


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

8番ですが、本文の内容に合っているか合っていないか、どちらにもとれそうで迷っています。 教えていただきたいです。

20 D 007 feel guilty about eating so much. People tease me for being fat and I pretend it Hello Sarah) I've put on a lot of weight recently. I make myself sick when I doesn't bother me, but I cry myself to sleep. My family says nasty things about my size, too. Please help me lose weight. 5 15歳の女の子の悩みの相 Barbara, 15 Sarah says: Hello, Barbara. Please try to stop making yourself sick. Beauty comes from within and in all shapes and sizes. The main thing is to be healthy. This can be done through your diet and by exercising. (It's unkind of your family to tease but pl" t ↳ To Tease 10 maybe they don't know that it upsets you So tell them how you feel. Ask your mom to help you follow a healthy, low-fat diet. Cut back on potato chips, cakes and sweets. Why not take up swimming or jogging? By eating healthily and exercising, your body will naturally reach a healthy weight. Don't skip meals, go on a crash diet, or make yourself sick. You may damage your body 15 if it doesn't receive the right nutrients. If you can't talk to your mom, your doctor will help. If you are unable to stop making yourself sick, call the Eating Disorder Association Helpline. Eating Disorder Association Helpline 01603765 050 Monday-Friday, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Email: eda@netcom.co.uk

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

このプリントが難しすぎてわかりません 誰か助けていただける方はいらっしゃいませんか??

272 They go skiing, no matter (dl) cold it is. O how 2 what 273 Roberta is very talkative. That is ( the cause 2 the result 274 275 278 282 279 281 I gave him ( O how This is ( 1 how 277 He was late for school this morning, ( 1 what ) help I could give. 2 whoever ) he behaves toward me. 2 kind She is rich, and ( 1 what 276 私は祖父の生まれた日を忘れた。 I forgot the () () my grandfather (4 was 2 when illə 3 day sta born ) you go, you'll be on my mind. O) Wherever 2 Even 280 Language is a means ( 1 whom 2 Whoever 283 The book, ( 1 if 2, that 284 Benjamin is ( that 3 when ) I don't like her. 3 what 285 If there is anything ( I can do 3 which which 3 time ) is more, she is very beautiful. 2 which 3 how ) may say so, I will not believe it. 2 Whomever 3 but 3 Had On the morning of her eightieth birthday, my grandmother, ( her, took the dog out for a walk. it ② as I can do that ) is often the case with him. 4 where logo what 3 However ) Lread last night, was very interesting. 2 that 3 what w ) is called a successful man. 2 what why 4 way what 3 which DES ) people communicate with other people. (3 of whom ) for you, please let me know. that I can (京都産業大) as (千葉工業大) (武庫川女子大学短大) 4 No matter 4 that (駒澤大) (梅花短大) 4 that (大阪産業大) (東京電機大) 4 by which was usual with (北里大) (広島文教女子大学短大) 4 which 4 who (湘南工科大) (京都産業大) COOPE (センター) 4 what I can do

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


10 abc X₂ X² Aa A AⓇ フォント # V 1.4 2 ← 2 E 2. The shepherd has a habit of counting his sheep every night to make sure that all there. (A) ite (B) it's (C) their (D) they're E for her best-selling nature photography books, Naomi Ward opens a photography school next month. (A) Know (B) Knowing (C) Known (D) To know 3.4 2 2 段落 e beginning and advanced courses in cellular biology include lecture and laboratory time. (A) Both (B) Each 4. An all-staff meeting on November 6th will focus on ------ each department is doing to prepare for our annual inspection. (A) howe (B) whate (C) Either (D) Every アクセシビリティ: 検討が必要です 2 2 f E 5. John Berg went to his office to talk with his boss he returned from his overseas business trip. (A) as far as E 2 2 6. Bill Cain had never heard of the company; he could not say anything when his A S 8. E ------ ← 標準 I (B) once + ■行間詰め (C) so that (D) whereas 7. This fall, Plasma Tech Inc. is offering a new line of digital metering products that are compact, ---, and reasonably priced.< (A) consistente (B) conveniente (C) insistent (D) present 見出し1 boss asked him about it. (A) however (B) meanwhile (C) nonetheless- (D) therefore On Saturday, October 19, Headlands Sports Club is holding Day. (A) it (B) its 見出し 2 annual Open スタイル E 表題

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