

数学 高校生

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例題 206 三角形の個数(2) A1, A2, A3, ..., ある。この頂点のうち3点を選んで三角形を作るとき, A12 を頂点とする正十二角形が A12 A1 A2 A1 A3 A10 AA A9 A5 次の個数を求めよ. A8 A7 A6 (1)二等辺三角形 (2) 互いに合同でない三角形 分線について対称になる. 方 (1) 二等辺三角形は、 右の図のように底辺の垂直二等 A₁ A1 A12 について同様に考えれば,個数を求める つまり、頂角にくる点を固定して, 底角にくる点ま のとり方を考えればよい. 0 A10 # # AA T T ことができるが,正三角形になる場合に注意する. 3 (2) 頂点間の間隔に着目する. ① 右の図のように①と②は合同 で,①と③は合同でない. 695 01 01st 2000s 05.05 ■ (1) A」 を頂角とする二等辺三角形は, 線分A1A7 に関して対称な点の組 (A2, A12), (A3, A11), A1 (A4, A10), (A5, A9), Ag AA5 正三角形は他の から見ても二等 角形なので重 て数えてしまう blood (A6, A8) の5通り A7 頂点は12個より, 5×12=60 (個) して数えている。 このうち, 正三角形となる4個の三角形は3回重複 正三角形とな A5, Ag (A1, よって, 60-(3-1)×4=52 (個) (A2, A6, Al 2) 1つの頂点をへ

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英語 高校生

英作文の添削をお願いします。🙏 写真一枚目 問 写真二枚目 回答 写真三枚目 解答例・問和訳等

名古屋大・文系 English words in length (Indicate the number of words you have written at the end of your answer. Do not count punctuation such as compras or periods as words 1 200 donors and delivers blood products to those who need them. Figure A below By year the Japanese Red Cross Society collects blood from voluntary shows how the mambers of younger (between the ages 16 and 39) and older between the ages 40 and 69) blood donors have changed in Japan from 2000 to 2019, as well as how the number of all blood donors has changed for the nineteen-year period. Figure B shows the total amount of blood donated in Linear trend lines are shown in dotted lines. Japan from 2000 to 2019 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000- 4.000.000 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 Figure A Age (1639 years) A Age (40-69 years) .... ● All donors B. 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2000 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Years Amount of blood donated (liters) 2.000.000 2.000.000 1,500,000- 1.000.000- 500,000- Figure B QUESTIONS 2023 17 04 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Years Adapted from: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000063233.html Write three 1. Describe what the Figure A show. trend lines in approximately 30 to 50 words. (Indicate the number of words you have written at the end of your answer Do not count punctuation such as commas or periods as words.) 2. Describe the trend depicted in Figure B. and explain how the amount of blood donated per donor has changed since 2000 by referring to both (Indicate the Figures A and B. Write approximately 30 to 50 words. Do not number of words you have written at the end of your answer. count punctuation such as commas or periods as words.)

解決済み 回答数: 1