


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


1 99 まるで一のように] まさに Marcus Aurelius.Roman emperor and philosopher. Tf 1本荒えがある」 ee RET ー 1 ing more Or lesi 「今を 3 t we Ting, it iS becauSe philosophers and religlOUS thinkers haVe been Say1ng pn 二 S SN NN ts ーー コ る。 DR こい the same thing fron time Gmmemorial). ・明らかに W る! Aa 19ぇ cannot 7e ere 7の地 1 も seriQ pe er 7がの24 het ア/ye 7 7の6 7656777 (To・ 急 Clearly we human beings must haVe great difficulty HiVing mindfully in the : -ヒ=ゴ have difficulty (ぞ) on 「"す るのに大する まこ Present. | why 本 so many philosophers feel the need to keep reDeatmg om 民もし) そうでなければ」 人《仮定法週去% WW the message? 罰 sound 古落| ほ) "問題提紀 ド は d now] does not 選 On the face of it [fully cngaging the here am El ma 。紅 5 有lつを生さる]ご fel6 ce is right here in front of us. And it iS 7のW right noWi 国 what the : RS ! ・表面上は. 今この引 problem? 1 す BE 時 き heは い。何が問題なのか 電 Some people drift away from the present (by desiring something (better than < 55mepeople -. Others … 「ごする人もいる・ (に方で) …する人もいる | ( 誰妥 what exists here and now). @琶 drift away into cwWwhats nex?” Another。 more 1 > Ss [今を生きる| ことがで full immersion in the present iS by seeing all of Hfe as ! 'ない人々| V C ・現寿に没頭できなQA&G 語 preparing fOr dinner 箇 preparing forlifeinthe : は様々なタイプがある to B IAからB に及! ! >xams 個l8 somewhcre iDeWeen. SN 「中間に] [その反対に} ! of (who persistently dwell in the past。、with Rem eitherAorBorG ) 回 原本 ss 旧We can always 台8gime our hves 明 different jmagine O as C 「O がCだと旨像する] 2 4 人は想像力や拡張された記 always see alternatives. Apparently, 衣により, 現実にMDる 生を想像し、 過去の人生 上 to resis0. 男RSM語, we can remember 人 す [同様に! 才 これ5 ご 、 これらは抵抗し著いも0記 語本| also seems irresistible.

解決済み 回答数: 1
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


s not something you Want 9 eir horme5・ It* 8 。 tak eople out of th 村 K you are ga ing 1 other than definitely needing to 9" 叶 dose 』 do lightIy , for 「@d rter to taKe shelter・ 1f is a plum, radiation・ Tn S0TTe accldents, IE 15 DTP indows 2 d or puf人 relea5e, people shelter In hou5e5 witl nt いい rhead2/" 58yS・ the puff has passed overheady Milligan 58Y : NeceSsarY changeS? In Japan, even the wake of the deadIy earthquake and ME d i ins25 We left local infrastructure ruin5, thousands of people た 抽 ta from the vicinity of the nuclear POWeT plant within 24 hourS・ MM 3 Milligan, dt least, does not anticipate anY chan9ges to the「Uu e5 ー し from27 less0nS learned from Fukushimaa ro nuclear DOWe「 plants stemmin9 now Provide adequate? ion for public| ww e Can See i ゞThe planning ZOneS in place There IS nothing W cate that We would need to expand、 zio る le health and safety,′ She SayS・ Fukushima meltdowns that would indi the_.plume eXxDOSU「 pathway“" an aircra介 mi ar USS Ronald Rea9 gase5?1 On ah dioactIVe noble e aircraft carrier found ほぼ: s for civilianS, after miles from the plant| e case of Fukushirma, the carrier? sailed into the plume of escaping「す March 12. More than 100 miles aWay, sailors on th jevels high enough to exceed the EPA'Sデ guideline zo roughly 10 hours of exposure. "They went up to 130 and we were St reading a direct gamma shine33 of 0.6 milirem pe 因 nour” explained the NRCS Stephen Trautman on March 12, according t9 s34. Garmma「ayS d「e among the most energetic 一 and tnerefore forms of radiation. Nevertheless, in th transcript dangerous tO health 一 2。 Tn the end, the question i5 One of risk. No one has died from radioactiwe contamination as a result of the Fukushima meltdowns, at least not yeW And it may prove impossible to disentangle3* any extra cancers due 0 Fukushima S radiation, from those that happen as a result of all the othW carcinogenic37 factors a DerSOn is exposed to in the modern world froW diet to smoke. But it remai i jns unclear how far radioactive emissions3 might reach In WW Case of a another 0 央0 1 Fukushima. "At that point its from We ? Another five miles? Another 10 miles? Do you 8 a Sense?” ask 1] Sked NRC chairman Gregory Jaczko on March 12, as he t his staff anal yzed computer modeling of a catastrophic meltdown す

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