


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

8番ですが、本文の内容に合っているか合っていないか、どちらにもとれそうで迷っています。 教えていただきたいです。

20 D 007 feel guilty about eating so much. People tease me for being fat and I pretend it Hello Sarah) I've put on a lot of weight recently. I make myself sick when I doesn't bother me, but I cry myself to sleep. My family says nasty things about my size, too. Please help me lose weight. 5 15歳の女の子の悩みの相 Barbara, 15 Sarah says: Hello, Barbara. Please try to stop making yourself sick. Beauty comes from within and in all shapes and sizes. The main thing is to be healthy. This can be done through your diet and by exercising. (It's unkind of your family to tease but pl" t ↳ To Tease 10 maybe they don't know that it upsets you So tell them how you feel. Ask your mom to help you follow a healthy, low-fat diet. Cut back on potato chips, cakes and sweets. Why not take up swimming or jogging? By eating healthily and exercising, your body will naturally reach a healthy weight. Don't skip meals, go on a crash diet, or make yourself sick. You may damage your body 15 if it doesn't receive the right nutrients. If you can't talk to your mom, your doctor will help. If you are unable to stop making yourself sick, call the Eating Disorder Association Helpline. Eating Disorder Association Helpline 01603765 050 Monday-Friday, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Email: eda@netcom.co.uk

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

informations···▸informationに変えるような問題です。 答え合わせがしたいので、答えを教えて頂きたいです。大問1と2です。

1 Correct the sentences which have mistakes. Tick (✔) the correct sentences. 1 Do you have any informations about these people? information 2 How many people do you employ? Sorry, I don't have much time. Let's be quick. 4 A little customers have complained about the increase. 5 I'm afraid we don't have many paper in stock. 6 There isn't much demand for this line any more. Give him any more time to finish this. I've got fewer space in my new office than in my old one. 9 A lot of people said they preferred the taste of this one. 10 I'd like a little help with that, please. 7 8 2 Two people are checking the store cupboard at work. Complete their conversation with a suitable quantifier. A So, how many boxes of paper clips do we have in stock? so we should B Well, we only have a ² probably order some more. A How about ink cartridges? I don't think there are left. 3 B Well, there's an extra box of them here, but we'll more, sooner or later. need 4 A OK. What about the coffee machine? How 5 coffee is there? B There's a 6 7 of that, but there aren't packets of tea. A Right, so that's paper clips, ink cartridges and tea. Anything else? a at the moment, but people in the office have asked me if B Well, we don't have 8 9 we can have biscuits for the tea breaks.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

答え合わせの為、答えを教えて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。ビジネス英語です。

Working with words 1 Complete the sentences with the words in bold. Change the form of the word in bold or add another word to it. supply 1 It's important to build good relationships with different suppliers. 2 Our supply chain begins with the manufacturer in India and ends in our UK shops. is much higher but it's transport 3 The cost of air faster. show 4 Customers from all over Europe visit our in Paris and Milan. invent 5 Every item in our photographic records of each of them. middle 6 The problem with using is that it adds to the final cost of products because we have to add on their fee. is unique, so we keep ship 7 We have a large. track 8 We use barcodes to stock coming in and out of the warehouse. made 9 All our pots are _, which makes them expensive, but our target customer doesn't want anything mass-produced. original 10 The arriving in three days. of the of the products is printed on the bottom of the box. 2 Underline the correct words in italics to complete the sentences. 1 The book is currently out of stock, but it is on / out of order, so we'll have it soon. 2 We need to stock up on / run out of headed paper. Could you put an order in? 3 I ran low on/out of ink, so I couldn't print out the report. 4 We can keep track of/ on track our order by satellite. 5 Let's stop at the next service station. We are running low/out on petrol. Business 1 Complete the phone call between Virginie, a customer, and Kevin, a call handler. Put the words in italics in the correct order. Kevin Good afternoon, you're speaking to Kevin. How can I help you? Virginie Hello, I am up/chasing/an/order chasing up an order I placed three weeks ago. Kevin account /take/I/your/details / Can please? 2 Virginie Yes. The account number is 572638. Kevin OK. If you bear with me a moment, I'll into / look/it 3 Let me see. Well, my /to / information / according it is still on order. 4 Virginie I really need to know happened /to/has/it/ what 5 Could check/me/you/it/for/out 6 ? Kevin Certainly. I'll back/you/to/hour / within/get/ the 7 Virginie Thank you. 2 Kevin calls Virginie back. Complete their conversation with the phrases from the list. put the order straight through asap charge it to was dispatched on check it out as quick as we can must have gone wrong Kevin Hello, this is Kevin from DYK calling. I've got some information about your order. Virginie Oh, thanks for calling back. So, what's happened to it? Kevin Well, we put the order straight through to the warehouse, and it 2_ the 25th. Virginie But I haven't received it yet. Kevin I'm sorry about that. Can you confirm the delivery address? Virginie We wanted it delivered to our Brussels office. Kevin Oh, something 3 It looks like it might have gone to your Paris office instead. I'll 4 straightaway. Virginie I've already been waiting three weeks. Could you just send it again 5 ? Kevin OK, no problem. We'll resend it Virginie Thank you. And please not the Paris one. the Brussels account,

