

英語 中学生


Unit Activity 守りたい日本の動物たち 動物名 [主な生息地 現在の数 絶滅危惧の 主な原因 ECK STEP 1 紹介したい動物を選ぼう 下のカードの中から、紹介したい動物を選びましょう。 Name Habitat P Population ► ●統合 ○ イリオモテヤマネコ おきなわ 沖縄県 約 100頭 交通事故 (traffic accidents) 日本ではどんな動物が絶滅の危機にひんしているのでしょうか。 世界に向けて彼らの現状を知らせるための記事を書きましょう。 STEP2 英語で情報を整理しよう 選んだ動物について、例にならって, 英語で記事をまとめましょう。 ○ シマフクロウ ほっかいどう 北海道 約 140羽 ばっさい 森林伐採 (destruction of forests) 例 Let's Help Toki Survive! Toki are one of the endangered animals in Japan. They live in Niigata. There are about 300 in Japan now. Other Information of hunting and development. They became endangered because 環境省のウェブサイトなどから 自分の好きな動物をさがしてもいいよ。 動物名は難しければローマ字で書こう。 □ タンチョウ 北海道 約1,500羽 しつげん 湿原の開発 (development of wetlands) STEP 3 自分の意見や考えを加えて記事を完成しよう んだ動物を守るために必要だと思うことや、自分の考えなどを加えて、記事を完成しましょう。 J1 I think it is important for us to protect the environment. 12 I want people in the world to know about toki. Let's Help Unit 3 題材 世界の絶滅のおそれのある動物について知り、自分たちにで きることを考える。 〔題材 nn Survive! 芽 (

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英語 高校生


m るる PG 読解問題にアプローチ en』 ao 20 文と文をつなぐ語を意識して英文を読もう。 Achange in the worids awareness, or kowiedge about difierences in cnture。 js making = adiOerence in the way people visit clher Iands。 全 SCber wonds ~ changing. Alot ofeoncerned people have jon enyironmental problems and other populaticns in the worid。 These gronps begn to cooperate with one another and with communities throoghont the worid。 They crganized educational groups and friendship tonrs. And they 全Gght about ya newy kind oftoorism. Ture Shaquielle lef her home and stayed in Kenya fr two menths。 When she returned 16 Mapchesier she prepared food for her famiy in the KKenyan way, She brought home a dress Hike one that her greatgreatgrandmother it have worn She didnt bring home many souvenira but she did bring home stariee about where her "encestors hed once lied. Ture went 語arch orher cultural background and ond a new understanding ft 皇証 stories about the animals cp the broad grassy lains and the thick fresta made Kenya real tober family and friends. Touriets ike ror iit commniies spd 1ands Ror new reasons Tbese travelsre are な reeponeible tonrists. They want to 本Po know the people and enjoy the land。 They act respecdfully Some cfthe tonrs ane neture toors。 Peopie cn these toors earn abont the nyironment。 Tbey want to see the wildHie 一both the animals and the plante in their netural enwironments。 They earn abont the 1and and en)oy it beauty,but they are carehul not to destroy anything = Bythe1980sumanyortheresponsiie tourits aleo became enyironmental tourists. Thewe eople traveled not oniy to enioy the Iand and peonler bt aleo to belp saye the enwironment snd to work orglobal peace. Their goalwas harmony between all eople and tbe Iand. Theresponeiietouristaand he eyironmental touritebecame intereeted in the Riaces hey hmd vigited. These peonle were interested im eoology and cared for the natoral state ofthe enyironment。 They began tolook rways to help save the enyironment so they joined spedal tours. AtRmtthe money they peid fr the rips helped pay br prolecHon cfthe enyironment ィ These groups worked hard: or erample, a group of city office workers "got their hands ゃ dirty They built a new *trailin an arem where rain was washing eway the soil on the side cf the mountain. They carried stones to strengthen the steep hill and to make steps in some areas. They plapted native bushes to bold back the "mud in the rainy season。 They ere ideml eeo-tonriste. ezm "anemwtor = "re人半"med=電 Wa ee e んara edg ん 3E 630o3 anivELa. sart Ceesee he

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