

英語 高校生


I could have Practice ce agai 1 日本語に合うように, ( 内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成させなさい。 1. 朝ご飯を食べたのに、もうおなかがすいた。 Ⅰ (though/hungry now,/am/had/I) breakfast. 2. 私が小学生のころ、 家で犬を飼っていた。 (a/Ⅰ/had/when/dog/my family) was in elementary school. 3. 「発表の準備はもうできましたか。」「いいえ、まだです。 "(your / yet / prepared for / you/have/presentation )?" "No, not yet." 2 日本語に合うように, ( に適切な語を入れなさい。 ns 1. 家に帰った時, 電車に傘を置き忘れてきたことに気が付いた。 When I got home, I discovered I Cub neqal, id) tie pholair) my umbrella on the Hovered train. 2. 第2次世界大戦が終わって何年たったのだろうか。 How many years 3 日本語に合うように, 下線部に適切な語句を補いなさい。 1. 私は6歳の時に野球を始めた。 I )( towar C 3. 昨夜ジョンが私に電話をかけてきた時、私はシャワーを浴びていた。 I(def) (a helip) a shower when John called me last night. doleriT 4. 私が駅に着いた時には, 列車はすでに出発していた。 The train ( )( FO communication skills. 3. 私は高校に入るまで, 5年間剣道をやっていた I ) World War II ended? entered high school. 4. この公園に来るのは久しぶりだ。 when I was six. 2. 私は最近, コミュニケーション能力の重要性を理解するようになってきた Recently ) when I arrived at the station. Part1 understand the importance of since I last came to this park. Lesson 4 kendo for five years when I 動詞の形を決める ①

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英語 中学生


(2) 問題 9 【思考・判断・表現】 Toxun 0 () 英語の授業で、身近なを調べて発表することになりました。 次の英文は、 ある生徒が、 話の流れを表すスライドとして最も適切なものを、 右の1~4の中からつ選び、 番号を答えな チョコレート (chocolate) について調べた発表原稿です。 これを読んで、 発表の最初に示す、 さい。 Sampn mar a torW Xtnovsz Ha inoluz Hello, everyone. Do you like chocolate? I think many people do. Now, I'm going to tell you Seda ei blo woH S Sevil srie 2sob shen svog ori about its history. People in *ancient Mexico started to use *cacao to make chocolate. It was different from chocolate today. People drank chocolate. They thought it was good for their health. It tlusittib slttil D 2inTo bivad 3702 moto2 to Japan? During the Edo period, people from Europe uoy was a kind of medicine and very expensive. How did chocolate first come brought chocolate to Nagasaki. During the Meiji period, some people learned about making chocolate and wanted to make it in Japan. They tried very hard and finally they could. But Suoy glad I YDM S it was still expensive. Sirzoti ypbnu2 txsn ob of priop Doy STD todW abnoint vindtiy llodsend vold of prinn m'sirla Some *confectionary companies began to make chocolate during the Taisho period. After *World War II, chocolate became sweeter and *cheaper, so it's popular now. Today you can see many kinds of chocolate in the supermarket.tot og of tnow woy obyw Which is your favorite? Syobnu2 txan naritoow srit ai woh E World War II ==** M 第二次世界大戦 Stan *ancient Mexico = 古代メキシコ paino period = (1) confectionary companies = 7 ONTO cheaper = 安い、安価な 8料】 8 (84** fily of prio cacao =** I oxomoT time. (1) OlomoT M 2sY S LDNIN) Ai Stima

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英語 高校生


) at all to do with my health. →177 24. My decision to retire did not have ( ① anything ② something ③ everything ④ nothing 〈杏林大 > this machine. → 177 25. Something is the matter ① at ② in ③ of ④ with 〈富山大 > 26. “Did you all have a nice time?” “Yes, we enjoyed ( ① a good time ② all ③ ourselves ④ us <湘南工科大〉 27. Because of his business problems, John is always ( ① above ② beneath ③ beside ④ toward 〈東京理科大〉 )." →178 ) himself with worry. →178 ②2 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所が1箇所ある。 その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 <札幌学院 28. Gasoline taxes in the United States Dare ②lower than ③that ④ in Europe. 大〉 169 29. I had ②no idea that the kitten and the puppy were ③ fond of each ④ another. →173 〈北里大〉 30. Irealized ⓘmost my money ②had been spent, and the trip wasn't ③even half ④ over. 〈神奈川大〉 174 31. Jodie recommended that Nancy ②buy several ③books on World War II, but she wanted ④ neither of them. 〈近畿大〉 172 3 次の日本文の意味になるように ( 内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 32. ここで車なしで生活することはキツイとわかった。 →168 Ⅰ (to / live / difficult/ without/ here/ found/it) acar. 〈東洋大〉 33. 人々は、お互いに自分の人生に起こった不思議な出来事について語るのが好きだ。 →173 People (abouteach/events/enjoy/other/that/telling/mysterious) have happened to them. 摂南大〉

