

英語 高校生

aなのですが、カンマで挟まれた動詞はどうやって訳せばよいのでしょうか?また、recallingは分詞構文ではなくて知覚動詞の heardに対応するものですか?

次の英文を読み、 設問に答えよ。 A child's mind is full of questions. Perhaps the greatest of these are the questions, 'Who am I?', 'What kind of person am I?', 'Where do I fit in?'. These are the questions of self-definition, upon which we base our lives as adults, and from which we make all our key decisions. Because of this, a child's mind is remarkably affected by statements which begin with the words, 'You are'. 2 Whether the message is "You are so lazy" or "You are a great kid," these statements from the important adults will go deeply and firmly into the child's unconsciousness. (A)I have heard SO many adults, overcome by a life crisis*, recalling what they were told as a child: “I am so useless, 人生の中での危機 I know I am.” Psychologists, like many professional groups, tend to complicate things just a little, and call these statements (³)‘attributions'. These attributions crop up* again and again in adult life. "Why don't you apply for the promotion?" "No, I'm not good enough.” "He's just like your last husband. Why did you marry him?" "I am just stupid, I guess.” These words - 'not good enough', 'just stupid' - did not come (c)out of the blue. (a)They are recorded in people's brains because (b)they were said to (c)them at an age when (d)they to question (e)their truthfulness*. I can hear you saying, "children must disagree with the 'you' messages they are given." Certainly children think about the things that are said to them, checking for accuracy. But they may have no comparisons. Sometimes we are all lazy, selfish, untidy, stupid, forgetful, mischievous, and so on. What our parents say is sometimes true of any of us. So, that is why children have no choice but to believe in what thai were unable n 66 e C

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英語 高校生


次の英文を読んで, 設問に答えなさい。 [5] The headline grabs your attention: "The ancient tool used in Japan to boost memory." You've been The Japanese art of racking up clicks online more forgetful recently, and maybe this mysterious instrument from the other side of the world, no less! could help out? You click the link, and hit play on the video, awaiting this information that's bound to change your life. The answer? A soroban (abacus). Hmm, () それは私がどこに鍵を置いたか覚えておく助けになりそうには ないですよね? This BBC creation is part of a series called "Japan 2020," a set of Japan-centric content looking at various inoffensive topics, from the history of Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki pancakes to pearl divers. The abacus entry, along with a video titled "Japan's ancient philosophy that helps us accept our flaws," about kintsugi (a technique that involves repairing ceramics with gold-or silver-dusted lacquer), cross over into a popular style of exploring the country: Welcome to the Japan that can fix you. For the bulk of the internet's existence, Western online focus toward the nation has been of the "weird Japan" variety, which zeroes in rare happenings and micro "trends," but presents them as part of everyday life, usually just to entertain. This sometimes veers into "get a load of this country" posturing to get more views online. It's not exclusive to the web traditional media indulges, too but it proliferates online. Bagel heads, used underwear vending machines, rent-a-family services - it's a tired form of reporting that has been heavily criticized in recent times, though that doesn't stop articles and YouTube videos from diving into "weird Japan." These days, wacky topics have given way to celebrations of the seemingly boring. This started with the global popularity of Marie Kondo's KonMari Method of organizing in the early 2010s, which inspired books and TV shows. It's online where content attempts to fill a never-ending pit - where breakdowns of, advice and opinions about Kondo emerged the most. Then came other Japanese ways to change your life. CNBC contributor Sarah Harvey tried kakeibo, described in the headline as "the Japanese art of saving money." This "art" is actually just writing things down in a notebook. Ikigai is a popular go-to, with articles and videos popping up all the time explaining the mysterious concept of ... having a purpose in life. This isn't a totally new development in history, as Japanese concepts such as wa and wabi sabi have long earned attention from places like the United States, sometimes from a place of pure curiosity and sometimes as pre-internet "life hacks" aimed making one's existence a little better. (B) The web just made these inescapable. There's certainly an element of exoticization in Western writers treating hum-drum activities secrets from Asia. There are also plenty of Japanese people helping to spread these ideas, albeit mostly in the form of books like Ken Mogi's "The Little Book of Ikigai." It can result in dissonance. Naoko Takei Moore promotes the use of donabe, a type of cooking pot, and was interviewed by The New York Times for a small feature this past March about the tool. Non- Japanese Twitter users, in a sign of growing negative reactions to the "X, the Japanese art of Y" presentations, attacked the piece... or at least the headline, as it seemed few dove the actual content of the article (shocking!), which is a quick and pleasant profile of Takei Moore, a woman celebrating her country's culinary culture. Still, despite the criticism by online readers, the piece says way more about what English-language readers want in their own lives than anything about modern Japan. That's common in all of this content, and points to a greater desire for change, whether via a new cooking tool or a "Japanese technique to overcome laziness." The Japan part is just flashy branding, going to a country that 84% of Americans view positively find attention-grabbing ideas for a never-ending stream of online content. And what do readers want? Self-help. Wherever they can get it. Telling them to slow down and look inside isn't nearly as catchy as offering them magical solutions from ancient Japan.

