

英語 高校生

九州大学英語2019年の英作文の添削をお願いします🙇‍♀️ 大問4が要約と英作文、5が和文英訳です!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

〔4〕 九州大-理系前期 Read the following newspaper article and follow the instructions below. (36) 16 2019年度 英語 in Engligi taul" According to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Station, a 20-year-old female university student caused a traffic death. The student was riding on a power- She moved off from an assisted bicycle when the accident happened. intersection and started riding on the sidewalk. At that moment, a 77-year-old lady was walking on the sidewalk and moved toward the bicyclist. The student hit the lady. The collision caused the lady to fall and strike her head. She was transported to hospital, but died of her injuries two days later. At the time of the incident, the student was apparently holding a smartphone in her left hand and a drink in her right while steering the power- assisted bike. Moreover, she had an earphone in her left ear. Therefore, police arrested the student for breaking the new law and riding recklessly. Police are investigating whether the student noticed that the old lady was walking toward her. They suspect that she was not paying sufficient attention because she was operating her smartphone right up until the collision. Her court appearance date has not been decided yet. The Mainichi, December 16, 2017 Instructions: Write two well-developed paragraphs in English. In the first paragraph, summarize the main points of the newspaper article above in lo approximately 100 words. Use different vocabulary and sentence structure from the original passage as much as possible. In the second paragraph, write your opinion about what should be done to reduce accidents like this in approximately 50 words. hosidinlong unich lor, condadnoah

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


may) (私はギターを弾くことか たちの要求に応じることがで (私は終電に乗ること 口語では通例 can't を (4) 私は10歳まで自転車に乗れませんでした。 I() () a bike until I was ten. ともできる。 東京タワーを見ることが /were able to を用い と表すには was/wer 実際にできた」と考え 二否定文にする場合は vill be able to + 動詞の できる。 - 否定文はbe動詞の2 日本語に合うように、[ ]内の語を使って、 英文をつくりなさい。 (1) アケミのお姉さんは20歳をこえているはずがない。 [ cannot / over] は健康に有害なことがある わさは本当のはずがない pp.133- 過去の意味ではない。 意味になる。 EXERCISES 助動詞 ① (can / may) ないことに注意。 強い疑念」を表 意。 日本語に合うように,( に適語を入れなさい。 (1) ペンギンは上手に泳ぐことができるが, 空を飛ぶことはできない。 Penguins ( ) well, but they ( ) ( (2) あなたはこのアプリを使えますか。 you (1)()() this app?」 (3) ジャンはいつかフランス語を流ちょうに話せるようになるだろう。 )() to ( Jan will ( ) French fluently someday. (2) それは本当に危険かもしれない。 [could ] It (3) 雪の中の車の運転は危険なことがある。 [can] Driving (2) 状況 空港でスーツケースを探していた私。 友人が1つのスーツケースを指さしたが・・・。 (that / over / be / suitcase / can't / there / can) mine. It's the wrong color. 3 与えられた状況に合うように ( 2)内の語を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 ただし、不要な語が 1つずつ含まれています。 AB (1) 状況 車の整備士をしている兄が言うには・・・。 Automobiles have hundreds of parts, and (broken / can / cause / some / able / serious /parts) car accidents. (3)状況 これ以上欠席すると単位を落としそうな友人が次のように言った。 No matter what, (miss /I/can/ today's / class / can't). A (1) ~ (人) は去年、...することができた。 [able/last ] B 4 [ ]内の語を参考にして, 〜, ...に自由に語句を入れ, オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 A B (2) ~ (事柄) しすぎると, あなたは・・・になりうる。 [too / can] 31

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

この文の第二段落のamid calls for ~のcallsは、名詞でしょうか?前置詞のamidとcalls forのつながりが、なぜこのような訳になるのか理解できません。このcalls が名詞だと仮定して直訳すると、管理下において大規模に火を放つことを求める要求の最中に... 続きを読む

王 jon 【目標解答時間 15分 配点 37点 15 次の英文を読み, 下記の設問 (A~D) に答えなさい。 Fire is "a good servant but a bad master." In my house, in summer, I smell the air for the faintest hint of smoke as keenly as any horse or dog or kangaroo. I watch for columns of smoke, visualising again and again how fire could rush( 1 )the hill towards us. But if you are philosophical about it, fire is a natural 5 part of the Australian environment and has been for millions of years. Living with the threat of fire in the bush, or in the wild, is like living with sharks when diving, or with snakes while walking, or with traffic accidents on a city street. The idea that we should remove every shark from the sea, or every snake from the land, and control- burn, or deliberately set fire, to prevent any risk of 10 bushfires is a recipe for making the environment even worse. As Phil Koperberg, head of the New South Wales Fire Brigades, said ( 2 ) the Sydney bushfires of 1994, amid calls for massive control burning, “Do you want to concrete over all the bush? If you choose to live in the bush, you choose to accept the risk. f It is often claimed that some Austratian plants and animals have actually adapted to fire, evidence of an extraordinarily long period (millions of years before human arrival) during which fire has been more significant in the Australian environment than it has been on any other continent, but this is probably not strictly true. Many plants have adapted to the environment in 20 ways that also happen to be valuable in times of fire. ( 3 ), animals have adapted to a variety of different habitats, and can therefore survive during different periods of vegetation regrowth after a fire (or after, say, a cyclone, a flood, or just a tree falling in a forest). A tree that has the ability to regenerate from roots or lower trunk when the 25 upper tree dies as a result of being broken off in a storm, or falls over, rotten to the core, will also be able to respond when the upper part is killed by a fire. Seeds adapted to long hot droughts, and requiring a combination of heat and water for germination", will also find a fire, if followed by rain, a good stimulus for growing new plants. There does appear to be evidence that chemicals in 30 smoke can help promote growth in plants, but whether this is a direct 可能性があるかを 何度も が続いているのだ。 森林地帯, ダイビングのときにサメ, そやカンガルーにも負けな の匂いを嗅ぐ。 私は,どのよ 暮らすようなものである。 海 しき主人である」( れば, 火事はオーストラリア >> のヘビを取り除くべきだと 意図的に火を放つべきだ , 1994年のシドニー ている真っ只中 と言った。 入れるこ

未解決 回答数: 0