

英語 中学生

問26の問題の解説をお願いしたいです 🙏🏻 下線部の leading driver とはどういう意味なのでしょうか … 🌀

h * [3] 次の英文は、森林伐採 (deforestation) が地球環境に与える影響に関してのレポートです。 英文 を読み、各問に答えなさい。 (*印の語(句) は注を参考にすること) * The World Resources Institute (WRI) says the world lost 4.2 million hectares (of forest)land) (in 2020) The total area affected was(about the size of The Netherlands.) The loss of forest) (in 2020) was a 12 percent increase over 2019. オランダ How does deforestation affect climate? Climate change both causes forest loss, or deforestation, and is caused by deforestation Scientists warn that climate change creates hotter and drier climates. (18) a result, forests are more *vulnerable to fire and damaging insects. Plants are also important because they take(in CO2 that causes climate change cause 23 Rod Taylor is head(of WRT's forest program.) He said forests hold large amounts of CO2)and that losing them has serious effects ( 19 ) *biodiversity and the climate. *The International Monetary Fund says that the world economy dropped by about 3.5 percent) (in 2020) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But deforestation continued to increase. The WRI かもしれない(可能性がある) says this was possible because lockdowns limited governments' ability to create laws @ ) forest loss People may have also moved out of cities(into local areas.) However, the strongest effects (of COVID-19)( ) forest loss) are probably still to come. WRI researcher Frances Seymour said: "It's possible that governments will try to restart their economies (on the backs) (of forests." Areas (near *the Earth's equator) lost a total of 12.2 million hectares) of forest(in ※形で等しい平等なという意味も持つ。 2020) This loss released the amount (of gas equal(( 20 ) 570 million cars). That is more than ² → [20¹5 equal to ~ 2" ME TEXT ★形前の(時間的、順序的) two times the number of cars on the roads in the United States.) Brazil saw the largest decrease (in forests) The 1.7 million hectares lost was a 25 percent increase (from the previous year.) There was some good news. Indonesia slowed its rate (of deforestation by 17 percent in 2020. Palm oil, a vegetable oil, is a leading driver (of deforestation) Last year, the price of palm oil) decreased, possibly affecting deforestation in Indonesia. (@) addition, experts say/the that are stopping forest loss after damaging fires in 2015) *

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

2 ifの問題です。 受け身なのでOが欠けている状態なので完全分をもってくるア、ウ、オは消しました。byのところにorがあっためifは-かどうかって訳すifだと思いましたが、選択肢にwhetherがなかったためわからなくなり、後ろに不完全文もってこれるwhichにしましたが... 続きを読む

2 この問題は、 解答欄 21 34 に解答すること 次の英文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。 (36点) You'll be surprised by how much a flight attendant can learn about you simply by greeting you at the door of an airplane. V People fly for all sorts of reasons, which means their moods, their expectations, and their baggage will differ greatly. These days, with air travel A due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the simple act of flying has taken on a whole different character with new rules and questions about existing policies (like whether you can bring food on a plane). Flight attendants are experts on every aspect of air travel. They know B to look for, what sets off alarm bells and C to handle a variety of situations at a moment's notice As soon as you step onto the plane, you can bet that they're making some quick observations - it's one of the things your flight attendant won't tell you.) When you step onto the planel you're usually giving off some kind of energy, and flight attendants are in a special position to observe it since they're usually welcoming passengers onto welcoming Far (1)) the aircraft. "Greeting at the door, we notice if we are acknowledged by a smile or a returned (2) hello," says Avalon Irizarry, a flight attendant for American Airlines. And unsurprisingly, if you do return their greeting, you're automatically going to make a better impression. The [7 you / (3) 1 make / will / I flight attendant/one word / like / a]. [If If you notice a flight attendant examining you up and down, the chances are that they're observing your clothing and accessory choices. "You'd be surprised at what people wear!" says Irizarry. "When you're sitting for hours in a metal tube, it's interesting to see people wearing high- heeled sandals and complicated clothing that looks uncomfortable and impossible to adjust and

