


5 次の英玉を読んで, 以下の設問に答えよ。 (配点50上 | For over one hundred milion years, sea turtles have SWum in the Pacific and | ndian Oceans、They are an important lmk im marine *ecosystems and help to keep coral reefs and other species of marine Hfe healthy through their diet. They not only 「Dlay an inportant role in keeping the OceanS clean, but they also have large touriSmm and cultural value to humans. Unfortunately, they are in great danger. | Climate change and *overfishing are *threatening the seven Species of sea turtle that exist today. "The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) considers that five.of the seVen species are likely to become endangeredL. The WWF has made some progreSs with | the problem by asldng *fishers to use *turtle-friendly hooks when they catch their fish. One problem that continues to grow in S126, however, js plastic. The Pacific Ocean is home to hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, but 直 S also home to the worst plastic pollution in the world、 gte *Great Pacific Garbage Patch is located in the north part of the Pacific AA Tt contains over three and a palf milion tonS of trash and ijS often called a "plasHc island.′ The “island” is about six meters deep and spreads over an area Of about 700000 sauare kilometers. This js ame SiZe as Texas, the second- ]argest State mn the United States. about the 8 lastic tash in the se4 is a major problem for turtles. e They often mistake the floatin ieces Of lastic for jellyfish. These pieces of plastic they eat can become ped inside the 【 turtles cannot do anything to remnove unwanted items from ther stomachs. 0 urtles' stomachs and prevent them from being able to eat. Unlike 2 hurnanS, humans must invent a solution to the problem they created.
It iS esthmated that over half ot all sea turtles have some plastic inside ther | stomachs. An Australian Study of sea turtles said that young sea turtles that eat mmore than 17 pieces of nlashc would be expected to die One sea turle that was : found had 329 pieces of plastic inside its stomach. Researchers also say that even a 」 Single Diece of plastic can ead to death. Newly *hatched sea turtles have many challenges to overcome. They have to find their way to the ocean alone, while avoiding many *predators. For those that 1 are able to survive this and find their Way to water, plastic is a big problem. 。 gpOlder Sea turtles tend to stay away from plastic as they have more experience in the ocean. Young sea turtles are growing and hungry and therefore they fend to eat whatever they can find. | The doctor who led the Australian study said that to 5 sea turtles, humans would have to 半生 Ne behavior. “The fishing industry throws away-a lot of iDlasHc Waste and ghe Stuf that ends up in the ocean was im somebody's hand at Some point im er 6 said. Working to reduce the amount of plastic that goes into 天 can 1 these ancient creatures make a comeback. ⑱ 上Ra 生李系 overfishing: 魚の乱獲 threaten: …を脅かす the World Wildlife Fund (WWF): 世界自然保護基金 ” Rsher: 湾師 turtle-friendly hook: カメに害を与えない釣り針 hatch: ふ化する predator: 捕食者 | 問1 下線導) the problem「その問題」 に対し, WWR はどのような策を講じたの 228 かを, 本文に即して 30 字程度の日本語で答えよ。 問2 下線部②の説明にあてはまらないものを1 つ選べ。 ア. 太平洋北部にある。 、イ. 別名 「プラスチックの鳥」である。 、 ウ. 海抜6メートルのゴミの島である。 エ. 米国テキサス州とほぼ同じ面積である。
高校 英語 分かんない 質問


