

英語 中学生

こういう英語の長文の解き方教えてください🙏 いっつもテストの時時間かかってしまって… 回答よろしくお願いします…!

5 Alice: Do you believe in horoscopes? Moe: Horoscopes? What are they? Alice: A horoscope has 12'star signs. Your star sign is decided by your birthday. Moe: Oh, I think it's hoshiuranai in Japanese. Alice I see. Each star sign represents a different personality. I'm a Cancer. A Cancer is kind and careful. Moe: That's true! I want you to tell me the English name of my star sign. My birthday is April 15. 10 Alice: You are an Aries. An Aries is brave and always helps friends. * believe in ~ ~を信じる horoscope: 星占い star sign 星座 personality: 性格 Cancer かに座の人 Aries おひつじ座の人 represent 表す 萌の星座の人はどんな性格だと言っていますか。 答えを表す1文に下線を引きなさい。 [80 words] ゆみ 5 速読 由美が行ってみたい国についてスピーチをしています。 I want to go to Thailand. It is located in Southeast Asia. About seventy million people live in the country. Thai is spoken there. I have a friend from Thailand. His name is Dao. He tells me a lot about his country, so I'm interested in it. Thai food is loved in Japan, and there are some Thai food restaurants in our town. I like eating at one of them, but Dao tells me that the food at that restaurant is a little different from *real Thai food. When I visit Thailand, I want to have real Thai food. * Thailand: タイ [99 words] Dao: ダオ (人名) Thai : タイ語, タイの Southeast Asia : 東南アジア real : 本当の be different from ~~と違っている 美がしたいと思っていることを1つ選び、記号を書きなさい。 タイ語を勉強すること タイに住む友達に会いに行くこと 本場のタイ料理を食べること nine

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

写真1枚目の日本語分を英訳するという問題についてです。私は In addition to genes, aquired factors such as diet, smoking, drinking, stress, insufficent sleep and exerci... 続きを読む

LESSON 6 社会問題 「遺伝子検査の問題。 swab sample to a testing institute, one can know his or her risks of developing various diseases. The biggest issue is the accuracy of such Des tests. genetic testing venture 23andMe, dMe.Lin which Google has invested, has started offering the Personal Genome Service to "provide health reports on 254 diseases and conditions" for slightly less than $100. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2013 ordered the company to halt the sales of its saliva collection kit due to concerns over the accuracy of its genetic examinations. (ア) 7 People need to be aware that the results of genetic testing only have a high degree of correlation with the risks for certain diseases. 遺伝子に 加えて、食事、喫煙、飲酒、ストレス、 睡眠不足、運動不足といった後天的 要素が、 癌を含むいくつかの病気の原因である。 Isals! 8 Users of genetic testing services should know that the discovery in genetic examinations of the presence of irregularities that raise the risk of developing certain diseases does not necessarily mean they will develop them. Y 9 So, it is not wise to rely solely on genetic testing. The results testing may cause some people to be unduly pessimistic about their future. The providers of genetic testing services must be careful when explaining C 30 9202 201 .) "Pros and cons es 2014/07/11>) g. nething to try or taking a sam xam. eing careless 即して日本 尿

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英語 高校生

英語 高3 先生のメモ付きで見ずらくてすみません💦 ・公共のガス灯は1800〜1807年間まで無かった ・鳴鳥や海鳥は落ちるまで旋回する ・毎年何十万もの(産まれたばかりの) ウミガメが海で迷子になる ・闇は仕事上は必要ないけど生活に 置いては光と同様に必... 続きを読む

Lesson 12 Light Pollution Class Name (1) If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars, we would live in くつろぐ darkness happily. The midnight world would be as visible to us as it is to the vast number of No. nocturnal species on this planet. Instead, we are diurnal creatures, with eyes adapted to living in the sun's light. This is a basic evolutionary fact, even though most of us don't think of ourselves as diurnal beings any more than we think of ourselves as mammals. Yet it's the only way to explain what we've done to the night; we've engineered it by filling it with light so that we can へように be active at night. (2) This kind of engineering is similar to damming a river. Its benefits come with consequences に伴って起こる 結果 - called light pollution - the effects of which scientists are only now beginning to study. Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design, which allows artificial light to shine outward 人工的な and upward into the sky instead of focusing it downward. Badly designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and greatly alters the light levels and light rhythms, to which many forms of life, including humans, have adapted Wherever human light shines out into the natural world, some aspect of life, whether it is migration, breeding or feeding, is affected. whether A or B· A=·AD3B78332 (3) For most of human history, the phrase "light pollution" would have made no sense. Imagine walking toward London on a moonlit night around 1800, when it was Earth's largest city. Nearly ほとんど a million people lived there with candles, torches, and lanterns. Only a few houses were lit by gas, and there would be no public gaslights in the streets or squares for another seven years. From 広島 (前) さらに a few miles away, you would have been as likely to smell London as to see its faint collective glow. 集まっている様子 (4) Now most humans live under domes of reflected light: of scattering rays from cities and suburbs with too much lighting, and from light-flooded highways and factories. Nearly all of nighttime Europe is a nebula of light, as is most of the United States and all of Japan. In the south Atlantic the glow from a single group of fishing boats squid fishermen attracting prey with 大西 high brightness lamps can be seen from space, burning brighter, in fact, than Buenos Aires or Rio de Janeiro. (5) We've lit up the night, forgetting that it is occupied by many different living species. The number of nocturnal mammal species alone is astonishing. Light is a powerful biological force,

