

英語 高校生

Q&Aな①の問題で質問がありますMany plastics を代名詞に置き換えたいのですが単数の場合は「it」ですが複数の場合はなんでしょうか?また、Googleで検索したり色々な友達に聞いたりしたらthem、they、thereじゃない?と人によってみんな代名詞が違ったの... 続きを読む

Lesson 10 SDGs ? p. 147For Your Information E Model 1 Setting Students are giving a presentation about microplastics. 本文の太字は、プレゼン テーションの定型表現 マイクロプラスチックについて、生徒たちがプレゼンテーションをしています。 ①Hello, everyone. Today, our group will talk about microplastics. As you know, plastics are very useful. However, many of them end up in the ocean as waste. The waves then break these plastics into particles called "microplastics." Also, microbeads used in health and beauty products come into the ocean. Next, I'll talk about why microplastics are a problem. The main reason is related to the food chain. Birds and fish eat microplastics by mistake. In one study, microplastics were found in 40% of fish caught near Japan. Scientists worry that negative effects on human health might show up someday. 3 Now, I'll talk about actions against microplastics. Many actions are taken at the governmental and non-governmental levels. In the EU, a law bans the use of plastics for some disposable products. In Japan, major companies have already ended the use of microbeads. 4 Let me conclude with what we can do. I recommend the 4Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle. For example, bring your own bag when you go shopping. Put plastics in the recycle bin when you throw them away. Your small actions will lead to a big change someday. Q&A 1. Where do many plastics end up?

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

英語の選択問題を解いてみたのですが、自信が無いのでどなたか教えてくださると嬉しいです。 特に[1]と[2]が分かりません。

[1] Hello, everyone. Today, I want to ( you had ( C ) sleep last night? Let's say, more than seven hours? Today's (d ) is going to (e effects of lack of sleep. 1. among 6. introduction A a 2. depend 7. many b a 2 a ) a common problem ( b ) university students, lack of sleep. How many of ) on the causes and 5 [2] Finishing your assignments, preparing for exams, partying, or checking your smartphone these are the common (a ) why students stay up late. I understand that these are important ( b ) of university life. But today, I want to (c ) you that sleep actually ( d ). We need enough sleep because sleep deprivation can (e ) seriously negative impacts on our health. 1. ask 6. matters 2. become 7. parts b 3. discuss 8. presentation 4 C 3. cause 8. questions C 4. enough 9. talk 4 C 4. convince 9. reasons 5. focus 10. to d 8 d [3] First, lack of sleep (a ) affects your physical health. Research has shown that sleep deprivation can impact the immune ( b ). Consequently, to fight infections becomes more difficult, and we become more likely to get sick after being exposed to a ( C ). Moreover, if you regularly follow a poor sleeping schedule, your risk of developing serious (d) conditions increases ( e ), such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. 1. medical 2. negatively 3. significantly 4. system b d 5. just 10. situations. 4 e 5. virus e 3 e 3

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

この黄色い付箋を貼っている文で、innocence and wrongful convictionsの部分の和訳が、無実や間違った有罪判決を理由に となっているのですが、 理由に という部分は英文でいうとどこを指しているのでしょうか?

An innocent person who has been executed can never be brought back to life. The probability of error increases with every execution. And, as illustrated by several dramatic pre-execution releases, the risk of fatal error is much greater for poor and minority defendants, the majority of whom lack Madequate legal representation. Since 1977 alone, more than 70 condemned prisoners have been released due to credible claims of innocence. And, of the 500 executions since 1997, innocence and wrongful convictions have required the release of one person for every seven executed. What of those whose 10 m いない貧しい少数民族の被告人の場合にはるかに大きなものになる。 1977年以降だ ているように、致命 が行なわれて っても、70人以上の死刑囚が信頼のおける無罪の主張をしたために釈放されて で、無実や間違った有罪判決であることを理由に釈放が要求されていたのである。 であることが発見されないままの人たちはどうなるのだろうか? 悲劇的なことで はあるが、処刑された少なくとも23人は無実であったことを示唆する有力な証拠が存 る。 そして、 1997年以降の500の死刑執行のうち、処刑された7人に対し1人の のである。 額に対処するのに安上がりな方法

解決済み 回答数: 1