


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Progress test (Part 1) Drag the words into the correct spaces. some of few 1/2 some a few enough neither lots of both little every each no information about attractions in the city. There are Coming to London for a weekend? Here's interesting places to visit - you won't have time to see them all. Firstly, visit to London would be complete without seeing Big Ben. The clock at the Houses of Parliament has become a symbol of London, but few✔ tourists know that Big Ben is actually the name of the bell, not day, so arrive early. the clock or the clock tower. On the opposite side of the river is the London Eye, the world's biggest observation wheel. holding 25 people, but there are still queues nearly There are 32 sections, If you'd like somewhere scientific, you could go to the Natural History Museum or the Science Museum. Entry to of these appeal to you, you may prefer Madame Tussaud's, the museum where is free. Or, if you can meet the world's most famous people made of wax. You could meet the Queen of England there, or you could hope to see her at Buckingham Palace, her London home, just the most valuable jewels in the world. stops away on the London Underground 'Tube' train. If you want to see more royal palaces, try the Tower of London, where you can see the Crown Jewels, If that isn't for one trip, why not go to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, a reconstruction of the 1599 theatre extra money, you can even see a play there. where his plays were performed. If you have a

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

お願いしますm(_ _)m

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 下の欄から適切な熟語を選び、 次の日本語の意味を表わすような英文を作りなさい。 1. 多くの自治体が、廃棄物処理に費用がかさんでいることを心配している。 Many municipal governments ( cost of waste disposal. 2. 規則的な運動は、私たちの日常生活で大変重要な役割を果たすものだ。 Regular exercise ( ) our daily life. 3. 科学者たちは、なぜそのクジラが浜辺に打ち上げられたのか、困惑している。 Scientists are puzzled ( why the whale. had swum to the shore. 4. 大雨に加えて強風が、その地域の家々を完全に破壊してしまった。 The strong wind, ( completely destroyed the houses in that area. ) the rising 5. 雨が降り続くうちに、川の水がうちの表玄関にまで来てしまった。 As the rain ( up to our front door. ) the heavy rain. WRITING 次のそれぞれの英文の( を完成させなさい。 ) pour down, the river came as to be concerned about continue to in addition to play a role in の中の語句を並べ替え、日本語の意味を表わすように英文 1.他の数種の鳥と違い、カツオドリは水中に垂直降下できる。 (other/unlike/ birds/some), gannets can dive vertically. gannets can dive vertically. 2. 彼女は日々の心配事を全て忘れて、 3週間の休暇にハワイ旅行へと旅立った。 She took off on a 3-week holiday for Hawaii, (all / behind / worries / her / leaving) her. She took off on a 3-week holiday for Hawaii, her. 3. 台風が東京を直撃する可能性は無いように思える。 (possibility/seems/be/there / to / no) of the typhoon hitting Tokyo. of the typhoon hitting Tokyo.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

【至急】お願いします。 (1)の下線部のwhen以下の文なんですけど。 答えの訳し方では、我々が世界を見て、より良いものになりうると少なくともある程度確信している状況を目にした際には、この判断が我々に行動を起こす理由を与える。となっていて、訳す順番がなぜこうなるのか分からな... 続きを読む

tj 【1】 次の英文を読んで、後の設問に答えよ。 (配点 50 ) rational 熟慮 When we deliberate about what we should do, we look for something to justify one choice over another. We evaluate choices and decisions on the basis of whether they are rational. In that sense, rationality is the basic norm of decision-making. We want some reason to act in a particular way. The goal of all action or choice (1) is to change our situation so we will be better off, and when we look at the world and see a state of affairs that we are, at least to some extent/confident could be made better, this judgment gives us a reason to take action. VE In social sciences, the basic material of any theory of rational choice consists of three elements. These are states of the world (states), actions that one might take (actions), and ways the world can be after one acts (outcomes). The world is one way, we want it to be other than it is, and we act to bring that better world that fend et

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