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英語 中学生

暗いし、長いし、申し訳ないです💦 3以外の、1、2、4、5、6、7を教えてください🙏🙇‍♀️

4 次の英文は、中学生の彩音 (Ayane)が、アメリカ滞在中のホストファミリーであるスミ ス夫妻 (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)の親戚であるベルギー(Belgium)出身の大学生 (university student) のエレン (Ellen) と交流した話です。 1~7の問いに答えなさい。 I've lived here since Ayane stayed in the United States this summer to study English. First, she lived only with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A week later, Mr. Smith said, "I came to work in the United States from Belgium about twenty years ago. then, but some of my family still live in Belgium. My brother's daughter will come from Belgium to live here. Her name is Ellen, and she will go to university s here. I hope you will be good friends." Soon after that, Ellen came. She started studying at the university to run her own business in the future. She was very kind. Ayane and Ellen often went out together on weekends. ア Before the movie, 10 One day, Ayane and Ellen went to see a movie. they went to a shop to buy something to eat. Ellen bought a hamburger and some French fries. Ayane said, "Do you know that ( 2 )? It's 'fried potatoes." Ellen was surprised. She asked Ayane, "Where did French fries originally come from?" Many people think they are from the United States. Ayane thought they came from France because the name is "French" fries. So she answered, “France !” 15 That was wrong. Ellen said that French fries were originally from Belgium. Ayane was surprised. Ellen said, "When American soldiers went to Europe in World War I, they ate frites. Frites are popular food in Belgium. They're like French fries. The American soldiers liked them. The people in the area spoke French at that time, so the soldiers thought the area was in France. Later the 20 soldiers brought the food to the United States. So the name became French fries." That was an interesting story to Ayane. She didn't know that people speak French in some areas of Belgium. Ellen also can speak French. Ayane was surprised again. Then Ayane bought some waffles at the shop because she heard they were 25 very good. Ayane said, "Waffles are also originally from your country, right?" Ellen answered, "Yes. I've liked them since I was a child." Ayane heard that Ellen's dream is to run waffle shops in many countries. She hopes waffles will spread into more countries, so she is studying business at the university. Ayane said, "These waffles are nice! I like waffles, too. When you start your 30 waffle shop in Japan, can I help you at the shop?" Ellen answered, "Yes. Oh, the movie will start soon. Let's go, Ayane!" "Yes, let's go," Ayane said. Ayane was happy because she understood Ellen and her country better.

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英語 中学生


4 次の英文は、中学生の彩音 (Ayane) が、 アメリカ滞在中のホストファミリーであるスミ ス夫妻 (Mr, and Mrs. Smith) の親戚であるベルギー (Belgium) 出身の大学生 (university student) のエレン (Ellen) と交流した話です。 1~7の問いに答えなさい。 Ayane stayed in the United States this summer to study English. First, she lived only with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A week later, Mr. Smith said, "I came to work in the United States from Belgium about twenty years ago. I've lived here since then, but some of my family still live in Belgium. My brother's daughter will come from Belgium to live here. Her name is Ellen, and she will go to university s here. I hope you will be good friends." Soon after that, Ellen came. She started studying at the university to run her own business in the future. She was very kind. Ayane and Ellen often went out together on weekends. One day, Ayane and Ellen went to see a movie. ア Before the movie, 10 they went to a shop to buy something to eat. Ellen bought a hamburger and some French fries. Ayane said, "Do you know that ( )? It's 'fried potatoes." Ellen was surprised. She asked Ayane, "Where did French fries originally come from?" Many people think they are from the United States. Ayane thought they came from France because the name is "French" fries. So she answered, "France !" 15 That was wrong. イ Ellen said that French fries were originally from Belgium. Ayane was surprised. Ellen said, "When American soldiers went to Europe in World War I, they ate frites. Frites are popular food in Belgium. They're like French fries. The American soldiers liked them. The people in the area spoke French at that time, so the soldiers thought the area was in France. Later the 20 soldiers brought the food to the United States. So the name became French fries." That was an interesting story to Ayane. She didn't know that people speak French in some areas of Belgium. Ellen also can speak French. Ayane was surprised again. Then Ayane bought some waffles at the shop because she heard they were 25 very good. Ayane said, "Waffles are also originally from your country, right?" Ellen answered, "Yes. I've liked them since I was a child." Ayane heard that Ellen's dream is to run waffle shops in many countries. She hopes waffles will spread into more countries, so she is studying business at the university. Ayane said, "These waffles are nice! I like waffles, too. When you start your 30 waffle shop in Japan, can I help you at the shop?" Ellen answered, "Yes. Oh, the movie will start soon. Let's go, Ayane!" "Yes, let's go," Ayane said. Ayane was happy because she understood Ellen and her country better. (注) still: 今でも run ~を経営する business: 事業, ビジネス hamburger : ハンバーガー French fries / frites (= fried potatoes): フライドポテト (French は 「フランスの [語]」, fries は 「揚げ物」) originally: もとは wrong : まちがった France: フランス World War I- American : アメリカ人の soldier: t Europe ヨーロッパ waffle : ワッフル -5- area:

