobizoi erotuomos llamadiw abrudbed gansow 」である.

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英語 高校生


教科書 pp.116~118 代名詞 on al pnutton erso "Ineje" dfiw aAny。 Option 2 人称代名詞 > we. you, they がば くぜんと「人々」をさ すことがある。 >所有代名詞: 「~のも の」=〈人称代名詞の 所有格+名詞) >再帰代名詞:他動詞や 前置詞の目的語が主語 「Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. 0O ) have a lot of snow in winter in our hometown. 私たちの故郷には、 冬にたくさん雪が降ります. ) say that her husband is an actor. 彼女の夫は俳優だと言われています。 ) house is bigger than ( uman Aト と同じ人物やものの塩 あなたたちの家は彼らの家よりも大きいです。 ) lying in the forest. ふと気がつくと, 彼は森の中に横たわっていました. 9304イ 4. He found ( 合に用いる。 5. The children dressed ( ) cheerfully. wir ton ste o C p 子どもたちは,うきうきした気持ちで服を着ました。 6. Ryo set a new record. (1o srto2 ) surprised us. lieme リョウは新記録を作りました. 僕らはそのことに驚きました。 7. Let's go back home. ( |リaohue )is getting dark. 家に帰りましょう. 暗くなってきています。isnidmoo-abiow sisitgon qs enit saoor) 0.9onene edt stolgmos 2 Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. itの用法 20gce fAG さす。 >前に出た語-句·文を 1. [the smartphone / to / games /it/fun/play / on/is ]. E >天候-時間·距離など を表す。 2OKOUE 200CL E >形式主語 形式目的語 になる。(→Grammar スマートフォンでゲームをするのは楽しいです. begna gogi t wor ( 2. [ think / that / it / study / children / necessary / should /I] about A environmental problems. Focus 12参照) 指示代名詞 vinb >人やものをさすthis [these] / that [those]. >前に出た節や文の内容 をさすthis/ that. 2Veb s about Lo environmental problems. 私は子どもたちが環境問題について勉強することは必要だと思います。 3. Good manners in my country [ in / different / are / country / those / >すぐ前に出た名詞の繰 your / sometimes / from ]. p COLLSC り返しを避ける that Good manners in my country fon ai by Tiin aeelo1omrV 私の国でのよい作法は,ときにはあなたの国のよい作法とは異なって [those]. vewoH 8ume います。 4.「speaking / to/ similar / of/ that / your way / is ] of your brother. Vobrioid of your brother. あなたの話し方はお兄さんの話し方と似ています。 5. [long/it/does / to / how / take ] get to the library? get to the library? 図書館に着くまでにどのくらい時間がかかりますか.

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