解決済み 回答数: 1
政治・経済 高校生

対GDP比の求め方を教えてください。 写真の問題の青い丸で囲ってある部分の計算方法が分かりません。教えてください

▼ 政治経済 12 公債 国債と地方債 14 次の国債残高の蓄積 (2021年度末見込み) を示したグ ☆★☆★☆ (兆円) 1000円 900- 800- 700- 600 500 400- 300- 200 100- ラフについて、以下の空欄にあてはまる数値や語句を 答えよ。 赤字国債等残高 1965 70 T 180 75 建設国債残高など 90 95 85 15 21 (年度末) 国債残高は、2021年度末で約★★★ 兆円、対GDP 比で ★★★%に達する見込みである。 これに地方債 残高を加えた長期公的債務残高は★★★ 兆円を突破 し、対GDP比も210%を超えている。 20年、 新型 コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) への緊急経済対 策として、 同年度の ★★★ 予算が3度にわたり組ま れ、そのすべてが ★★★の追加発行で調達されたこ とにより国債依存度は急上昇し、 国債残高は激増して いる。 ◆2020年度は、 訪日外国人旅行客(インバウンド)の需要激減、果 京オリンピック・パラリンピックの延期、店舗や大型施設など の営業自粛などで日本の経済・社会は大きな停滞を余儀なくさ れた。全国民に対する特別定額給付金や、中小企業や個人事業 主などを対象とした持続化給付金など、緊急経済対策で多額の 財政出動が行われることとなり、その財源は国債発行に依存す ることになった。 05 10 SOSTATOS 990 [兆円 2000 700 |兆円 <290 「兆円 1990, 177, 1,200 補正, 国債

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


【ⅢI】 次の(A), (B)の設問に答えよ。 (A)14点,(B) 6点) (A) 次の英文を読んで下の設問に最も適切な解答をせよ。 特に指示のない選択式の設問は記 号を1つ選んで答え, "You may choose more than one option." と指示のある設問に対して複 数の記号を選ぶ場合は, アイウエオ順に解答すること。 Mike: Hello Alex, long time no see! Alex: Hi, it's been almost two years since we last met each other! How were you doing? Mike: Until recently, I was frustrated that I could not meet my friends at university, but I was able to spend more time with my family, so I was okay. By the way, how did you like the online classes? Alex: Personally, I did not like them. It was difficult for me to maintain my concentration at home. Also, I could not resist the temptation of using my smartphone, because there was no supervisor at home who checked whether I was working hard or not. Mike: If you use your phone during class, the professor will definitely tell you off! Mo Alex: Another reason why I prefer in-person classes is that I can ask questions or have discussions with my friends. In the Pre-covid-19 era, when I had questions, I went up to my friend Thomas, one of the best students in our faculty and he taught me everything that I did not understand. Mike: That was a huge issue for me as well. If I have questions piled up, then I am more likely to dislike the subject and have more anxiety towards it. So, my friends and I decided to have meetings online on a regular basis and this helped me to worry less about online learning. Alex: That was really ( 1 ) of you, I should have done that! So, are you in favor of online learning? Mike: Yes, although I have less face-to-face interaction with friends, I like online learning more because I do not have to spend a lot of time commuting to school. I live far away from university and it takes two hours for me to get here by train. B(A) Alex: Really! I did not know that, what time do you wake up? Mike: I usually wake up at 5 am. Alex: That's so early! What do you do on the train? Mike: I just do netsurfing and I do not feel that I use my time productively on the train. If we can continue to take online classes wherever we want, we can get more flexibility in our schedules, We won't have take the time to commute to the university to attend classes, or if we like it, we may even be able to watch lecture videos on our phones while traveling by train. Alex: I understand your opinion, but didn't you have any technical problems? Mike: I only had a few. Besides, most of the professors posted recorded videos of lectures after class. So, I watched the recordings when I missed some parts. Furthermore, I could study at my own pace and the videos allowed me to digest what I had learned. Alex: That's a good point, but it had an adverse effect on my learning. Mike: How? Alex: I started skipping my online classes because I thought I could just watch those recorded videos later. So, just before exams, I had so many videos to watch. Mike: Maybe, traditional classroom settings might be better for people like you. Alex: I think so. Oh, it's time to go to class. Mike: Oh, yeah, have a good day. Alex: You too! 問1 NOTES Topic of the conversation: (2) Standpoint Basis Mike (3) (5) Choose the best one to complete blank 1. 7 because cruel clever I kind 2 Choose the best title to complete blank 2. 7 How to get good results at university Technical issues in online classes Safe remote learning at home I Online learning or learning face to face Alex (4) (6) -11-

