

英語 高校生


Past Tense, Past Progressive (2) Warm Up! (1) ( に入れるのに正しくないものを1つ選んでください。(b) Warm Up He began to practice karate only ( ). 1. recently 2. two weeks earlier 3. these days 4. one week ago Part 2: Grammar Section 《解説と解答》 「彼はつい最近 (2週間早く; 先週) 空手の練習を始めた」 という意味ですから、 3. these days のみが、 過去形の動詞と共に使えない表現です。 these days は 「このごろ (最近)」 という意味で すが、 現在形 現在進行形や現在完了形とともに用います。 Warm Up! (2) ( に入れるのに最適な表現を1つ選んでください。 John didn't want to see me because he () his lunch. 1. once had 2. was having 3. has 4. took 《解説と解答》 「ジョンは昼食中だったので、私に会いたがらなかった」 という意味ですから、 ジョンが私に会い たがらなかった理由を完成させます。 私に会いたがらなかった時に進行していた動作が「昼食を取る」 ことですから 2. was having の過去進行形にするのが適切です。 なお、 have lunch の have は 「食 べる (eat) 」 の意味ですから、この意味の場合haveは進行形で用いることができます。 Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks in these sentences with one of the choices below. 3. A pine tree (a) stands 1. While Cindy. (a) was playing (b) is playing (c) played her violin yesterday, two of her strings broke. (d) has played up late the night before to 2. My paper was due yesterday, so I complete it. (a) stayed (b) stood (b) would stay (c) stay (d) am staying at the gate, and a girl was standing in its shade. (d) standing (c) was standing 4. The car wasn't here yesterday because Jane takes the bus, but the drivers were on strike. (a) uses (b) is using (c) has used 5. One of the boys (a) fall (b) falls 6. When the door bell rang, I (a) take (b) am taking 7. Mr. Brown (a) leave (b) is leaving (d) was using in the river, but I dived in and saved him. (c) were falling (d) fell a shower. (c) was taking the office only a minute ago. (c) was leaving 8. During the last earthquake books (a) fall it. She generally (b) are falling (c) had been falling (d) taking (d) left from the shelf. (d) fell Unit 4 Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks in the passage below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. The first one is done for you. Mark (live) lives in Japan. His family (come) five years ago, when his father (start) Osaka. At that time Mark was still only 10 years old, and he (do) not want to leave America. But now, he (have) Osaka, and he likes living there. During the last summer vacation, Mark (go) United States with his parents. They (visit) Washington D.C., and Boston, and (enjoy) They also (go) Mark's grandparents. His grandparents (be) see Mark. One evening, as they (eat) the telephone (ring) Mark and his parents (talk) over one hour. Now Mark is back in Osaka. He (want) his grandparents again. He is (plan). America by himself next time. to Japan his own business in many friends in back to the New York, seeing the sights. to a small town in Connecticut to (see) very happy to a big chocolate cake, It was Mark's aunt in California. with her one after another for to (visit) to go to

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英語 中学生

問2の答えが 対話文の訳を読んでも分からないんですけどなんでウなんですか、? この「Sounds great」はタカシが話した「世界のウチナーンチュ大会」に対しての反応じゃないんですか? しかも、海外に住む沖縄の人々 じゃなくて、沖縄に住む海外の人々 じゃないんですか?... 続きを読む

回次の対話文は, クラスメートのユリコ(Yuriko)とタカシ(Takashi)が, 空港に向かうバスで話しているところ です。これを読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 〈沖縄改) Yuriko :Hi, Takashi. I'm surprised to see you on the bus. You always ride your bike. Takashi : You are right. I go to school bybike every day, but I'm going to Naha Airport to pick up my cousin, Erick. Yuriko :Really? I'm going to the airport, too. ① My friend ()( ) back to his country today. Where does your cousin Erick come from? 5 Takashi : From Brazil. T.oM Yuriko :I didn't know you have a cousin in Brazil. What will he do in Okinawa? Takashi : He will join the Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival. M Yuriko :What is that? Takashi: It's the festival for Okinawan people in foreign countries, Their ancestors moved to these 10 countries a long time ago because Okinawa was very poor? They had a really hard time in foreign countries, but they worked so hard to become fich, This festival shows us their history. We can become friends with Okinawan people from foreign countries. :2 Sounds great. Yuriko aw sen gpltde 15 Takashi : Erick knows a lot about Okinawan culture. He learned aboutit from his grandfather in Brazil. We should learn about it, too. vb ep Yuriko :I also believe ③ that is very important. So, ④ (is / in the festival / going / do / to / what / your cousin)? lpo 0o yllsu Takashi : He is going to join the karate performance. He is also going to play the sanshin with the 20 eisa dancers. And we can enjoy food and goods from foreign countries in the festival. 9eurm Yuriko :That sounds like fun. ~を迎えに行く 0.bihioyWW Najy ot1 the Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival 世界のウチナーンチュ大会 DV Brazil ブラジル (注)pick up ~ or bi ancestor 祖先 sanshin 三線(沖縄の弦楽器) eisa エイサー(沖縄の盆踊り) goods 商品 )に適する語を書きな will 問1 下線部のが「私の友達が今日,帰国します」という意味になるように, ( D4 さい。 問2 ユリコが下線部2のように言ったのは, 何についてですか。 適するものをア~エから1つ選び,記 号で答えなさい。 アエリックが空手演舞に参加すること。 1290 「 ora (T5) イ 世界のウチナーンチュ大会が開催されること。 タカシのいとこに会えること。 エ ウ 海外に住む沖縄の人々と知り合えること。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


適切な 「時」 を用いて文を作る) 日本語の意味に合うように下線部に適当な語句を書 きなさい。(必要に応じて,[和文和訳]の空欄をうめて考えてみよう。) 3 Exercises in English Composition 塾 cram[krém] 和文和訳[隠れた主語を補う]+ [別の表現に言い換える] は)毎週金曜日に塾に( school (英)回private tuition[tju:ifon] (1)毎週金曜日は塾だ。 へ every Friday. mib 空手 回karate (2)私は小学生のとき,6年間空手を習っていた。 ~を習う take ~ lessons / take lessons in [on] in elementary school. (3) (1 4 遊びに来る[訪ねて 来る] (3) 明日友だちが遊びに来る予定なので, 今日は部屋の掃除で忙しい。 和文和訳 [隠れた主語を補う] は)部屋の掃除で忙しい Come (to) see me / come and see me / visit me [注」× come to play today. ~で忙しい be busy doing SO 和文和訳[隠れた主語を補う] は)早く寝よう (4) 明日はバスケ部の朝練があるから, 今夜は早く寝よう。 (4) (4 和文和訳[隠れた主語を補う] + [別の表現に言い換える] 明日の朝( は)バスケットボールの練習を( foobe SO tonight. (5)昨日の放課後バスを待っていたら, 急に雨が降り出した。 (5)(2 [3 * 和文和訳 [隠れた主語を補う] ( が)バスを待っていたとき When to rain. 0 Part 1 動詞の主田

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