

英語 高校生

英語 高3 先生のメモ付きで見ずらくてすみません💦 ・公共のガス灯は1800〜1807年間まで無かった ・鳴鳥や海鳥は落ちるまで旋回する ・毎年何十万もの(産まれたばかりの) ウミガメが海で迷子になる ・闇は仕事上は必要ないけど生活に 置いては光と同様に必... 続きを読む

Lesson 12 Light Pollution Class Name (1) If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars, we would live in くつろぐ darkness happily. The midnight world would be as visible to us as it is to the vast number of No. nocturnal species on this planet. Instead, we are diurnal creatures, with eyes adapted to living in the sun's light. This is a basic evolutionary fact, even though most of us don't think of ourselves as diurnal beings any more than we think of ourselves as mammals. Yet it's the only way to explain what we've done to the night; we've engineered it by filling it with light so that we can へように be active at night. (2) This kind of engineering is similar to damming a river. Its benefits come with consequences に伴って起こる 結果 - called light pollution - the effects of which scientists are only now beginning to study. Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design, which allows artificial light to shine outward 人工的な and upward into the sky instead of focusing it downward. Badly designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and greatly alters the light levels and light rhythms, to which many forms of life, including humans, have adapted Wherever human light shines out into the natural world, some aspect of life, whether it is migration, breeding or feeding, is affected. whether A or B· A=·AD3B78332 (3) For most of human history, the phrase "light pollution" would have made no sense. Imagine walking toward London on a moonlit night around 1800, when it was Earth's largest city. Nearly ほとんど a million people lived there with candles, torches, and lanterns. Only a few houses were lit by gas, and there would be no public gaslights in the streets or squares for another seven years. From 広島 (前) さらに a few miles away, you would have been as likely to smell London as to see its faint collective glow. 集まっている様子 (4) Now most humans live under domes of reflected light: of scattering rays from cities and suburbs with too much lighting, and from light-flooded highways and factories. Nearly all of nighttime Europe is a nebula of light, as is most of the United States and all of Japan. In the south Atlantic the glow from a single group of fishing boats squid fishermen attracting prey with 大西 high brightness lamps can be seen from space, burning brighter, in fact, than Buenos Aires or Rio de Janeiro. (5) We've lit up the night, forgetting that it is occupied by many different living species. The number of nocturnal mammal species alone is astonishing. Light is a powerful biological force,

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英語 高校生


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (1). „Why do batteries matter? Look at all your electronic devices: from laptops to smartphones to Kindles or iPads, even your watch. Those electronics are getting more energy-efficient and require less energy than they used to. But as they do, people get greedy and want their capabilities to increase. The battery, or how much energy you can 05 store in a given volume and weight, is the defining factor in this whole field. Then there are electric cars. If we can make batteries with double the "energy TR2Z density of today's and drive the price below $200 per "kilowatt-hour (versus $300 to $800 today, depending on type and weight), we could have a car with a 300-mile range, even with the air conditioner or heater turned up, that would sell for $25,000 to $30,000. The 10 Department of Energy's goal is to get batteries to $150 per kilowatt-hour by the year 2020. 01 Finally, there are the "utility-scale batteries, which are very important for renewable TR28 energy. Wind and solar power are going to become more common. Wind is already the second-cheapest form of new energy, after shale gas, and it will become the cheapest 15 15 within a decade. Right now "utility companies get about 4 percent of their power from renewable sources other than "hydro- and that 4 percent is roughly all from wind. We may see a day when renewables make up 50, 60, 70 percent of the total supply of energy. Utility companies will need batteries to stabilize the flow of renewable energy into the *grid, and also require a better electrical control system to (3)do the switching. People 20 may have these batteries at their homes instead of generators. All of this would create a huge market. But the effects would be more profound. T There are mountainous places even in the U.S., like western Alaska, that will never be connected to the electric grid. There aren't enough people, and the distances are too great. There are many parts of South Asia like this, too. But they will have solar and 25 wind power - which, in 10 or 15 years, are going to be as cheap as any other form of energy, or cheaper. Once you have "storage systems, you can put a little "solar installation on your roof or "a plot of land, and then you will have your electric supply! It will be like cellphones' "leapfrogging the "land-line era. It will transform the prosperity of the world. 【Notes】 energy density エネルギー密度 (ここでは電池の容量を意味する) kilowatt-hour キロワット時 (1キロワットの機器を1時間使ったときの消費電力量) utility-scale 電力供給に使う規模の hydro utility company t storage 貯蔵 (ここでは電気を蓄えておくことを意味する) grid solar installation a plot of land 一画の土地 land-line 地上 (の電話) 線 by a factor of two (増減の幅が)2倍で (50pts.) leapfrog 〜を一足跳びにする

