


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


ER 試験に出る単語など 未習長文A インフォメーションリスト 単語など 定義·例文情報 現代美時信: Contemporary | contemporary art works be pleased to Japan Museumis pleased to present 'Sōsaku hanga. exhibition Collection of things, for example works of art, that are shown to the public. feature The hotel features a magnificent ocean view. Lacquerware are objects decoratively covered with lacquer. The work of a joiner. lacquerware joinery Coat a metal coated with gold Lacquer sap has been used by humans from long time ago. It was treated as a luxury item. sap resistant heat-resistant moisture small amount of water that are present in the air. decorative a decorative design sprinkle Silver powder is sprinkled on its surface. appear Dimples appear on her cheeks when she smiles. range We sell a wide range of goods. a box, bottle, etc. a pot or other object made of clay that has been made permanently hard by Container ceramic heat bowl tea bowl glue a sticky substance that is used for joining things together transform The new bridge will transform the island's tourism industry. emphasize give special importance to something highlight emphasize imperfection a fault or weakness in something a skilled person, especially one who makes beautiful things by hand craftsman specific specific regions of Afirica metallic powder metallic

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

教科書の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。 分からない単語(赤で記入)を調べても 自分の中で和訳ができません…。 授業内で発表など色々あって、そこで 間違うのが怖いので和訳をお願いしたいです…🙇‍♂️

なす多 What is holism()? The medical professional's view of human beings influences. the planning and care provided to patients. For years, the health 従事者 長いp て 提供れる。 care community considered bódy and mind as separate entities, er year Now, it is believed that caréPHOViders need to yiēw an individual s をのてaなす 明電 @ 体的に、ああを as a whole, complete person, not as an assémbly of distinct párts. Viewed in this light, any distúrbance in one part is a disturbance of the whole system, the whole being. Therefore, health care pro- の 体のれれ fessionals must consider how the part of an individual under た下にある concern) relátes to all others and also consider the inferaction 10 and relationship of the individual to the external environment. This view is called holism, a holistic view of humans. :生物じ理、社年的が Humans are an open biòpsychósocial systenm with many inter- めま 提供する: related subsystems. In'brder to ptovide appiopriate healthcare based on a patient's needs, healthcare professionals must focus 15 on the interrelated needs of body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Abraham Maslow's® theory It was Abraham Maslow's human needs théory that offered the frámework for holistic health care. His model includes both 、操供 る的 生理的 心鶏的 怪える 良々に」 physiologic) and psychologic needs, which he arfánges in Order of importance from those essential for phiysical sufVival to those necéssary to develop to the füllest human potential9 Lower-level 20 心体 週不可欠 needs must be met to some extent before higher-level needs can スリ組た、@か。 be addressedio An individual usually persists in trying to meet a 場たす need until it is met. If a need goes unmet, physical disòrders, 25 psychological“imbalance, or death can Maslow's five categories of needs, in hiefarchical order. O Physiologic needs: air, food, water, shelter, rest and sleep, and temperature maintenance) eSáfety and secúrity needs: the need to be safe and to feel 30 OCCur. Below are 野屋eカラーを 所 safe, both in the physical environment and in human rela- tionships; 8 Loye and belónging" needs: the need for giving and receiv- ing love and the need for feeling that one atains®) a place in 所属(優) (7) 脅け人れ a group; OSelf-esteem needs: self-esteem® (feelings of indépéndence, Cumpetence, and self-respect) and estéém from others Toidon 自等 35 独立性 身する

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


rom the information we obtained, we believe First Bank and Union Bank will (D) Judgment most Iikely merge to form the biggest bank in the country. (B) Judge (A) Judging (C) Judged Tou should bring your own laptop computer, since all the computers in the office out of order. (D) being (A) is (B) are (C) been to Rome to start her own business. (D) movement 13. Janet spent 10 years in Paris before (A) move (B) moves (C) moving the spreadsheet software. (C) are updated 14.I received an e-mail from SmartSoft and (A) updating (B) update (D) updated tA 15. Mr. Carlton is seeking a position as a bond analyst on Wall Street. (C) challenged (A) challenge (B) challenging (D) to challenge 16. in 1909, the Nara Hotel has been popular with celebrities from around the world (A) Establishes (B) Establishing (C) Established (D) Having establishe 17. Before you apply for the position, you need to have the application form supervisor. (A) signed .by your (B) sign (C) been signed (D) are signing A 18. Please to the attached file when you prepare the documents for the presentation. (A) refers (B) refer (C) referred (D) referringnie 19. her extensive knowledge of computer programming, Ms. Harris is the top candidate for the position. (A) Give (B) Giving (C) Having given 20. Mr. Peterson, the department manager, insisted that all employees (D) Given time. their work on (A) finish (B) has finished (C) finishingbnoo (D) finished

