

英語 高校生

写真3枚目の青で印をつけているところについて質問です。 ①日本語訳の中に、しょっちゅう、 と書いてあるのですが、そのような 頻度を表すものはどこに書いてあったのでしょう ? ②A lotとありますが 、どうやったら、 たくさん理由があるのだ。 という日本語に導けるのでしょう... 続きを読む

構文解析 1 (In late December), (while home for the holidays), an old friend and I set out for a café (we'd been meaning to visit since high school. 和訳 12月下旬、体で家にいた頃、旧友と私は高校時代から訪れたいと思ってい た喫茶店に向かおうと家を出た。 set out 出発する」 mean to ~ 「~するつもりである」 2 (Thirty-five minutes into what should have been a fifteen-minute drive), we accepted that we needed help. 0 0 [和訳 和 15分運転すれば着くはずのところを35分運転したところで、私たちは助けが必 要なことを認めた。 3 "Just look it up (on your phone)," my friend said from behind the wheel. S 車を運転しながら友人が「ちょっとスマートフォンで検索してみて」と言った。 I look up ~ 「~を調べる」、 behind the wheel 「車を運転して」 lookup~ 4 "I can't," I replied, waving my Samsung flip phone, with no Internet capabilities), above the dashboard). 和訳 私はインターネット機能のないサムスンの折り畳み式携帯電話をダッシュボー ドの上でひらひらと振って「できないの」と返した。 「wave 「振る」 flip phone 「折り畳み式携帯電話」 wave, [2] ② 1 My friend sighed. 和訳 私の友人はため息をついた。 語句 sigh 「ため息をつく」

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

9行目のitが何を指しているかということと、have been thinkingが完了進行形の受動態として使われているのか、be動詞の完了形でthinkingが名詞として使われているのかわからないので教えて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

10 5 おかれる a 不気味 71 1/In a disgusting series of experiments in the early 1960s, a surgeon in America cut open the heads of monkeys and removed their brains. サ ◎Then he placed each brain on an apparatus specially designed to V3 C 機能する supply it with nutrients that would keep it alive] It seemed to work. (1) VS 0 C Brain waves were produced as they would be from a living brain 文理由 (付帯も precace 「被っているので省略さ ことが多 lasは前のもので内容が However deprived of any kind of sensory input no sights nor sounds, つまり no tastes nor smells, no touching nor feeling, no pleasure nor pain its thinking must/necessarily have been limited to memories and したにちがいない abstractions. Indeed, it may not have been thinking at all. <In most してないかもしれない animals, partial sensory deprivation can lead to hallucinations*, and ☆文を切りはす 狂気 extreme deprivation to madness, the “thoughts” of the monkey's brain can Fed lead to よくこびmay not have been meaningful or clear thoughts, but nerve cells firing randomly. M XC 1つの出来事 動名

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

Q&Aな①の問題で質問がありますMany plastics を代名詞に置き換えたいのですが単数の場合は「it」ですが複数の場合はなんでしょうか?また、Googleで検索したり色々な友達に聞いたりしたらthem、they、thereじゃない?と人によってみんな代名詞が違ったの... 続きを読む

Lesson 10 SDGs ? p. 147For Your Information E Model 1 Setting Students are giving a presentation about microplastics. 本文の太字は、プレゼン テーションの定型表現 マイクロプラスチックについて、生徒たちがプレゼンテーションをしています。 ①Hello, everyone. Today, our group will talk about microplastics. As you know, plastics are very useful. However, many of them end up in the ocean as waste. The waves then break these plastics into particles called "microplastics." Also, microbeads used in health and beauty products come into the ocean. Next, I'll talk about why microplastics are a problem. The main reason is related to the food chain. Birds and fish eat microplastics by mistake. In one study, microplastics were found in 40% of fish caught near Japan. Scientists worry that negative effects on human health might show up someday. 3 Now, I'll talk about actions against microplastics. Many actions are taken at the governmental and non-governmental levels. In the EU, a law bans the use of plastics for some disposable products. In Japan, major companies have already ended the use of microbeads. 4 Let me conclude with what we can do. I recommend the 4Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle. For example, bring your own bag when you go shopping. Put plastics in the recycle bin when you throw them away. Your small actions will lead to a big change someday. Q&A 1. Where do many plastics end up?