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英語 高校生


ロ(6) We received the results of the ( ) we conducted last month. The good 15:31 以 日51% CON Q&A Q news is that most customers are extremely happy with their n products. However, they are not as pleased with the help they get whas they call the customer service hotline. 1.outlook 2.opinion 3. client 4. survey ロ(7) Polly is retiring after working in the manufacturing department for fifteen years. The other ()in the department are collecting money to buy her a nice gift and take her out to dinner. 1. instruments 2. equipment 3. employees 4. occupation ) the best service possible for our customers. All ロ(8) We want to ( employees need to smile and answer questions, even if that is not part of their regular job description. 1. receive 2. confront 3.regard 4. provide ロ(9) The human resources department gave the employees a survey to fill out. The company wants to collect honest ( )about the new overtime policy, so the employees' names are not written on the form. 1. feedback 2. balance 3. remainder 4. security 口(10) A: The section on your resume that describes your education is ( Did you graduate from college? B: Yes, I did. However, it took me six years because I had to work at the same time as I attended school. 1. precise 2. forgetful 3. accurate 4.vague コ (11) A: I saw you shopping at Big Market last night but didn't say hello. Do| you go there often? B: Yes, I ( ) stop there on my way home from work. 1. never 2. frequently 3. forever 4. rarely ] (12) I usually drink coffee in a café in the morning, but recently it has got more expensive. I thought I would try making some at home ( going out. 1. better than 2. as for 3. instead of 4. close to 閉じる Q&A

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

( )に入る番号を選んで英文をすべて日本語にやくしてほしいです!!至急おねがいします🙇

) we conducted last month. The good ロ(6) We received the results of the ( news is that most customers are extremely happy with their no products. However, they are not as pleased with the help they get when they call the customer service hotline. 1.outlook 2.opinion 3. client 4. survey ロ(7) Polly is retiring after working in the manufacturing department for fifteen years. The other ( buy her a nice gift and take her out to dinner. )in the department are collecting money to 1. instruments 2. equipment 3. employees 4. occupation ) the best service possible for our customers. All ロ (8) We want to ( employees need to smile and answer questions, even if that is not part of their regular job description. 1. receive 2. confront 3. regard 4. provide ロ(9) The human resources department gave the employees a survey to fill out. The company wants to collect honest ( ) about the new overtime policy, so the employees' names are not written on the form. 1. feedback 2. balance 3. remainder 4. security ロ(10) A: The section on your resume that describes your education is ( Did you graduate from college? B: Yes, I did. However, it took me six years because I had to work at the same time as I attended school. 1. precise 2. forgetful 3. accurate 4. vague コ (11) A: I saw you shopping at Big Market last night but didn't say hello. Do you go there often? B: Yes, I ( ) stop there on my way home from work. 1. never 2. frequently 3. forever 4. rarely ] (12) I usually drink coffee in a café in the morning, but recently it has got more expensive. I thought I would try making some at home ( ) going out. 1. better than 2. as for 3. instead of 4. close to

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