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英語 中学生

中学生英語です。 この問題で「日本やアジア諸国では死者数が多くない」的な事を言いたい事は分かるのですが、アのmanyとウのhighでどっちでもいいのでは…と思いました。答えはウなのですが、どなたか解説お願いします。

IX. 次の 〔1〕 〔2〕 の英文を読んで、それぞれ設問に答えなさい。 [1] By May 2021, more than 3,000,000 people around the world died from the new *coronavirus. The number of deaths was about 600,000 people in the U.S. and 1,000,000 in Europe. On the other hand, the number of deaths was not as ( A ) in Japan and other East Asian countries. We do not understand the reason for the low death *rate in East Asia. Some researchers think that it is because of (B) Asian cultures. Many people in Japan and China wear masks, but masks are not common in North America and Europe. Masks are helpful because the virus enters the body ( C ) the nose and mouth. Another reason may be that Asian people do not shake People touch their face many times every day, and that carries the virus to their nose and hands. mouth. On the other hand, the coronavirus can be more dangerous for people in North America and Europe. All people in the world do not have the same risk of illness. For example, *skin cancer is a very dangerous illness for people in Europe, but it is not as dangerous for people in Africa. *Experts from all over the world are studying (D) this mystery. But the reason is very difficult to find. However, we can be sure that washing hands and wearing a mask in crowds is very helpful. Notes: coronavirus コロナウィルス rate 率 skin cancer 皮膚がん expert 専門家 問 1 空所(A)に入る語として適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び記号で答えなさい。 7. many 1. long high I. small

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


Step 2 1 次の各文の 1. Tom |内に入れるのに最も適当なものを、一つずつ選びなさい。 be living in London now; he moved to Tokyo two months ago. ② would 3 can 4 cannot (愛知工大) ① ought to 2. After a lot of practice he was ① able ② easy 3. Under the circumstances it ① might to understand spoken English. 3 good ④ possible ought 4. I promised that I would lose weight, so I ① don't have to ② must ③ have You must not ③ No, you have to 7. Miki and her family no answer. ① could go be best to wait for a few weeks. needed ④ seemed 5. The room is full of gas, so you ① didn't ② needn't 6. A: Do I have to finish this work today? B: must be strike a match. ③ couldn't ③ should go eat snacks between meals. ④ mustn't ④ mustn't (センター試験) would be ② No, you may not ④ No, you don't have to lout of town. I have called several times, but there is (東京経大) 10. 彼女は長い間歩いておなかがすいているにちがいない。 She (be / after/ hungry/must/ walking) for a long time. (芝浦工大) (日本大) Notes, 8. performance 「演技,芸当 」 3. under the circumstances 「そういう状況では」 9. unlike ... 9. in time 「間に合って (治療が可能な段階で)」 「…..と違って」 (近畿大) 2 ► ( 内に与えられた語句を並べかえて文を完成させなさい。 8. Monkeys learn tricks (give great performances / they will / that / be able to / so easily) in a short time. (名古屋工大) (南山大) 9. 他の病気とは異なり,ガンは適時に適切な手当てをしても治るとは限らない。 Unlike other (be/by/cancer / cured / diseases / may / not / proper) treatment in time. (金沢工大 ) Par 1 ( 大阪学院大 ) 文法編 7

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英語 高校生

これらの問題なのですが、正解以外の選択肢はここの形に当てはまらないから間違いだと認識すればすぐに終わることだと思うのですが、なぜ間違いなのかが具体的に分からないと頭がモヤモヤして先に進めなくなる現象が起きています、、、 どうすればいいかの対処法とそれぞれの問題の解説(正解以... 続きを読む

比較 ~するほものではない 2662 You ought to ( ) than to go to such a dangerous place. 1 have better know better kn 4 turn better 3 make better First 7063 イディアム Ba 副を含む イディオム a 語法 Tils 1064 065 066 代名詞068 の語法( Bor Bor イディオム 067 069 070 071 072 の語法 073 He is ( responsible 3 the source に対して責任がある for the damage, so he must pay for the repairs. the origin ときどき -(- sometimes) They are good friends although, of course, they argue ( ). Devery now and then for the occasion 3 from day to day The teacher gave each child ( タム可算にしかつかない I guess ( 1 almost 2 many I'll have a cup of coffee and ( three toasts 3three pieces of toast 4 guilty ~に席をゆずる、場所をあける He kindly made ( ) for a man with an injured leg. oom place 3 seat 4 to the occasion (= once in a while, at times, on occation ) advice. 3 one + 2 (Step 1 不可算 ) of them went home. most 3 mostly ・所有格がくる "Have you ever seen a panda?" "Yes, I saw ( 1 that Cone one We looked at four cars today. ones were reasonably priced. Danother 4 some + o ・不可算名 hree piece of toasts 4three pieces of toasts position いくらかの~ 4 the most others 4 another doctor (センター試験) Part 2) 13 4 those the+ ) in China last 4 them ( 東京電機大) ⇒ the+半数 a+可算名の単数 5 三人称複数の目的格 I have two watches: one was made in Japan and ( ) in Switzerland. another others 3 the other 4 the others 4 relatives (日本大) (近畿大) from time to tique) (千葉商大) (駒澤大) * There is no room form ~の余地はない Some doctors insist that vitamin C prevents cancer and helps to heal injuries, and () believe that it helps to avoid colds. ℗ the all doctors some doctor (拓殖大) (京都精華大 ) year." 24/2 The first two were too expensive, but ( 2 other 3 the other 可算名の単数 They have been on bad ( ) ever since the holidays. 1 terms rela relation 3 friends ( 京都学園大 ) (拓殖大) 残り2台 (京都産業大) 名城大)

解決済み 回答数: 2