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数学 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


[III] 1辺が1の正三角形 ABCにおいて, 辺BC, CA, AB 上にそれぞれ点D, E, Fをとる。 ここで, BD = p, CE = q, AF =rとし, 0<p<1, 0 <q<1,0<r<1とする。また,直線 (8) (1) 中文本ー AD と直線 BE の交点をGとし, ADEF の面積をSs とする。 e o ene 1 u ovitni 次の問いに答えよ。 [I]次の問いに答えよ。 (1) ACDE の面積を p, qを用いて表せ、また, Sをp, g, r を用いて表せ。 deiddus d Baal t (1) 0SSで, y= sin? ェ+6sin z cos.z +7cos"zの最大値と最小値を求めよ。 (2) CG をp, q, CA, TH を用いて表せ、 (2) 点Pがェ軸上の原点にある. コインを投げて, 表が出たらPをェ軸上, 正の方向に1だけ (3) 直線 CF が点Gを通るときのァをP, qを用いて表せ。 移動させ,裏が出たらPを負の方向に1だけ移動させる。コインを8回投げるときに, 8回 とする。点Gが線分 CF上を動くとき, Sの最大値とそのときのpの値を求めよ。 (4) r= ad m 1 目でPがはじめて原点に戻ってくる確率を求めよ。 () r=と とする。点Gが線分 CF上を動くとき, Sの最大値とそのときのpの値を求めよ。 do (3) 整式 P(z) を-4-2で割ると余りがェー1,z?-2a-3で割ると余りが3z+1,?-1で ed ha otdimi dd ce ow 割ると余りがェー7である. P(z) をポー6z?+11z-6で割ったときの余りを求めよ。 O (4) a」 = 1, an+1 = abe Jedl volud liotmi1go ofqpg smo an によって定められる数列{am} がある.このとき, {an}の一般項を he bnd b) 4a, +5 vel evd noenon don 求めよ。 0geigtabmatm o 6 m shi sigmyO nnio adT (5) 不等式 2"<9637 < 20+1 をみたす整数nを求めよ, ただし, 必要であればlog1o2 =D 0.3010, de mO n blo a b log1o3 = 0.4771を利用せよ。 o o smd o o agnig エ+1 o gdhos lbaoh o d d dnodeab amn o 20d anichb bomd p [II」 4,6を正の定数とする。f(z) = al+ 1|+b -1」 とし, S(z) = - とおく 1 dO bom bi Tashi Jao d dip boboano als anwamduc) n0 次の問いに答えよ。 (1) a=1,6=2の場合,関数y= S(z) のグラフを描け. n dto u TO 20m TO (2) 0<a<bの場合, 関数y =D f(z)の最小値を求めよ,d aag t o 1-4 S0 (3) a= 1,6=2の場合,-2<z< -1において, S(z) をェの整式で表せ。 (4) 関数y=S(z)が偶関数であるための a,bの満たすべき条件を求めよ。 (5) 0<a<bの場合,関数y= S(a) の最小値を求めよ. bh got o o sl gndhai anew yad) ro dw m0 d do ow w

