

英語 高校生


6 分詞 (LESSON 14-15) 評価問題 氏名 ()から適切な語句を選びなさい。 ( 3点×4=12点) (1) This is a picture of a bird (drink/drinking/drunk) water from a pond. (2) We were (surprise/ surprised/ surprising) at her colorful dress. (3) The old man sat on the sofa with his legs (cross/crossing/ crossed). (4) My sister had her hair (cut/cutting/ to cut) by my mother. [ ] の動詞を適切な形にして、英文を完成させなさい。 to music. (1) Mike reads a book, listening (2) They left the gate Closiny all day long. (3) The picture (4) The boys kept Painted by Emma is very beautiful. Playing the computer game for hours. 13 ( )の語句を並べかえて、 英文を完成させなさい。 ただし、 下線部の動詞は適切な 形の分詞にすること ( 4点×5=20点) (1) (someone / in / there / of / is / front / wait) the door. There is someone wailing in front of (2) (got/cell phone/I/repair/my) yesterday. ( 4点×4=16点) [listen ] [close] [paint] [play] I got refailed my cell phone (3) We (the shop/ be baked / we / apple pies / at ). We (4) (a new restaurant/found/drive/he/ the car,) near his home. Priving the cat he found a new bestrant the door. /100 yesterday. near his home. (5) Ann watched (her cheeks/run/the movie / tears/down/ with). Ann watched the horie running dan with her checks teats ④4 次の各文の誤りを訂正して、全文を書きなさい。 (1) その眠っている赤ちゃんは私の息子です。 The baby sleeping is my son. The sleeping baby is my soul (2) 先生は彼の生徒たちに囲まれて座っていました。 The teacher sat surrounding by his students. the surrounding teacher sat by his students (3) お父さんに叱られたので、その女の子は泣き始めた。 Scolding by her father, the girl began to cry. Scolding by her father the girl began to ch (4) 彼女は車をそのホテルに駐車したままにしておきました。 She left her car park at the hotel. 5 次の日本語の意味に合う英文を作りなさい。 (1) 彼女は皿を洗うのに忙しかった。 (6点×4=24点) she was busy washing the dishes (I で始めて) I heard my brother singing the song (his で始めて (2) 弟がその歌を歌っているのが聞こえました。 (3) 彼のスピーチは退屈でした。 His speech was boring ( 6点×3=18点) 6 あなたが何かをしに行って, そのとき感じたことなどを3~4つの英文で書きなさい。 (5点) 会話の最後に入る気持ちを自由に考えて書きなさい。 A: The university entrance exam is coming up soon. B: I'm getting nervous. I don't know if I can pass or not. A: (5

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