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


英語 ( 70分) 1 次の文章を読んで 1~7の問いに英語で答えなさい。 It's Christmas Eve, December 24, 1914. The night is clear and cold/ Moonlight illuminates the snow/covered land separating the British and German trenches outside a small town in northern France. British military command feeling nervous sends a message to the front lines: it is thought possible the enemy may attack during Christmas or New Year. Extra caution will be maintained during this period. The military command has no idea what's really about to happen. Around seven for eight in the evening/ British soldier Albert Moren blinks in disbelief What's that on the other side? Lights flicker on./ one by one. Lanterns. he sees, and torches, and... Christmas trees? /"Stille Nacht, That's when he hears it - soldiers singing in German/" heilige Nacht." Never before had the Christmas music sounded so beautiful. I shall never forget it," Moren says later. It was one of the highlights of my life. Then, in response, the British soldiers start singing The First Noel." The Germans applaud, and counter by singing "O Tannenbaum." They go back-and-forth for a while, until finally the two enemy camps sing "O Come, All Ye Faithful" in Latin, together. "This was really a most extraordinary thing." soldier Graham Williams later recalled, "two nations both singing the same Christmas music in the middle of a war." Events just north of a small town in western Belgium go further still. From the enemy trenches, Corporal John Ferguson hears Someone call out, asking if they want some tobacco. "Come towards the light," shouts the German. So Ferguson walks out into no-man's land into the field between both armies. "We were soon speaking as if we had known each other for years." he later wrote. "What a sight little groups of Germans and British talking together almost as far as the eye can seel Out of the darkness we could hear laughter and see lighted matches.... Here we were laughing and chatting to men who only a few hours before we were trying to kill!" The next morning. Christmas Day, the bravest of the soldiers again climb out of the trenches. Walking past the barbed wire, they go over to shake hands with the enemy. Then they wave "come on!" to those who'd stayed behind. "We all cheered." remembered soldier Leslie Washington of the Queen's Westminster Rifles. "and then we all came out together like a football crowd." (A Gifts are exchanged. The British offer chocolate, tea and cakes: and the Germans share cigars, sauerkraut and schnapps. They make jokes and take group photographs as though it's a big./happy reunion/ More than one game of football is played./using helmets for goal posts. One match goes 3-2 to the Germans, another goes to the British, 4-1. In northern France/the opposing sides hold a joint burial service. "The Germans formed up on one side." Lieutenant Arthur Pelham- Burn later wrote./"the English on the other, the military officers standing in front, helmets off, heads bowed in respect. As their friends are laid to rest friends killed by enemy bullets - they sing in English "The Lord is My Shepherd" and the same song in German mein Hirt" their voices in unison. "Der Herr That evening, there are Christmas dinner parties up and down the lines. One English soldier finds himself invited into the German held zone to a wine cellar, where he and a soldier from southern Germany pop open a bottle of 1909 French champagne. The men exchange

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

解答が無くて困ってます 答え教えてもらえると助かります

ⅡI. 次の英文の空欄 ( 11 ) から ( 30 )に入る最も適切な語句を, a.〜d.の中から 1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式)の所定の解答欄にマークし なさい。 Huy Fong Foods, the southern California company that produces 20 million bottles of sriracha (1) annually, has experienced a low ( 11 ) of red jalapeño chili peppers in recent years made worse by spring's crop failure. What is the cause? ( 12 ) weather and drought (2) conditions in Mexico. It's not (13) chili peppers. Mustard producers in France and Canada said extreme weather caused a 50% reduction in seed production last year, ( 14 ) to a shortage of the condiment on grocery store shelves. Blistering heat, stronger storms, droughts, floods, fires and changes in rainfall (15) are also affecting the cost and availability of staples, including wheat, corn, coffee, apples, chocolate and wine. The climate crisis is increasing the intensity and ( 16 ) of extreme weather events — and it's putting food production at risk. "Almost everything we grow and ( 17 ) in the US is facing some climatic stress," said Carolyn Dimitri, nutrition and food studies professor at NYU. Wheat and other grain crops are particularly ( 18 ). In the Great Plains region, (19) most of the US's wheat is harvested, drought depressed the winter crop. Farmers are abandoning farmland used for growing winter wheat in the US-primarily in Texas and Oklahoma - at the highest rate since 2002. Meanwhile in Montana, flooding is (20) grain crops. The impact of the climate crisis on grain crops ( 21 ) beyond the US. In India, a fierce heatwave damaged the wheat crop ( 22 ) record-setting temperatures throughout the spring and summer. As Delhi hit 49°℃ in May, the government placed a ( 23 ) on wheat exports, driving up prices even further than the rise following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Food production is a driver of the climate crisis and a (24) of it. ( 25 ) the food system will require a wide variety of actions, including increasing crop diversity, delivering climate (26) to farmers around the world, expanding conservation programs and offering growers insurance that pays out when an index such as rain or wind speed falls above or below a fixed limit. The Biden administration is supporting research into "climate-smart" agriculture, an approach to managing cropland, forest, fisheries and cattle that attempts to address the intersecting challenges of the climate crisis and food ( 27 ). In May, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, said that climate-related disasters and extreme weather were a driver of global hunger and that 1.7 billion people ( 28 ) by the climate crisis over the last decade. Experts say (29) action is taken, we can expect to see increased food prices, decreased availability and conflict over water, which will primarily affect poorer countries and low-income Americans, (30) everything from school lunches to food aid programs. © Copyright Guardian News & Media Ltd 2023 (1) sriracha (2) drought かんばつ 世界中で人気のチリソース

解決済み 回答数: 1