

英語 高校生

英語 高3 先生のメモ付きで見ずらくてすみません💦 ・公共のガス灯は1800〜1807年間まで無かった ・鳴鳥や海鳥は落ちるまで旋回する ・毎年何十万もの(産まれたばかりの) ウミガメが海で迷子になる ・闇は仕事上は必要ないけど生活に 置いては光と同様に必... 続きを読む

Lesson 12 Light Pollution Class Name (1) If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars, we would live in くつろぐ darkness happily. The midnight world would be as visible to us as it is to the vast number of No. nocturnal species on this planet. Instead, we are diurnal creatures, with eyes adapted to living in the sun's light. This is a basic evolutionary fact, even though most of us don't think of ourselves as diurnal beings any more than we think of ourselves as mammals. Yet it's the only way to explain what we've done to the night; we've engineered it by filling it with light so that we can へように be active at night. (2) This kind of engineering is similar to damming a river. Its benefits come with consequences に伴って起こる 結果 - called light pollution - the effects of which scientists are only now beginning to study. Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design, which allows artificial light to shine outward 人工的な and upward into the sky instead of focusing it downward. Badly designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and greatly alters the light levels and light rhythms, to which many forms of life, including humans, have adapted Wherever human light shines out into the natural world, some aspect of life, whether it is migration, breeding or feeding, is affected. whether A or B· A=·AD3B78332 (3) For most of human history, the phrase "light pollution" would have made no sense. Imagine walking toward London on a moonlit night around 1800, when it was Earth's largest city. Nearly ほとんど a million people lived there with candles, torches, and lanterns. Only a few houses were lit by gas, and there would be no public gaslights in the streets or squares for another seven years. From 広島 (前) さらに a few miles away, you would have been as likely to smell London as to see its faint collective glow. 集まっている様子 (4) Now most humans live under domes of reflected light: of scattering rays from cities and suburbs with too much lighting, and from light-flooded highways and factories. Nearly all of nighttime Europe is a nebula of light, as is most of the United States and all of Japan. In the south Atlantic the glow from a single group of fishing boats squid fishermen attracting prey with 大西 high brightness lamps can be seen from space, burning brighter, in fact, than Buenos Aires or Rio de Janeiro. (5) We've lit up the night, forgetting that it is occupied by many different living species. The number of nocturnal mammal species alone is astonishing. Light is a powerful biological force,

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英語 高校生


プペンシルで解 people than ever can find an audience time filled with disasters, online, "conspiracy theories seem to be growing crazier by the day. We also tend to believe in such things under increased stress, which is unfortunate because many of these ideas are Some conspiracy theorists pride themselves on being "critical freethinkers," but a new damaging our democracies and ourselves. study showing a connection between lower critical thinking skills and increased conspiracy (2) theory belief suggests this may not be the case. "Conspiracy theories refer to attempts to explain the ultimate cause of an important event (social, political, climatic, etc.) by accusing a hidden group of perceived evil, powerful people or organizations of having secretly planned and carried out these events," say Paris Nanterre University psychologist Anthony Lantian and team in their paper. two studies, the researchers tested the critical thinking skills of 338 a French version of the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test. They then scored the students' tendencies towards conspiracy beliefs and their personal Across undergraduate students (4) the objective analysis and assessment of their own critical thinking skills. Critical thinking. evaluation of a situation requires a collection of cognitive skills. These include the ability to distinguish between relevant versus irrelevant information, think systematically, see other perspectives, recognize and avoid logical *fallacies, look beyond the obvious, be aware of and avoid biases, and change your mind in light of new evidence. "The more people believe in conspiracy theories, the worse they perform on a critical thinking ability test," Lantian said. "This test is characterized by an *open-ended format highlighting several areas of critical thinking ability in the context of argumentation." (6) All this is not to say that those with high critical thinking skills can't also be sucked into believing things that may not necessarily be true. The way (7) [is wired /a/ makes / thinking/ social species / our / as] us very vulnerable to believing those we identify with as part of our own cultural group- no matter how much education we have had that boosts science literacy. Trust plays a massive role in who we believe. We also have a tendency to believe each of us is above average at detecting misinformation, which can't possibly be true. Researchers have also linked this need to feel special to greater belief in conspiracies. Lantian and team point out that while their study suggests critical thinking lowers Deople's chances of believing in untrue conspiracy theories, the findings don't determine if (8) (9) た場合,そ 数学【数学 験番号 【化学 b てお 3 In a more (1) ① 次の英文を読んで、下の設問に答えなさい。 1 - (3) the po no a E

