

英語 高校生


陰性検査 延期 Questions 19 and 20] refer to the following announcement. • . • . Because of Covid, our concert tour has been rescheduled to summer 2023 Tickets for the original dates are still valid. If you have downloaded the app. new tickets will be issued automatically. If you do not have the app you ca i can buy tickets on the band's website or call 555-2276 to speak to an operator. Fans who cannot attend the new date can return their tickets for a full refund on the app or website. Tickets may also be transferred to other fans but only if they are registered with the fan club. Exchange can only be done through the app. The personal details for every ticket holder must be given while purchasing. The app can be downloaded from the Apple Store, Google Play, or the band's website. Covid Restrictions: Spinst 1241 ・規則 We will be following the Covid-19 rules and regulations in each of the areas we are travelling through, so customers should check local protocols with the venue before travelling to the concert. Masks must be worn at all venues. Proof of vaccination and/or ワクチン いや~ a negative test may be required. Covid rules and regulations may change at any time, so keep up to date via the app or the venue's website. 19 What are some of the things you can do on the band's website? ①return tickets, and exchange tickets UP X 2 return tickets, and check Covid regulations exchange tickets, and download the app 4 return tickets, and download the app 11- (2023AA-F-10)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1 : had +£/££?£: had been V-ing 過去のある時点を基準に、それよりさらに過去の出来事について述べるために使われる 「(その時) すでに~していた」 「(その時まで) ずっと~していた」) さらなる過去 過去のある時点 現在 1 This village had lasted for 1,000 years before it disappeared. (p.62) 2 Yamaoka Nobutaka had spent five years visiting 100 Jomon sites before filming a movie. (p.66) 3 When my first flight arrived in Jakarta, my next flight had already left. 4 Before that, they had been moving from one place to another. (p.62) 5 We had been talking for an hour when my mother came in. Exercises 1 Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses. e.g. I went to Sam's house, but he wasn't at home. (he, go, out) He had gone out before I arrived. 1. A woman talked to me on the street. I knew her face. (I, meet, her) I thought I had meet her somewhere before. 2. It was really nice to see him again. (I, not, see, him) 実際の In fact, I had ところは、 not seen him for three years. 3. Katy was so happy with the Japanese doll you gave her yesterday. (look for) She had been looking for it for many years. 2 With your partner, make up conversations with your own ideas. "B" uses "had done" or "had been doing," and "A" responds with comments or questions. 1. A: Did you enjoy the movie with your sister? B: Not really. Before we arrived at the theater, A: 2. A: Hey, you looked very tired when we met last Friday. What was wrong? B: I was so busy last week. I A:

解決済み 回答数: 1