

英語 高校生


IV. (1) から (5) の各問いにおいて, 1.~6. の語句を並べ替えて空所を補い, 最も適当な英文 を完成させなさい。 解答は解答用紙2枚目 (記述式) の所定の解答欄に, (A)と (B)に入る語句の番号を記入すること。 (1) I like English because I feel like a different person when I am speaking it. Although it is difficult to speak well, I enjoy the challenge. Someday I hope ( ) (A) ( ) ( ) (B) ( ) in English. 1. even dream 5. the level 1. young people 2. acquire 5. provide (2) Volunteering is a good thing because it teaches young adults valuable lessons about life. For one, it teaches them that charity is an investment. By helping others you also help yourself. Volunteering can also ( ) ( A ) ( ) ( ) ( B ) ) practical experience. 1. health 5. to 2. where 6. I can. 1. lacking 5. found of what roles physical activity, exercise and nutrition play. neither prevent nor manage disease. 6. an opportunity (3) There are at least four kinds of education people should get when they are young: physical education, moral education, intellectual education and nutrition education. Those ( ) (A) ( ) ( ) ( B ) ( ) have an understanding Without them we can Q wear 5. we 3. reach 2. in 6. interested 3. with 2. and 6. more (4) E-mail and other SNS applications are now the primary means of communication in much of the world. While this is certainly one form of socialization, it seems to be replacing social interaction in person. As a result, more ( ) ( A ) ( ) ( ) ( B ) ( ) in the social skills and values that are essential to their integration into a group or community. 2 clothes 6. to 4. to 3. need 4. to 3. are (5) Presumably fashion reflects our personalities. The ( ) ( A ) ( :) ( ^_-) (B) ( ) who and what we are. Many people wear clothes to try and fit in, some to impress others, and some just wear the clothes they own. Your clothing is a reflection of who you are one way or another. 3. like 4. mental or physical 4. people 4. show Basic Elements for Communication (t, 2019 4), 7, 35, 59, 71, 87 ( 改変)

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生


Ⅳ. (1) から (5) の各問いにおいて, 1. ~ 6. の語句を並べ替えて空所を補い, 最も適当な英文 を完成させなさい。 解答は解答用紙2枚目 記述式) の所定の解答欄に(A)と ( B ) に入る語句の番号を記入すること。 (1) I like English because I feel like a different person when I am speaking it. Although it is difficult to speak well, I enjoy the challenge. Someday I hope ( ) ( A ) ( ) ( ) (B) ( ) in English. 1. even dream 5. the level 1. young people 2. acquire 5. provide 2. where 6. I can (2) Volunteering is a good thing because it teaches young adults valuable lessons about life. For one, it teaches them that charity is an investment. By helping others you also help yourself. Volunteering can also ( ) (A) ( ) (B) ) ( ( ) practical experience. 1. health 5. to 6. an opportunity 1. lacking 5. found of what roles physical activity, exercise and nutrition play. neither prevent nor manage disease. (3) There are at least four kinds of education people should get when they are young: physical education, moral education, intellectual education and nutrition education. Those ( ) (A) ( ) ( ) (B) ( ) have an understanding Without them we can 3. reach 2. in 6. interested 1. wear 5. we 3. with 2. and 6. more 3. need (4) E-mail and other SNS applications are now the primary means of communication in much of the world. While this is certainly one form of socialization, it seems to be replacing social interaction in person. As a result, more ( ) (A) ( ) ) (B) ( ) in the social skills and values that are essential to their integration into a group or community. 2. clothes 6. to (5) Presumably fashion reflects our personalities. The ( (B) ( 4. to 3. are 4. to 3. like 4. mental or physical ) ( A ) ( ) who and what we are. Many people wear clothes to try and fit in, some to impress others, and some just wear the clothes they own. Your clothing is a reflection of who you are one way or another. 4. people 4. show Basic Elements for Communication (t, 2019), 7, 35, 59, 71, 87 ( 改変)

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


2 日本語の意味になるように,空所を補い, 英文を完成させなさい。 (1) その国には, 日本語のできる人はほとんどいません。 ) ( ) in that country can speak Japanese. adeem mow of a (2) 病院内の患者はだれも、まだその新しい医者に会ったことがありません。 ) ( ) in the hospital have seen the new doctor yet. (3) 電車の中には,眠っている人もいれば,スマートフォンを使っている人もいました。 * + X + D) () smartphones. (人)1 (243-30) A C (F+OV2) 0 (1) この小道を行くと,私たちは美しい浜辺に着きます。 [lead] This path 20 C (人)1 salt boomt loorbe SAT )on the train were sleeping, and (allemo) were using thei 十r floore rol otal od at sm beens tagbivos mint art ed ST の語句を参考に、日本語の意味になるように,英文を完成させなさい。 (3) その話を聞いて,彼は子ども時代を思い出しました。 [remind] Insede seas of his childhood. to a beautiful beach. (2) あなたの助け (assistance) があると,その企画は成功するでしょう。 [ make] the project a success. Mayco 3 日本語の音に (7) 今朝は寒くて、私は外出する気がおきませんでした。 [ keep ] T The cold weather s bobaueroq reil +(5) (6) その新薬のおかげで, 人々は病気が治るかもしれません。 [enable]パート を募う! ~ yab your asalli alH (4) どうして音楽家になろうと決めたのですか。 [make ] &特博会丁」(S) to become a musician? What vamos en Bourgeallon 15 H (5) しっかり睡眠をとると, 勉強に集中できますよ。 [help ] A good A 23210X3 の強会を失った) 1+x1LY ただし (1)(2) [ B going out this morning. on your stuc to recover from the dise られた動詞を

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

3はこれでもおっけーですか?答えにwhenを使って書いてあったんですけど、、、 9はmadeを使ってはだめですか?

Standard 次の文を太字部分に注意して英語に直しなさい . 1. あの道を行けば町に出ますよ. That road will takes you to the town. 2. 何で戻って来たんだい? Why did you come back ? ? □□ 3. その話を聞いて私は悲しくなりました。 I became sad to hear the stor story. of his speech 6. 昨日は雨でどこへも出かけられなかった. Rainy prevented me from going anywhend The rain □□ 7. この検査で彼の血液型 *がわかった. 4. 彼は給料がよいので楽な暮らしをすることができる. His large income enables me to live in comfort. 5. それで彼の演説を思い出したよ. It reminds me That INDO □□ 10. コンピュータでやれば多くの時間と手間がかからなくてすむ. (Computers) The story made me sad Inusteno This medicine will help your 1. 無生物主語 es tenday The sudden disease made me to Cancel the thip. nudis ahirt This test showed his blood type 8. 温度計は18℃ * を指している. The thermometer says eighteen degrees Centigrade reads 9. 急病のため、僕はその旅行を取りやめにした * . ➡69 The computer will save you alot of time and thouble. us.me for gaibrooo A □□ 11. 頭痛にはこの薬が効くでしょう. headache 8 ➡10 ➡12

解決済み 回答数: 1