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


【Ⅲ】 次の(A), (B)の設問に答えよ。 ((A)14点,(B)6点) (A) 次の英文を読んで,下の設問に最も適切な解答をせよ。 特に指示のない選択式の設問は記 号を1つ選んで答え, "You may choose more than one option." と指示のある設問に対して複 数の記号を選ぶ場合は、 アイウエオ順に解答すること。 Mike: Hello Alex, long time no see! Alex: Hi, it's been almost two years since we last met each other! How were you doing? Mike: Until recently, I was frustrated that I could not meet my friends at university, but I was able to spend more time with my family, so I was okay. By the way, how did you like the online classes? Alex: Personally, I did not like them. It was difficult for me to maintain my concentration at home. Also, I could not resist the temptation of using my smartphone, because there was no supervisor at home who checked whether I was working hard or not. Mike: If you use your phone during class, the professor will definitely tell you off! Hot Alex: Another reason why I prefer in-person classes is that I can ask questions or have discussions with my friends. In the Pre-covid-19 era, when I had questions, I went up to my friend Thomas, one of the best students in our faculty and he taught me everything that I did not understand. Mike: That was a huge issue for me as well. If I have questions piled up, then I am more likely to dislike the subject and have more anxiety towards it. So, my friends and I decided to have meetings online on a regular basis and this helped me to worry less about online learning. Alex: That was really (1) of you, I should have done that! So, are you in favor of online learning? Mike: Yes, although I have less face-to-face interaction with friends, I like online learning more. because I do not have to spend a lot of time commuting to school. I live far away from university and it takes two hours for me to get here by train. Alex: Really! I did not know that, what time do you wake up? Mike: I usually wake up at 5 am. ant mo Alex: That's so early! What do you do on the train? Mike: I just do netsurfing and I do not feel that I use my time productively on the train. If we can continue to take online classes wherever we want, we can get more flexibility in our schedules, We won't have to take the time to commute to the university to attend classes, or if we like it, we may even be able to watch lecture videos on our phones while traveling by train. Alex: I understand your opinion, but didn't you have any technical problems? Mike: I only had a few. Besides, most of the professors posted recorded videos of lectures after class. So, I watched the recordings when I missed some parts. Furthermore, I could study at my own pace and the videos allowed me to digest what I had learned. Alex: That's a good point, but it had an adverse effect on my learning. Mike: How? Alex: I started skipping my online classes because I thought I could just watch those recorded videos later. So, just before exams, I had so many videos to watch. Mike: Maybe, traditional classroom settings might be better for people like you. Alex: I think so. Oh, it's time to go to class. Mike: Oh, yeah, have a good day. Alex: You too! 問1 NOTES Topic of the conversation: ( 2 ) Standpoint Basis Mike (3) (5) Choose the best one to complete blank 1. 7 because cruel clever I kind 2 Choose the best title to complete blank 2. 7 How to get good results at university Technical issues in online classes Safe remote learning at home I Online learning or learning face to face Alex ( 4 ) (6) -11- 18

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