

英語 高校生

一枚目 長文 二枚目 問題2と3と5 三枚目 2と3と5の答え 解説お願いします! ※一度質問したのですが返信なかったので!!

possove. 5 M Reading 目標 20分 速読問題 次の英文を2.5分で読んで, 1. の問いに答えなさい。 What is a "*remote meeting"? It is almost the same as a “virtual meeting” meeting." In any type of meeting, such as "face-to-face or remote, people get together qiu zonizud & no of guirsom & mort insed gnibsof biqsЯ to *present ideas and make decisions. It can be a meeting to get something done. The difference between a real face-to-face meeting and a remote meeting is that bemeonoo elgoeq ert of *participants of the remote meeting are just not in the same *physical space. Pris 229 awollot as prinqa aidt else no op lliw doirlw axinib wer no gníteem & blor lliw ew Instead, they are connected by phones or the Internet. There are several types of 00:01 moil (OUT) & emul emit bns ef60 10 the others, or just *audio. SOE mooЯ prile:90619 remote (3)sessions. Among them, the group call is widely used because it is musob bainn: 1sdW beneviled need senis even Jari Inib wan juods "handy. (4)This type of remote meeting does not require any extra "equipment other vab terlt no `noitatezen s exem than a cellphone or computer. It can be a video call, with each participant seeing al the group call. or an 3 of un Selnemusob srit top etnsqiiheq lliw nerWa .navig sd lliw anmusob o It is easy to *participate in, but (5to have an "efficient meeting, the number gnijem od noted vabadu yd naviy od lliw yodT participants should be limited. *Ideally, there should be *at most ten participants Spnitsem erit te ob of benlupen ineqioihsq ens terW 1 remote [rimóut]: 3 present [prizént]:・・・を提案する, 口頭発表する 5 physical [fizikl]:物理的な、実際の 10 audio [5:diòu]: 27 "online 2face-to-face:対面の,面と向かっての 12 ideally [aidí:ali] : 理想を言えば viste zlez s no noitsins29nq a ovis (163 wo alnih won no noizzuvzib & oved of hast chao T 5 participant [pa:rtísəpənt]: 8 handy [hændi] : 11 1 participate in...: ... に参加する 12 t 8 equipment [ikwipmənt]: 11 efficient [ififant]: **

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


Let's try a test! ② 26 私の祖先はフランス人だった。 27 お年寄りに席を譲る 良い教育を受ける 29 映画に関する知識が豊富だ 30 彼女は8年生だ。 31 高齢者 32 高校を卒業する 28 33 家具1点 34 35 語彙を増やす 36 あなたの名前をどう発音するのですか。 37 詩を英語に翻訳する 38 39 化学工場 40 自然と共存する 41 その問題の本質 聖書の有名な一節 幸せをどのように定義しますか。 42 環境を守る 43 先週、地震が起きた。 44 日本の自然災害 45 パンダの自然生息地を保護する 46 大気汚染を食い止める 47 キリンは絶滅しかかっている。 48 熱を反射する 49 京都は夏は蒸し暑い。 50 科学技術(科学と科学技術) My (ance tors ) were French. give up my seat to an (Elderly receive a good ( education. have a good (< now ledge She is in the eighth ( grade ( Senior (graduate piece ) citizens ) from high school ) of ( ) ) of movies ). an( furniture a famous ( bible ) from the Bible expand my (Vocabu lary ) How do you (pronounce ) your name? ( translation) a poem into English essence How do you (definition a chemical ( factoly. live together with (nature the true ( protect the There was an (arth quake natural (disas ter ) person ) happiness? ) ) of the problem environment ) (Reflect ) heat Kyoto is hot and (humid Science ) last week. ) in Japan (Pratection ) Panda's natural habitat prevent air (pollution ) Giraffes are becoming (extinction ). ) in summ ) and (chemistry

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

問3について質問です。 当方、全くいい案が浮かばなかったのですが、皆さんがこのような英作文に当たったらどう対処しますか❓ 具体例としてはニホンカワウソやツシマヤマネコ、トキ、コウノトリが挙げられるようですが私はどの生き物も英語で書けません。(/ω\*) ちなみに私はホ... 続きを読む

次の英文を読み, 設問に答えなさい。 Jaguars had called the American Continents their home since the Ice Age when their ascendents crossed the Bering Land Bridge that once joined what is now Alaska and Russia. They lived in the central mountains of the southwestern United States for hundreds of years until they were almost driven to extinction in the mid- 20th century after hunters shot the last one in the 1960s. Currently, jaguars are found in 19 different countries. Several males have been observed in Arizona and New Mexico over the last 20 years, but breeding pairs have not been seen or reported north of Mexico. Natural reestablishment of them is also unlikely because of urbanization and the U.S.-Mexico border blocking jaguar migration routes. Now, after more than a 50-year absence, conservation scientists are suggesting the jaguar's return to their native environment in a study that outlines what the rewilding effort may look like. The authors of the new paper suggest a suitable area for jaguars spanning 2 million acres from central Arizona to New Mexico. The space would provide a big enough range for 90 to 150 jaguars, the researchers explained. They also argued that bringing jaguars back to the U.S. is crucial to species conservation as they are listed as near-threatened on the IUCN Red List, and reintroduction could also help restore native ecosystems, the Associated Press reports. "The jaguar lived in these mountains long before Americans did. If done

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