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


¥ Samuel Pepys is the earliest diary- keeper that is famous today. for it gives personal insight into London's Great Plague and the Great Fire. Pepys took diary writing from the realm of business to the individual. His diary is being published on the Internet, and it is interesting to note that there has beena new entry every day since Anne Frars 1929-194。 n January of 2003. It will continue over the course of several years to come. Reading his diary is fascinating. and it makes his life all the more real to us. 63 Today's electronic version of the diary, the web READING PASSAGE log, or “blog," has once again stretched the diary to fopic sentences and supporting sentences of each paragraph be much more than a personal account of the dav's events. There are blogs to document recipes, traveling. ロ movies, independent news, product announcements, allowance." It refers to a book for fragmentary writings by date and is photos, and anything else that needs to be recorded over time. Search engines like Technorati.com have 会 the six volumes of Samuel Pepys diary manuscript 35 been created to keep track of the more than 112 million blogs that are $ diary is a good form of self-study. 日(In America, from the 1940s through the 1980s! a diary was thought of currently public. In its newest incarnation, the diary has become more popular mostly as a way to privately express one's deepest thoughts while keeping notations about the day, In those times, pnd even continuing on today, writin。 in a diary was like writing to a special friend. Many times, movies would show than ever. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 9 teenage girl beginning to write in her diary while she said aloud, "Dear diary Decide if each statement is true [T] or false [F]. If it is false, write the sentence correctly. What followed was a synopsis of the day, usually filled with emotion. Those private reflections may have historical significance long after the 1.[]The word “diary" means a collection of stories written every ロ day. author's death. A diary kept by a young German Jewish girl by the name of Anne 2.[] Diary writing in movies illustrates how similar it is to writing to a special friend. Frank provides us with invaluable lessons about history, for she documented Anne kept a record of her private events and thoughts in her diary after she moved to Germany. 15 her experiences while she hid from the Nazis during their occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. Her diary became one of the world's most widely 4.[]Pepys was one of the first diary writers to include his own personal observations of historical events. read books and is the basis for many films. Samuel Pepys, who lived during the 17th century, is the earliest diary-keeper that is famous today. His diary is also an important documentation of history, ロ 5.[、]Today's diaries on the web are changing their characteristic of being secretive. 12

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


横浜市 徳島市 香川県 愛揚県 新潮市 四国地方 高松市 文法項目別ワークシート Grammar for Communication 6 得点欄 Date Grade Class Number (10) 教科書 p.116 Name 受け身 ~視点を変えて情報を伝えよう~ 次の日本語に合うように (1) あの歌は子供たちに好まれています。 に適切な語を入れて英文を完成しましょう。 aotoib yM ) by children. Tle 1o That song ) yuA s pe (2) この映画はインドで作られました。 This movie in India. ad yM (8) (3) これらのコンビュータは彼の授業では使われませんでした。 20m. piorpet( ) OY o() These computers in his class. (4)その本は英語で書かれていますか。一いいえ, 書かれていません。 the book in English? orla - No, it's (5) この鳥は日本のあちこちで見られます。 p Jaom \gnitao all around Japan. nom) This bird alg na mo (1) 2 1内の指示に従って書きかえましょう。 (1) The baseball player is loved by everyone. [過去の文に] 次の文を[ -あ合本日の (2) This car was washed by the girl last Saturday. [否定文に] 9TD0 (3) The river is cleaned by the students every year. [疑問文に] (4) The woman wrote this story. [下線部を主語にした受け身の文に] (5) Many people will watch the movie. [下線部を主語にした受け身の文に] メugasoa s VI\as 使ってみる、 Supplement

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

コミュ英です 解ける方いましたらお願いします 提出が迫っている科目がいっぱいありすぎて、手が足りないので助けていただけると助かります…

1.次の英文に主部と述部の境界線を例のように入れなさい。 そのあと全文を日本 語に訳しなさい。 dT (1 T (S M (8 例:European countries / can be divided into three groups. ① The watch stolen from the shop was a valuable one. ②) The bookI wanted was written by Natsume Soseki. wIO ③ The girl with long hair gave the police some information. 0 b of 4 The missing girl wandering about the woods was found dead. 5 The news of the accident makes me sad. 6 The telephone on the desk rang loudly. の Takeshi, my brother, used a knife to open the letter. 8 Mastering a foreign language takes longer than learning to ride a bicycle. bag 設問2.次の英語の下線部の品詞名を書きなさい。また英文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1) My father is younger than he looks.(183mの意 2) He worked hard to provide for his old age. 3)I have often been to India. 4)I always use a dictionary for the use of students. 5)I remember the man very clearly. 開 190 noidom adT ((I Nbollid uor ) () lusittib 19ukngt6 9d g, olig .019) 0slqis ) () 6) Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution. kti2z0q 設問3.次の文の主語S、 動詞V、目的語O、補語C、付加語Aなどに下線を引き分析 をしてから、全文を日本語に訳しなさい。 例:I like dogs and cats. 私は犬と猫が好きです。 SV diw baans bns zad 1) His mother handed him a bag. 2) My sister taught me Japanese history. ob Juods gnidaidt al sde 2aniand 3) 16 149 n 9ob buedaud Tod 2ai2 (8 He had a chance to meet his father. 4) You have made me what I am today. 入る 設問4.次の日本語を指定された文型を用いて英語に訳しなさい。 1)私たちは父の誕生日を祝うためにパーティをした。SVOA 2)父は私に新しい靴を買ってくれた。 SVOO 3)私は危険に気づいていた。 SVCA hnイー

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