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英語 高校生


2021 英語 2A の英 1808 課末問題 aiio19 Lesson 9 The Vancouver Asahi er eaoonO ofa do8 oddio Comprehension tndW 9 A Reading for main ideas: Choose the best answer. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? @ The hardships that the Nikkei had during World War II. O The first Nikkei baseball team in North America. © The relationship between the Nikkei and other Canadians through baseball. 2. The Vancouver Asahi finally won o ni ebi t s @ the respect of other Canadians through fair play nebioos sdT O the championship, improving their physical strength © the award for sportsmanship during the Pacific War c eviansage ne 2obaw asw buo) sedW S B Reading for details: Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below. There are some unnecessary words. Then divide the paragraphs into the following sections. TA Japanese beganimmigrating to Canada in the 1870s, but they faced prejudice and (1. The Nikkei enjoyed baseball, and they (2. |2 ) the Vancouver Asahi. |3 The Asahi joined the strongest (3. ) league, the Terminal League. 4 The Asahi couldn't win against the white teams because of their lack of (4. ) power. The manager, Harry Miyasaki, used the strategy called “Brain' Ball" to (5. ) the team. Harry also required the Asahi to play (6. 7 The white teams played rough against the Asahi, but they never (7. ) back. many times. ) and sent Even the white people began to support the Asahi, and they won the (8. The Pacific War changed the lives of the Nikkei. They were treated as the (9. 19 to camps. Life in camps was uncomfortable, and the people living near the camps were (10. Nikkei. 1|However, baseball (11. 12| The members of the Asahi were (12. )of the ) their hate. They understood each other by playing baseball. )into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in 2003. Paragraph Organization Words Introduction ( The Asahi playing against white teams ( Rebuilding the team amateur / championship / professional enemy / established / fairly/ fearful fought /inducted/ named/neutralized physical/ discrimination/rebuild The war and baseball Epilogue Class & No. Name

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Denmark in World War II お んれ By Hannah Arendt Hannab Arendt (1906-1975) was a political scientist! and pbilosopber born in Hanover, Germany. Wben Hitler came to power, sbe was forced to leave Germany and came to the United States in 1940. Sbe continued ber academic career by lecturing and teacbing at arious colleges, including The New Scbool for Social Researcb in New York City. Among the many books sbe urote were Eichmann in Jerusalem, On Revolution, and The Origins of Totalitarianism. Editor's Insert During the Second World War. the Germans invaded Denmark in April, 1940. In the beginning of her essay, Hannah Arendt explains that of the four countries almost completely immune to anti-Semitism- Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and Bulgaria Denmark challenged its German masters directly. As soon as the German authorities talked about forcing Jews to wear the yellow badge,' the Danes replied that all Danish citizens, including the King, would be wearing it the next day if the policy were carried out. In addition, all Danish government officials threatened 舌は the German authorities with their immediate resignation if the Germans started to implement any anti-Jewish actions. The following excerpt from Eicbmann in Jerusatem shows how the Danes sabotaged the German plan to carry out the mass extermination of the Jews. only 2タカ人の What happened then was truly amazing; compared with what took place in other European countries, everything went topsy-turvey. In August, ー after the German offensive in Russia had failed, the Afrika Korns 1943 had surrendered in Tunisia, and the Allies had invaded Italy すgovernment canceled its 1940 agreement with Germany which had permitted German troops the right to pass through the country. Thereupon. the Danish workers decided that they could help a bit in hurrying things そのうえに up: riots broke out in Danish shipyards, where the dock workers refused to repair German ships and then went on strike. The German militarv commander proclaimed a state of emergency and imposed martial la and Himmler thought this was the right moment to tackle the Te the Swedish す。 (continued on next page) themselves as Jews secret police), and overseer of the concentration camps

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