

英語 高校生


2. There was something about his story ( 1 what 3 which 5. Towns ( 1 where 1 次の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適切な語句を,下の①~④から一つずつ選びなさい。 you 1. Do customers ( ) smoke in restaurants bother ? 2 when 3 to ④ like 関東学 1 who 6. I saw a horse ( 1 which 3. Ken didn't believe ( (1) however 3 that ante leto s juo bemut radiour well as 4. You are the only man in the world ( 2 which 1 whose 3 that 演 10. ( 8. I never saw Brando again, ( 1 which 2 what 9. John insulted Mary, ( 1 that 1 When 11. That was the 1 where EXIS ) Jane said. said 7. There was no comment from the two ladies ( birl 1 of whom 2 who 3 whom 14. The office ( 1 what 習 ) attract tourists are usually crowded. Tur 2 which 3 to which 2 As Jeni evinos year ( a) coat was brown. 2 its 15. Ghibli Museum 1 where 2 which 2 whatever 4 whichever 13. This is a photo of the house ( (1) where we lived in 3 with which we lived go (2) some 4 everything frignon I ) I can call son 3 whose 2 which Yunum 901 is a place ( 問 ) made me suspicious. bine ) I would never do. 12. This must be the novel Mr. Matsuyama ( had referred in Ianor 3 referred to in 2 to where ) was a pity. 3 whom 4 what 3 who thin wal ) is often the case with her, she broke her promise. 3 It TRIGE SK ) I was born. 2 into which 3 in which TE my friend. 4 what ad ar 4 in which c we lived in to ono al mogel that ) I want to visit. 3 to which 4 where 2 had referred to 4 was referred to (拓殖大) I thought were sure to protest. 4 whose (神戸女学院大) gs way of 4 There suig eyewie vor T ) his lecture. 19vsodw 4 at which ) before we moved to Osaka. 2 we lived bed ) I work is on the top floor of the building. 3 where 4 in that and sli (京都産業大) 4 which (駿河台大 (桜美林大 (皇學館大) (関西外語大) (立命館大) ITI (東海大) (大阪経大) (甲南大) (大阪学院大) (西南学院大) (杏林大)

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英語 高校生

英語です。クリティカルポイント2のチャプター3の答えが配られていないので、答え合わせができません。 答えを持っている方、または解いてくださる方、よろしくお願いします。

2. This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house, I have called several times, but there 助動詞·受動態 Chapter baim uoy biuo de o0 ー文法。語法一 空所に入れるのに最も適当な語(旬) を選びなさい。 ) out of town. n ud 1 1. Miki and her family ( (南山大) is no answer. 0 could go 3 should go の would be 2 must be lt uoy ) broken during shipping. (ship =輸送する) 2 could be om (慶歴大) It( ③ has to be の must have been 0 can have ) be watching TV. There are no programs today because of the strike 3 3. He( 2 can't may の should (東北工業大) 0 must 4.I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning." “You( ) have. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. 2 didn't (センター試験) D couldn't 3 might の should aci 5. Jim had a skiing accident, but he's all right. He's lucky, because he ( 97 (センター試験) 20clH d oo hurt himself badly. 0 could have bns ana 2 might ③ should の will have 6. This is a very important meeting. You ( ) miss it. (慶塵大) 3 ought not to amod og O had not better ② must have の should have ) here by now, for she took the early train. mort 7. My sister ( (センター試験) may arrive on ont 0 must arrive 2 can arrive の ought to have arrived (walin 8. Dorothy isn't in the office%; she ( 0 can be having ② can have coffee in the cafeteria. (センター試験) 3might be having 1ont ④ might have ) have to queue, when we've_already got our (東京電機大) 9. It is ridiculous that we ( tickets. (queue =列を作って並ぶ) 0 might ② ought ③ should の would 10. She proposed that a doctor ( ) be called in immediately. ④ ought (昭和女子大) 0 would 2 should ③ could 11.“I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late.” “Well, he ( ) his train, or maybe he overslept." 0 might have missed ③ should have missed (センター試験) ② might miss ④ should miss 14

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英語 高校生

解ける方いらっしゃいますか…?いたら解いて欲しいです😭😭 新演習 750(12接続詞)

(2 By the moment (名古屋工業) 14.( )I saw thecute puppy at | 29. ( ) the の The moment 4 For the moment healthy ad 3 To the moment 1 As soo 4 Yet (清泉女子。 )you do not have a receipt, we cannot exchange this. 3 Unless 15.( 30.( ) he 2 Since の However ① As )it is getting warmer. 3 why 16. The ice is melting ( ① therefore の though (中部大 ② because mie 31. I wish we ) that I've completed my homework, I can enjoy the rest of my holiday 3 Now 1 that 4 After (山梨学院。 32.( ) th ① As 17.( O g6 ) you have a parking permit. 2 Because O Since 18. You may not park on the university campus ( ③ unless 4 without (中央大 126 ln Mik 2 So that OO 2 同じ意味に の because ) Hanako comes too. 19. James will come to the party tonight, ( Owhich ④ why 0od(西南学院大 33.(a) The 3 provided ② insisted ol (b) As ) she was very busy, she was able to finish the work on time. 4 So 34.(a) I ha 20.( ③ Because (駿河台大 2 Although (b) Har 大) ① Since sT 35.(a) Tal- 21.( ) we are currently in a serious depression, our company is making a good showina Jsde 1o1 9 (b) Ta- doii sales. ② However oL sakeg wo ( (東京理科大 ① Despite 991o mo09 の Though 3 次の英文 ③ Notwithstanding 18lw dsrli S 36. No 22.( ) she is only 16 years old, she seems very mature for her age. m boy の Because of ② Even though 3 In spite of ④ Why oitedw (立命館大 37. My de ) it was, they set out for their destination. ③ how 23. Late ( om 9rt mi qu o o1 (4) as 0when 2) so (中央大 199worl ) mod 38. As ()AGn 24. The recipe was ( ) simple that even I could follow it. 39. A ne ng tsl mwoml svad10 (東邦) netw U 1 such 2 less unub (3) SO 4) as adve mot S) 135Ja 25. It was ( )a beautiful sight that I took lots of photos. ste t'nbib y9tibreb y (漁徳水 Vdn 4 次の日本 1) so (2) as (3) such 4 what tr 40. 新し 26. As ( ) as I know, this article is one of the most impressive accomplishmelo Hig linguistic research. 0 long 20 mod ml ② much diff ③ large 4 far (杏材 27. Yoshiko prepared dinner ( ) her mother was watching TV. 41. 木の Smmr vibsd bad L y (東京 1while 2 that ③whether which Wit 28.( ) most of his friends are hard working, he is rather lazy. niogye O Except that (2While ③ Despite Since (県立広島 ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ

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