

英語 中学生

3枚目の写真のような問題って どうやって解くんですか? 私はいつも段落の最初と最後を見てるんですが 一問間違えてしまいました。ぼぼ勘だったりもするので教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️

いる。 各問いに答えよ。なお, [1] Have you ever seen the 2D codes which have a special mark on the corners? For example, you can find the 2D codes in your textbooks. When you scan them with a tablet computer, you can see pictures or watch videos. Today, a A lot of people around the world use them in many different ways. This type of (2 2D code was invented by engineers at a car parts maker in Japan. [2] When cars are produced, many kinds of parts are needed. Car parts makers have to manage all of the car parts. About 30 years ago, car companies needed to produce more kinds of cars, and car parts makers had to manage many different kinds of car parts for each car. At that time, they used barcodes to manage the car parts, but they could not put a lot of information in one barcode. So, they used many barcodes. Workers had to scan many barcodes. A worker at a car parts maker had to scan barcodes about 1,000 times a day. It took a lot of time to scan them. The 0 000742 221101 barcode (バーコード) workers needed some help to improve their situation. [3] The engineers at a car parts maker in Japan knew the situation of the workers. They started to learn about 2D codes because 2D codes can contain more information than barcodes. There were already some types of 2D codes in the U.S. One type could contain a lot of information, but it took a lot of time to scan that type. Another type was scanned very quickly, but it contained less information than other types. The engineers at the car parts maker did not use these types. They decided to create a new type of 2D code which had both of those good points. The engineers needed a long time to create this new type which could be scanned quickly. Finally, they thought of an idea. They thought, "If a 2D code has a special mark on the three corners, it can be scanned very quickly from every angle." In this way, the new type of 2D code with special marks was invented by the engineers at a car parts maker in Japan. 2D code

未解決 回答数: 1
数学 高校生

(2)の1行目、なぜ0<=θ<π/2なんでしょうか? どなたか教えていただけませんか?

例題1(回転) (1) 楕円 4 =1 2 .① を原点Oを中心に 45° 回転して得られる曲線の方程式を求めよ (2) 2次曲線+2ふy-y'=D8 ② はどのような図形か 解答 (1) 2次曲線の上の点(x, y)を原点のまわりに回転した点を(X, Y)とする。 X+Yi=(r+ yi)| cos-+isin 4 より, x+yi= (X+Y)| cos 4 -isin 4 -であるから、 1 *= Xcos-+Y sin = X+ 4 . y=-Xsin-+Y cos 4 ニーーーX+ 4 *+2y=4より、 X+E =4 ゆえに,3x? - 2.XY +3y' =8 +2 -Y よって,求める曲線の方程式は, 3r° -2.ry+ 3y° = 8 (2) 点(x, y)が原点のまわりに6 (0s0<-)回転し, 2次曲線②上の点(X, Y)移ったとする。 X+Yi=(r+yi)(cos@+isin@)より, X=rcos@- ysin@, Y=xsin@+ycos@ x*+ 25xY -Y' =18より, (xcose -ysine) +2B(xcos@- ysin@)(xsin@ +ycose)-(xsin0+ycosé)' =8 これより、 (cos'e+ 2,5sin@cos9-sin'e}r"-{4sin@cos@-2B(cos°0 - sin'@)]}: + (sin°e-25sin@cos0-cos'e)v =8 (cos20 + 5in 28)r"ー2(sin 20 -Fcos2e).y-(cos20+ 5sin29)v" =8 sin20-3cos20 =0とすると, π cos 20 +0より, tan 20= 3 0s 20<πより, 20= π ゆえに,0=: 6 このとき,2.r-2y=8 よって,双曲線 ー=1を原点のまわりに30°回転させた図形 Notel 楕円のを30° 回転して得られる曲線の方程式は, S.r' - 2~3.y +7x°=16 π 2元 Note2 |2 Note3 (1) 等より、0=- ュ--1を原点のまわりに-60*1回転] 5 =1を原点のまわりに-60° 回転] 3 3 8.5 -S.5 -1

回答募集中 回答数: 0