

生物 高校生

生物の食物連鎖とかの問題だと思うんですけど誰かわかる方いますか??? 英語すみません💦

hhmi Biolnteractive Some Animals Are More Equal than Others: Trophic Cascades and Keystone Species Mean Leaf Area per Plant Over 18 Months without beetle with beetle Leaf Area per Plant (cm²) Control Ecology 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 Experimental 0 T 2 www.BioInteractive.org 8 10 12 14 16 Months After Start of Experiment 4 6 Refer to the figure to answer questions 12 through 17. 12. For both the plots with the beetles added and the control plots, state the mean tree leaf area per plot that the scientists recorded after running the experiment for 18 months. The mean tree leaf area per plot that the Scientist recorded after running the experiment for 18 months wit the beetles added is 1.7m², S 2.2m² 13. Compare the trends in mean tree leaf area per plot for both the plots with the beetles added and the control plots over the 18 months of the experiment. The area of the control plat for thinoceros beetles has d has increased at a nearly constant rate, the other is a gradua decrease at first, then a sudden decrease, and finally a dradua 18 Figure 2. Mean leaf area per tree. Initial measurements were taken before (0 to 2 months) and after (7 to 18 months) beetles were added to 40 of 80 plants. The light gray round markers represent measurements taken of the control plots, to which beetles were not added. The black square markers represent measurements taken of the experimental plots, to which beetles were added. Measurements were made on all leaves to calculate the mean leaf area per plant. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. 14. Draw two diagrams that show the food chains for both the experimental and control plots. Include increase. interactions among predatory beetles (if present), ants, caterpillars, and piper plants. Revised January 2018 Page 4 of 5

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英語 高校生


UNIT 7 Reading Reading 33点 10点 Grammar /32点 /15 Information Listening Writing /10 TOTAL 100点 全文 音声 なまけ者のトムが望んだ仕事とは何でしょう。 Tom was a very lazy man*. He didn't like hard work. But he needed a job. One day, (his/Tom / a job / asked / uncle / him / find / to ). "What kind of job?" asked the uncle. Tom answered, "I don't want to work. I want meat for lunch every day. I just want to walk around and take naps*. And I want 100 dollars a day." "( )" the uncle sighed*. 2 One day, Tom got a call from his uncle. "Tom, I found the perfect job for you. A tiger at the zoo died recently. They need a new tiger. You can be the tiger. You'll wear a tiger's skin and walk around, eat meat, and sleep in the cage* like a real tiger." "( 3 )" said Tom. "I'll start tomorrow!" 5 3 The next day, Tom was in the cage in tiger's fur. He just walked around, ate meat, 10 and took a nap. Tom was happy. 44 Suddenly, he heard an announcement*. "We'll soon have a special show. It's a fight between a lion and a tiger! Enjoy this exciting show." "( )" He looked around his cage. Then another cage was carried next to his. A fierce-looking* lion was in it. "I'll be killed!" he cried. The doors of both cages were opened. Tom jumped back. "( 6 )" 15 The big lion slowly walked toward him, roared*, and opened its mouth. "Stop! I'm not a tiger! I'm a man!" 5 "Shhh!" Tom heard a small voice from the lion. "( Ⓒ )” (252 words)

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