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英語 中学生

なるべく早く答えて欲しいです!! これの真ん中部分の和訳がわかんないんですけど、どう訳せばいいか教えてくださいm(*_ _)m 1枚目の写真だと、赤線が引いてある線と、長い黒線が引いてある部分です。2枚目の写真は、真ん中らへんのearth millions の黄色線が引いて... 続きを読む

10 20 called trunks, w eir mouths. Elephants cannot see very well. Their eyes are on the state of their heads, so they have to move 全体 their whole body to look at things. The phants have very good hearing, but 耳 they do not all have big ears. The elephants in Africa have very big ears. They 耳 use their ears to help them cool down on hot days. Elephants in other countries do not have such big ears. 両方とも Elephants live in both Africa and Asia. They can live for about 70 years. たいていの That is a long time. Most of an elephant's life is spent eating. Elephants spend 75% of their day eating. They eat a lot of plants and trees. They do not eat other animals. Elephants also need to drink a lot of water. They drink more than 250 liters of water a day. That is like drinking more than 700 small bottles of water a day. Elephants do not like to be on their own. They travel around in groups, いつも usuall 全体 aily with about 10 other elephants. When new elephants are born, the whole group helps to look after the new baby elephants. Elephants are very lucky because other animals do not attack them. クニッ Sometimes baby elephants are attacked by lions and crocodiles. However, 26 there is a bigger problem for elephants than lions and crocodiles. The bigger ~の部分 problem is humans. Humans kill many elephants. Parts of the elephant are 価値 worth a lot of money, so people want to get these parts and sell them. KR さらに、 ゾウ People also kill 'elephants

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

なるべく早く答えて欲しいです!! これの真ん中部分の和訳がわかんないんですけど、どう訳せばいいか教えてくださいm(*_ _)m 1枚目の写真だと、赤線が引いてある線と、長い黒線が引いてある部分です。2枚目の写真は、真ん中らへんのearth millions の黄色線が引いて... 続きを読む

10 20 called trunks, w eir mouths. Elephants cannot see very well. Their eyes are on the state of their heads, so they have to move 全体 their whole body to look at things. The phants have very good hearing, but 耳 they do not all have big ears. The elephants in Africa have very big ears. They 耳 use their ears to help them cool down on hot days. Elephants in other countries do not have such big ears. 両方とも Elephants live in both Africa and Asia. They can live for about 70 years. たいていの That is a long time. Most of an elephant's life is spent eating. Elephants spend 75% of their day eating. They eat a lot of plants and trees. They do not eat other animals. Elephants also need to drink a lot of water. They drink more than 250 liters of water a day. That is like drinking more than 700 small bottles of water a day. Elephants do not like to be on their own. They travel around in groups, いつも usuall 全体 aily with about 10 other elephants. When new elephants are born, the whole group helps to look after the new baby elephants. Elephants are very lucky because other animals do not attack them. クニッ Sometimes baby elephants are attacked by lions and crocodiles. However, 26 there is a bigger problem for elephants than lions and crocodiles. The bigger ~の部分 problem is humans. Humans kill many elephants. Parts of the elephant are 価値 worth a lot of money, so people want to get these parts and sell them. KR さらに、 ゾウ People also kill 'elephants

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