

| 2 | 火の玉を読んで, 設問に答えなさい。ただし。 ポのついでいる本に関し とめて注があります。 9 (ご部省略) what then is populismz The answer to this simple question ia bi Clear But one can, 』 suppose, say (hat populism reflects a deep suspicion of th blishment: that this establishment in the view of most populists does not just ionw of fordgncrs (though this N more Idy to be fimd on the figh than the they are sceptical* of the facts 4s provided to them by the cstablishmeni es (and again this is truer of the right than the lef() they dont muell intellectuals. Nor in general do they Jike big cties and the metropoltan types who h e in them: They are (to use a term made popular by Dayid Goodhart) the'66議 イ | people who want to be part of somewhere [ ウ | thoseWhoe生計議 ndeed, the faut line* i and in most place or communi和yefsually a small town or in the Countryside socialy GO jess educated, and those who come from Anywhere: footloose*。 often urban 6 umiversity educated and who tend to feel at home nmearly evenywhere。 *somewheres' we have t0 understand, for it iS they | エ | who eonetute de PT what he sees as the populist revolt
But one should beware of* assume that because populist voters tend to be less well educated that all populists are fools、 This would be a mistake. Indeed, even 務 most supporters of populist partics have less formal education、this does not mean they ane jrrat nal*. Nor do it make populist thinkers stupid or unthinking. They are not.a_9E than: 6 Q who.politics。 Brexit in the UK、much_better grasp、their opponents,those.had。planmed =、across the Atlantic。the populists (unlike their critics) had a Very clear plan was their very big thinkers and strategists like Steven Bannon who plotted the B で campaign that finally won Donald Trump the White House by focusing in on precisely those issues 一immigration, unfair trade and freerriding allies 一 that traditional conservatives in the Republican Party (| オ | the Clinton people) had hitherto* ignoredl 典) Michael Cox, "The Rise of Populism and the Crisis of Globalisation: Brexit Trump and Beyondl 7がSU redies が 7が7e7xgfozg7 4がgps VOI 28 (2017)』p183 ぐるMI 214》
(注) conspire against : ーに対して陰謀を企てる repository :宇庫 nativist : 移民排主義者 sceptical : 懐疑的な fault ine : 断層、 断絶 footioose : 自由気ままな 。 | revolt : 反逆。反乱 beware of : SE irrational : 理性のない hitherto : それまで 馬 引 (設癌1) 空棚| ア オ | に入る最も適切な語句をの つ選び, その語句を記入しなさい。 (語群 aS opposed to after al that not to mention more often than not


