

英語 高校生

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when B を表すと 市内の when とも 第 02 章 Field 1 文法 受動態 Section 受動態の基本 主語と動詞が 「(主語) が・・・される」 という <受動〉 の関係なら、受動態 <be動詞+過 去分詞> を使う。 受動態の問題のポイント be 動詞は主語・ 時制に応じた形を使う。 when 容を表 節内の 134 This church ( en Biz ① built ② was built ) in the 12th century. ③ has built も Try! 1. This chair (break) by Mike yesterday. ④ was building [語形変化] 100 受動態の形は? 主語が This church で あることに注目 2. He ( ) while he was playing rugby. ① injured ② has injured (関西学院大) ③ may be injured ④ was injured 135 ① invented of The radio was ( ) Marconi and others. ② invented at T100 動作主を表すと きは? 動作主を表すときに用 いる前置詞は? ① with [100] Try! Who was this picture drawn ( ③ invented with ④ invented by )? 2 to ③ by ④ of ce 5 136 He ( ) Kei by everyone. 00 ① calls ② is called ③ is calling called SVOCの受動態はど ういう形になる? He と Kei の関係を考 よう Try! The outside of the castle ( I was painted black ② painted black ). ③ was black painted ④ is black painting 8 37 ① of ② by The child was taken care ( ③ by of ) him. ④ of by Try! He will ( ) by the whole class. ① be laughed at ② laugh ③ be laughing at ④ be laughed Section 10 いろいろな形の受動態 (札幌大) 138 Tokyo Skytree ( ) from here. ① can see ② can be seen ③ can have seen is can seen 動詞の受動態はど ういう形になる? take care of ... は群動 詞 動詞は1つの動 詞としてとらえよう T100 助動詞を含む受 動態の形は? Can は助動詞 助動詞 を含む受動態の形は? 9

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英語 高校生

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01 時制 Section 2 未来のことを表す表現 16 Aya ( ) "I'm sleepy" when she gets up tomorrow morning. 2 is saying 3 will say 4 said D say Tryl The teacher ( 100 未来のことを表 すには? この文を話す人は Aya がいつ “I'm sleepy" と 言うと考えているのだろ 57 ) angry if I'm late for his class. D been (2 is being (3) was 4 will be I am ( I be (2 going to (3) see will 作、 の形 であ day Try! Are you ( I went (2) come 18 Mark ( I has arrived 3 is arriving E Try! He ( ) call her this evening. ) go to see your family this weekend? 3 will cho 4 going to ) at Narita airport tomorrow. 2 arrived 4 has been arriving ) at the hotel tomorrow morning. moraload ( これからするつもりの こと, そうなりそうな ことを表すには? がこれからするつもり であることを示すには? 未来の予定を表す動 詞の形は? tomorrow 「明日」に 注目 I will be arrived 3 must have been arrived 2 is arriving 4 is used to arriving gnime (名古屋工業大) pand) lism of ( I ( ) in Europe next week. I was staying 2 has stayed 3 will be staying ④stayed Try! Patricia ( 1 has waited 2 was waiting 110 Brian was ( his name. 1 on ) an earthquake before he came to Japan. about 3 with 4 off ) for you at the coffee shop after school tomorrow. 3 wait 4 will be waiting E 「まさに··· すると to get on the bus when his mother called nood)だ」 という 〈差し た未来> を表す形 「Brian はまさに・・・ ところだった」とし 味を表せる選択肢 ぼう 未来のある時点での 進行中の動作, 未 の予定を表すには? next week 「来週」 注目 Try! 1. Ken was about to (call) Yumi when she came into the room. of ( 2. Emily was ( Dabout 2 for 語形変化 ) to go out when the telephone rang. 3 used 4 so 120 Batlow used and Jinw low boob yulW Thule fonds nol gd bongam bai ( 金沢工業大) M

解決済み 回答数: 1