
書かれていないから✖️ ということですか?
もし、第一段落4行目の In Africa 〜 の部分から✖️になるのだとしたら、3000㎞はなぜ 長い といえるのですか?
長い の基準はどこに書いてあるのですか?

女子 2019

Monarch Buttery* Migration Every year 4s regular as 6lockworky happens。人As the weather changes and food is harder to fnd, 5 animals are pulled by a strong, patural Oinstinct t6 1eave their homes for part of the Year,to ook for more food and a better pla6e to ive and breed/⑭ jon resuls ) mimals gong on extraordinary ) [mm At, over km jjourney together to find better grazing areas<人nother example js the Arctic tern, which as one of the 二 migrationsi HIyng rom the Arctic to the Antarctid and back eps s round tip cfaboul 70.900knl amazing is taken by_the_monam ermy 30 9 4.828Mm soutHl from North America to Mexicos mountainous oyamel fir fores atory journeys. 人 of the most ese_⑱fragile creatures fly to getaway from What is lo the butterfHy 1ー 7有 that only the fourth generation, Which is born _ in the early fall Gom September to October)/ makes the long journey me term butterHied have strong wings (they can Qiy as far as 120km a day), long Hifepans (they live as long 6-8 monthe) and are born to 1y Before the winter cold sete in,《hey start migrating south. Believe itor not 4fey follow the same MA routes and even migrate to the same tree as their (⑩ancestors did/and they hibernate there/How they do this is a mystery./Probably everything is written in their DNA。
ey mate and set offto fhy back home, jprftey cover only part 10 next three generations, ie the first, second and third, finally return to North America. three We butterflies lives only| 本 相 6 weeks before they mate, ay eggs, and di When they wake xp next spring, 7 of the way north,もhen breed and fhy further north and repeat the patte ach of these Strangely (ere are patches of millcweedHPIanfs along their way back home/on which they lay eg young feed. enough, and thei monarch butterHy is in ane-/9還 thegh many of the butterHies oyerwintering eites in Mexe6 have been made into sanctuarieg even here they are not safe 際 As a resulk/cold air gets to the trees where the butterflies stay and because of this, many of them ndie-④ 2 there im a ghimmer of hope. ⑨Conservation efforts are now under way. The Mexican e rnment and The World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) are working together to save the forest and educate people. (出典: H. Nagata & G. Tviley As7er7eg Sc7ence, Nan'unrdo, 2015) ee 4 1 *monarch butterfly オオカバマダラ(アメリカ産の大型の蝶)。渡り島のように渡りをする氏。 単語リスト: wildebeest ヌー(gnw)属の総称 tern アジサシ (カモメ科の鳥) の74 7で oyamel fir メキシュ等に生育するモミの木 milkweed plants トウワタ属の植物
1. 本文の内容に一致しているものには〇を、そうでないものにはXをつけなさい。 イ African wildebeest cannot make a long journei イ The Arctic tern fhies a 1ong distance between ole ク (⑧) The monarch butterfly chooses to live in the cold weather. めん に