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


未習長文E インフォメーションリスト untrustworthy profession psychology not able to be relied on as honest or truthful ajob that needsa high level of education and training the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior often rewards society often understands and accepts lying. S0ociety deception. 0cupation |confess a job or profession to admit, especially to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal Something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work someone who trains a person or team in a sport a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults accomplishment coach executive criticize at times sometimes%;B on occasions an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not myth true exaggerate to make something seem better, larger, worse etc. than it really is to not include someone or something behavior in which you deceive or cheat people relating to feelings of love or a loving relationships intended to make someone believe something that is not leave out dishonesty romantic deceptive ture Conversation an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, and thoughts something that is very bad or a failure, especially when this is very annoying or disappointing not often; seldom disaster seldom

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

教科書の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。 分からない単語(赤で記入)を調べても 自分の中で和訳ができません…。 授業内で発表など色々あって、そこで 間違うのが怖いので和訳をお願いしたいです…🙇‍♂️

なす多 What is holism()? The medical professional's view of human beings influences. the planning and care provided to patients. For years, the health 従事者 長いp て 提供れる。 care community considered bódy and mind as separate entities, er year Now, it is believed that caréPHOViders need to yiēw an individual s をのてaなす 明電 @ 体的に、ああを as a whole, complete person, not as an assémbly of distinct párts. Viewed in this light, any distúrbance in one part is a disturbance of the whole system, the whole being. Therefore, health care pro- の 体のれれ fessionals must consider how the part of an individual under た下にある concern) relátes to all others and also consider the inferaction 10 and relationship of the individual to the external environment. This view is called holism, a holistic view of humans. :生物じ理、社年的が Humans are an open biòpsychósocial systenm with many inter- めま 提供する: related subsystems. In'brder to ptovide appiopriate healthcare based on a patient's needs, healthcare professionals must focus 15 on the interrelated needs of body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Abraham Maslow's® theory It was Abraham Maslow's human needs théory that offered the frámework for holistic health care. His model includes both 、操供 る的 生理的 心鶏的 怪える 良々に」 physiologic) and psychologic needs, which he arfánges in Order of importance from those essential for phiysical sufVival to those necéssary to develop to the füllest human potential9 Lower-level 20 心体 週不可欠 needs must be met to some extent before higher-level needs can スリ組た、@か。 be addressedio An individual usually persists in trying to meet a 場たす need until it is met. If a need goes unmet, physical disòrders, 25 psychological“imbalance, or death can Maslow's five categories of needs, in hiefarchical order. O Physiologic needs: air, food, water, shelter, rest and sleep, and temperature maintenance) eSáfety and secúrity needs: the need to be safe and to feel 30 OCCur. Below are 野屋eカラーを 所 safe, both in the physical environment and in human rela- tionships; 8 Loye and belónging" needs: the need for giving and receiv- ing love and the need for feeling that one atains®) a place in 所属(優) (7) 脅け人れ a group; OSelf-esteem needs: self-esteem® (feelings of indépéndence, Cumpetence, and self-respect) and estéém from others Toidon 自等 35 独立性 身する

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