


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英語の問題です。 教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️

(2) I had my teeth 1 check 1( )に入る最も適切な語句を ① ~ ④から選びなさい。 (1) He went on speaking as if she ( 1 can't 2 hasn't ) there. Son 3 wouldn't ) by a dentist this morning. ult niles 3 checking wahiwon (青山学院大 ) ④weren't pomibinand (岩手医科大) 24 to check 2 checked (3) You should not keep any pets ( 1 after 2 unless ) you can take good care of them. 3 when (中央大) ④which 1 as 2 in ) all be correct. ②anytime (6) If the weather ( ①must have been (4) This town will change ( ) another ten years. (5) Those may not ( 1 absolute ) fine yesterday, I would have done the laundry. 2 is (7) Studying takes up a lot of my time during the week, ( ) little time for hobbies. (芝浦工業大) since 3 of (國學院大) 3 everything ④necessarily (関西学院大 ) ③ wasn't 4 had been (皇學館大) ①1 has left (8) Have you heard the rumors ( 1 that 2 what leaves leaving 4 left ) Susan has returned to this town? ③ which (麗澤大) ④ who 1 by (9) What was found in this experiment is ( 2 for (10)( ) what to say, she remained silent. ) great importance to researchers. 3 in (立命館大) 4 of (愛知工業大) 1 Not knowing 2 Being not knowing ③No knowing ④Knowing no (11) I tried to ( 1 have 2 make ) her to tell me what happened last night. 3 get (十文字学園女子大) 4 let How gimon and (12) Do what you like, as ( 1 far 2 much B in 1 in 2 with bnat am ) as you leave me alone. 3 long (13) This tool is dangerous. Please read the instructions ( (14) If I hadn't drunk so much last night, I ( 1 feel (15) I wish you 1 attend (16) If I ( 1 were ) 2 will feel ) the party yesterday. 2 were attending ) much better than I do right now. ③ would feel ③ have attended (中京大) 4 would have felt (目白大) ④had attended ) in your situation, I would be more careful about what you post on social media. (フェリス女学院大) 4 many ) care. (聖隷クリストファー大) at ④take gwol 3 will be (南山大) ④would be

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数学 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


150 絶対値記号のついた定積分の代謝会 次の定積分を求めよ. (1) S√ √x-3dx (2) Clsin2xldx 3定積分 329 **** 考え方 絶対値記号をはずす. そのとき, xの値の範囲により、積分区間を分ける. 絶対値記 号をはずすポイントは、記号の中の式を0以下と0以上で場合分けすることである. √x+3(x3)←x-3≦0 (0以下) (1)√x-3 √x-3 (x≧3) ←x-30 (0以上) Solx-3ldx=S-x+3dx+x-3dx であるから, (2)0≦x≦ より 0≦2x≦2 sin 2x TC 10≦x≦ ← 0≤2x≤ したがって, |sin2x|= 200 (0以上) sin 2x (SIS) π 2 ← 2 2 (0以下) 「解答 (1) (2) つまり、Solsin2x|dx= sinxdx+S(sin2x)dxS'=S+S Svlx-3ldx=S-x+3dx+Svx-3dx =[2/3(x+33 + [1/(x-3)2 3 + ·32 376 ||-3|= x+3(x≦3) lx-3 (x≥3) YA y=√x-31 √3 y=vx3 第5章 0 3 y=v-x+3 |sin2x|= sin2x (0≤x≤7) -sin 2x(SIS) y=|sin2x| =4√3 π Sisin2x|dx= sin2xdx+S =S sin2xdx + S (- sin2x)dx Jogt =[12/cos2x]+[/2/cos == =-1/12 (1-1)+1/2(11) 2x ya 1=2 Focus 積分区間を分けて、絶対値記号をはずせ (記号の中の式を0以下と0以上で場合分け) a) 0 π TX 2 y=sin2xy=-sin 2x グラフはx軸で折り返した グラフを利用しよう.

未解決 回答数: 1
化学 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

はじめまして。 問2.3がわからなくてとても困っています。 もしよろしければ教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

<問題> 1) 安息香酸、クロロフェノール、アントラニル酸メチルのpK』 をPubChem で調査せよ。 2) 二つの化学種が平衡状態にあるとき、 Gibbs 自由エネルギー差はAG =-RT In K で表 される。 ここでKは平衡定数 (ある化学種に占めるもう一方に化学種の割合) である。 メチルシクロヘキサンのメチル基がアキシアルを占める立体配座とエクアトリアルを 占める立体配座の標準状態における存在比を求めよ。 計算実験で得られた立体配座異 性体のエネルギーの差を Gibbs 自由エネルギー差の近似値として用いてよい。 なお、In (エルエヌ) は自然対数を指しInx = yならばey=x (左辺はexp (y) と書くこともある) である。 気体定数は R ≒ 8.31 JK-1 mol-1 を用いよ (Bruice 有機化学、 5.7 参照)。 3) メタン、エチレン、アセチレンの分子軌道を量子化学計算の一種であるハートリー・ フォック法により計算せよ。 Engine: Gamess, Calculation: Molecular Orbitals, Theory: RHF, Basis Set: Minimal:STO-3G を指定せよ。 各化合物はそれぞれいくつの 分子軌道をもつか。 上記のうち、 多重結合を有する化合物について、 全ての軌道を 図示し占有数(Occupancy) を示せ。 また、 それぞれの化合物の結合角(∠HCH やく HCC) はおよそ何度か。 これまでに学習した軌道の混成状態についての知識と比較せ よ。

回答募集中 回答数: 0
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


次の英文は1991年に出版された本からのもので、 研究分野としての「人工知 能」 (Artificial Intelligence) について述べています。 下線部(1)~(3)を日本語に訳 しなさい。 What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Just about the only characterization of Al that would meet with universal acceptance is that it involves trying to make machines do tasks which are normally seen as requiring intelligence. There are countless refinements of this characterization: what sort of machines we want to consider; how we decide what tasks require intelligence and so on. One of the most important questions concerns the reasons why we want to make machines do such tasks. AI has always been split between people who want to make machines do tasks that require intelligence because they want more useful machines, and people who want to do it because they see it as a way of exploring how humans do such tasks. We will call the two approaches the engineering approach and the cognitive-science respectively. (2) (1) approach The techniques required for the two approaches are not always very different. For many of the tasks that engineering AI wants solutions to, the only systems we know about that can perform them are humans), so that, at least initially, the obvious way to design solutions is to try to mimic what we know about humans. For many of the tasks that cognitive-science Al wants solutions to, the evidence on how humans do them is too hard to interpret to enable us to construct computational models, so the only approach is to try to design solutions from scratch" and then see how well they fit what we know about humans. The main visible difference between the two approaches is in (3) their criteria for success; an engineer would be delighted to have create something that outperformed a person; a cognitive scientist would regard it as a failure. -1- M7 (492-61

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