

英語 高校生

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10 *** 5 Dances Around the World This is a student's report about dances around the world. Section 1 Setting 生徒が世界のさまざまなダンスについてレポートしています。 How did the hula begin? There are many dances around the world. Each of them has a unique background. Here, let's look at three styles of dancing: the hula, Irish dance, breakdancing. and The first dance is the hula in Hawaii. It comes from the indigenous religion there. In ancient Hawaii, people showed their respect for gods by dancing. They also danced to pass on important values from generation to generation. That was because they had no formal writing system at the time. In other words, the hula was more than a leisure activity. In the hula, dancers use their hands to express G emotions and things in nature. The dancers believe that they can communicate various messages through 15 the hula. background [bækgrȧund] hula [hú:lǝ] ♦Irish láiriЛ] breakdancing [bréikdænsin] religion [rilidzǝn] ancient [éinfant] generation [dzènǝréifn] leisure [li:3ǝr]) TF Su Read 世 フラダンスを踊るハワイ先住民の女性 (1938年) 1. Does each of the dances have a unique background? & 2. What did people in Hawaii show by dancing? 1 2 13 .text ⚫ new words A 3. What do hula dancers believe? 8 pass on ~~を伝える 8 from generation to generation (t 10 at the time 10 writing system 書きことばのしくみ

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数学 高校生


次のTopic について、自分の意見とその理由を50 語程度の英文で書きなさい。 Topic :If you had an "Anywhere Door", where would you go? Topic 2: If you could travel in a time machine, when would you go to? Topic 3: Do you think more people will have pets in the future? 55 ☺ If I could travel in a time machine, I want to go to Heian Period. I have two reasons. First. I can watch Helankya. Sei Shenagon and Murasaki Shikibu. I like their essay. so I want to talk with them. For this reason. I want to go to Helan Period 54歳 0 If I had an Second. I want to meet "Anywhere Door", I want to go to Shizuoka. I have two reasons. First I want to eat Local gourment food like Fuzimiya-yakicabo, Second I want to watch the volley match of Hamamatushugakusha high school. But I haven't enough many to ge So I want to go to Shizuoka with anywhere door. ☺ I think more people will have pets in the future. It's because having And having pets make children's pets is good for education. emotions enriching. Also, pet helps relieve children's loneliness. So I think more people will have pete in the future Check! □自分の意見や考えを最初に述べているか。 □その理由を述べているか 理由に対する具体的な事例・事実を述べているか ( つなぎ言葉を効果的に使っているか。 □単語・文法の誤りはないか。 ) words

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