

英語 高校生

英検2級の要約問題です。 添削をお願いします。 字数の目安が45〜55語と書いてあるんですが、61語はアウトですか?

出題例 2級 Writing 既存の 「意見論述」 の出題に加え、 「要約」 問題を出題 以下の英文を読んで, その内容を英語で要約し, 解答欄に記入しなさい。 ●語数の目安は45語~55 語です。 ●解答欄の外に書かれたものは採点されません。 ●解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は, 0 点と採点されることがあります。 英文をよく読ん でから答えてください。 When students go to college, some decide to live at home with their parents, and others decide to rent an apartment by themselves. There are other choices, too. These days, some of them choose to share a house with roommates. What are the reasons for this? Some students have a roommate who is good at math or science and can give advice about homework. Other students have a roommate from abroad and can learn about a foreign language through everyday conversations. Because of this, they have been able to improve their foreign language skills. On the other hand, some students have a roommate who stays up late at night and watches TV. This can be noisy and make it difficult for others to get enough sleep. Some students have a roommate who rarely helps with cleaning the house. As a result, they have to spend a lot of time cleaning the house by themselves.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

英検3級の問題です 勉強はしているのですがなぜか正答率が上がらなくて困ってます💦 どうして間違えるのか、どうすればいいのか得意な方アドバイスお願いします🙏

B: Sure, Andy. No problem. ) the rules? 2 wake 模擬試験 注意 音声はポケリスアプリで聞いてください。 実際の試験ではマークシートが配布されます。 この模擬試験では解答をそのまま 書き込んでください。 1 次の(1)から(15)までの( )に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。 ⑩ask (8) The homework Mr. Baker gave us is a ( little 2 less 3 sell ④explain difficult. I need someone's help. ) 3 many 4 more (9) My hobby is cooking. When I was little, my grandmother often taught me ( cake. 1 why 2 what (10) A: Do you like climbing mountains? B: No, I don't like it at ( 1 every 3 how ) because I get too tired. 2 best 3 all 4 who 4 each (1) A: Are you going to ( ) the basketball club? B: Yes. That's my favorite sport. 1 leave 2 move 3 join (2) A: I will go to the new ( ). Do you want to come with me? B: Yes, I'd love to. I want to see the dolphin show. 1 stadium 2 aquarium (3) A: Would you like another piece of pizza? B: No, thanks. I'm already ( ). 1 angry 2 local 4 drive 3 shape 4 capital 3 thirsty (4) A: Can I see your student card? I need to check your name and ( B: OK. Here you are. 1 line 2 air 4 full ) to make a (11) Ann was ( ) from school yesterday because she had a bad headache. She also had fever. 1 serious 2 familiar 3 absent 4 expensive (12) Michael has been practicing tennis very hard for two years. ( ) last, he won firs the tennis competition yesterday. I On At (13) A: Do you know the boy ( ) with Jenny? 3 By B: Yes. He is from England. He will study with us for two months. 4 Of (1 talked talking (14) A: I like this song very much. 3 talk 4 talks B: Oh, I know this song. It is ( ) in many countries. age 3 statue 1 sing 2 sang sung sir (15) Students ( who 2 whose ) want to go to the ski camp must come to the cafeteria af 3 what 4 v 3 bring 4 steal (5) A: Excuse me, how many books can I ( ) from this library? B: Five books. You can keep them for ten days. ⑪borrow 2 lend [6) A: Have you finished your breakfast, Betty? B: No. I'm ( ) eating, Mom. still 3 else 4 away ever

解決済み 回答数: 1