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英語 高校生

大学受験の長文問題です。 解答がないので答えをお願いします🙏

問題 3 以下の英文を読んで、次の問いに答えなさい。 (*のついた語には語注が ある。) If you are able to step outside and hear many types of birds, you might also have a greater feeling of well-being. Two studies show that hearing diverse birdsongs may help increase our happiness. (A) One study was done by researchers at California Polytechnic State University. A research team studied the effects of birdsong ( 1 ) people walking through a park in the U.S. state of Colorado. A biology graduate student, Danielle Ferraro, led the study. "There could be an evolutionary reason why we like birdsong so much. And the idea is that when we hear birdsong it could signal safety to us," Ferraro says. There could be many other reasons, too. Ferraro states that in some areas around the world birdsong can also signal the arrival of spring and nice weather. Bird diversity, she adds, can also mean a healthy environment. She explained her study to Voice of America (VOA). Ferraro and her team played recorded songs from a diverse group of birds native to the area. They did this on hiking trails in a park in Boulder, Colorado. (2) several weeks, the researchers played recorded birdsong at certain times of the day and other times they did not. Then they talked with hikers after they ( 3 ). Hikers who heard the recorded diverse birdsongs reported a greater sense of well-being than the people who heard simply the natural birds. The researchers suggest that both the bird sounds and biodiversity* can increase feelings of well-being. Ferraro explained that she used native birdsong for the study. This way it would sound as natural as possible. They also did the study during the summer. She explains why this is important. "So the study ( 4 ) in the summer and that's kind of important because the spring is most birds' breeding* season. And if we play the birdsong during breeding season, that might have disturbed them. (B) We didn't want to disturb the birds too much." The study was published in an academic journal called the Royal Society B in December 2020. - 10- ◇M2 (310-15)

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英語がとっても苦手で何が書いてあるか全く分かりません。 明日の朝提出しなければならないのでどなたか解いてください。お願いしますお願いします。

44 15 20 25 30 Lecturer 10 Class times Office hours* Classroom Textbook Reading Read the following passage and answer the questions. English Writing Core I 43 ► This course is for foreign students to learn basic academic writing skills. The course is divided into three classes according to the results of a placement test. ► The placement test is on Tuesday, September 2 at 9:00 in Bldg. 10 Room 1. ▸ After the test, students must visit the student office by September 9 to register. This is a half-year course, and students who have completed one level can enter the next level in the spring term without taking the placement test. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Prof. Smith Friday 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Friday 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Bldg. 12 Room 1 "Advanced Writing Strategies Level 1: This course introduces students to the basics of English academic writing. Students will begin by learning how to write a coherent paragraph and then apply this skill to writing a five-paragraph essay. They will learn how to create an effective thesis statement, topic sentences, introduction and conclusion, as well as how to organize supporting sentences logically. Students are required to submit one single-paragraph composition, one essay outline and two essays on pre-selected topics at the end of the course for assessment. | 43-45 英 Green Valley University, Autumn Semester Level 2: In this course students focus on gaining an in-depth understanding of the form and function of *argumentative writing and compare and contrast representative essays. Emphasis is placed on writing effective thesis statements and developing paragraphs. Students also learn effective citation, paraphrasing and summarizing skills. Reading academic articles to improve their writing style and vocabulary is a key feature of this course. Assessment is based on two short essays and a paraphrasing and summarizing task. 4 Bldg. 19 pre-selected 24 paraphrase Prof. Simpson Prof. Wheeler Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Monday 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:45 a.m-12:00 p.m. Monday 1:20 p.m.-2:50 p.m. Bldg. 10 Room 1 "Have Fun Writing" Bldg. 10 Room 5 "Essay Writing Skills" Level 3: For more experienced students, this course aims to develop advanced essay. writing skills. Emphasis is placed on taking a position in an argumentative essay, researching, evaluating sources and logically developing ideas throughout the essay Students will also learn how to effectively integrate a range of sources into their writing. Assessment is based on one long essay on an academic topic chosen by the student. (379 words) * office hours: 大学の研究室などで教員に面談が可能な時間帯 thesis statement: (エッセイの) 主題文 argumentative: Words & Phrases 32 9 Prof. 20 assessment 29 take a position 15 coherent 21 in-depth 31 integrate A into B 19 composition 24 citation 31 a range of~ Read the passage and put T (True) or F (False) in the brackets. (各2点) (1) Students cannot choose the level of the course they want to take. (2) Students who have finished the level 2 course can enter the level 3 course without taking a test. ( ) (3) All students, whichever level they are taking, must submit at least one essay on a topic chosen by the student for assessment. ) 2 Questions Answer the following questions. [1] Choose one word which has the same pronunciation as the underlined part of the following word from the passage. (4点) thesis a. beneath b. breathe c. worthy d. smooth [2] Complete the answer to the following question. "What is a placement test?" "It is a test to [3] Hiroshi wants to see the lecturer of the Level 2 course to ask some questions. Tell him what to do to see the lecturer. (6点) [4] Choose the suitable word for each blank. (1) Level 1 students focus on how to write logical and well paragraphs. a. devised b. organized c. known (2) Level 3 students have to make their opinion essay. a. correct b. decent c. clear [5] Choose the suitable phrase for the blank. "Level 2 students are required to fully understand a. what argumentative writing is b. how important it is to write an effective thesis statement c. what the basic structure of English academic writing is d. how argumentative writing is evaluated 3 Listening Quiz (1) a. Visit the lecturer at the specified time. b. Go to Room 1 in Building 10 by September 9. d. spoken d. different (5点) c. Buy the textbook during the specified period. d. Register at the student office by the closing day. (2) a. To learn how to organize supporting sentences logically. b. To improve their writing style and vocabulary. c. To create an effective thesis statement. d. To develop ideas logically throughout the essay. (各4点) Listen to the recording and choose the best option. in an argumentative (5点) 45 回 (各3点) 33

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