

英語 高校生

付箋の貼ってるところのadults bornのところがよくわかりません。born はbe動詞と一緒に使いませんか?

やや難 例題 次の文章はある報告書の一部である。 この文章と図を読み、問1~4 ] に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうち から一つずつ選べ。 Magnet and Sticky: A Study on State-to-State Migration in the US (1) Some people live their whole lives near their places of birth, while V-F Q Vi others move elsewhere. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center (looked into the state-to-state moving patterns of Americans.) The study zens examined each state (to determine how many of their ad have moved there from othe these residents) are called "ma es of study also s both S investigated what percent of adults born in each state are still living there.) States high in these numbers are called "sticky" states. The study were magnet and sticky, while others were found that some states neither. There were also states that were only magnet or only sticky. (2) Figures 1 and 2 show how selected states rank 6n magnet and sticky scales respectively. Florida is a good example of a state that ranks high on both) Seventy percent of its current adult population was born in another state; at the same time, 66% of adults born in Florida are still living there. (On the other hand, West Virginia is neither magnet (only 27%) nor particularly sticky (49%). (In other words, it has few newcomers, and relatively few West Virginians stay there. Michigan is a typical example of a state which is highly sticky, but very low magnet, (In contrast, Alaska, which ranks near the top of the magnet scale, is the Vi least sticky of all states. S V VA (3) Three other extreme examples also appear in Figures 1 and 2. The first is Nevada, where the high proportion of adult residents born out of Svi CL V+ 9 V₁ state makes this state America's top magnet. New York is at the opposite end of the magnet scale even though it is attractive to immigrants from other nations The third extreme example is Texas, át the opposite end of the sticky scale from Alaska. Although it is a fairly weak magnet, Texas SV₁ is the nation's stickiest state.

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英語 高校生


始 入外スリラン Hoshino Michio (1952-1996) is a Q Well-known nature photographer. He produced a great number of wonderful photos of wildlife in Alaska. Here, he talks about Alaska, its people, and “distant nature. 1 When I was a freshman in college, I came across a photo that changed my life. It was a beautiful photo of a small village called Shishmaref on a small island in Alaska. At first, I couldn't believe that people could live in such a remote te place. However, when I found the village on the map, I got interested and had an urge to go and visit this tiny village. I decided to write a letter, but I didn't know anyone in the village. DSo I wrote “Dear Mayor of Shishmaref,” asking him to introduce me to some family who might let me stay. Half a year later, I received a reply inviting me to visit. 1 46 In 1973, I went to Shishmaref and spent the summer with an Eskimo family. I ate the same food as they did, and even went Caribou funting with them. The local people often called me “Eskimo boy"! ②It seemed that every day brought me new experiences. ③Living in Alaska, I discovered that people lead their everyday lives even in such an out-of-the way place, just as we do back in Japan. 4) 日本語訳 アラスカに生きる 星野道夫 (1952-1996) は著名な自然写真家である。 アラスカの野生生物のすばらしい写真を数多く生み出し た。 ここでは、 アラスカ、 そこに生きる人々、 「遠い自然」 について語っている。 1 私が大学1年のときに、 人生を変える写真との出会いがありました。 それはアラスカの孤島にある、シシュマ レフと呼ばれる小さな村の美しい写真でした。 最初は、そのようなへき地で人間が暮らせることが信じられませ んでした。 けれども、 地図上でその村を見つけたときに、 興味を惹かれ、この小さな村を訪れたいという衝動に駆 られました。 手紙を書こうと決めましたが、村に知っている人などいません。 ① (なので私はシシュマレフの市長に 誰か私を住まわせてくれる家族を紹介してほしいと手紙を書きました)そして半年後、なんと私を 招待してくれるという返信を受け取ったのです。 1973年、私はシシュマレフに行き、 エスキモーの家族とひと夏を過ごしました。 彼らと同じものを食べ、いっ しょにカリブー狩りに行くことさえありました。 地元の人たちはしばしば私のことを 「エスキモーボーイ」と呼 んでくれました! ② (毎日、新しい経験を ③ (アラスカに住んだことで

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