

(9 の敵区は 下部のの内容について 敵邦で拉男じたものです。 本文の内容に合うように。 文中の に入る最も適切な1 語を、それぞれ和書きなきい。 Mark says that iCs necessary to imagine the ① OM me frre Kenji talks about the Internet and tels an example about his ⑨ . MarkandKeni Uink that the worHd ie geting amaler and they can relie 6 ⑳ | inothercounuies on the Internet. Mark and Kenji also talk about the ④ that people can ⑤ of communication in English。 They think each other more by using English.
| ze PE ーク(Wiark)さんとの会話 アァリカ(Amee)から0大 ーー じ/ eyeと 54生 ( xのmaxa。 jiの介( です。これを読んで, あとの(のの問いに逢えなさい Ke : 抽, Mark Can ltalk to you n0W 陣 8 ok Sre <あ> aar month。 Wi you oin ue がey mwaeam dmemwrysdolo kad he ma omds( ① ). Tmanyou Wiataesou om 5 ef im dhnikng bowt ane armiirs The gw ea Moleee。 The chidren should ry to ewe cressoms Ri What 60 30リ "rantto bc s singcr" Thcy are uscful expressions くい> 有 ey ikeh。 のaso wam by /tler we weams / me Nden / mn bowt / 5 studying th 1opic im Enghish。 oy4 : Tars ood frlbeagood danceor teeml んriThopcw Wiwisyowrfre deamu Nete 4:N seme deam spcaee んei : Avet avetis an animal ( ③ )。nighte 6 : Yes. it js Tlowe animals and 1 have four dogs st home America。 Theyre 員 members and also my friends。 Wihat do you want to bez 本 んex - Well T want to be an imterpreter に or Oh am iemraer Whye <う> んWirewe tee woes Fe fmvey isedin Eeekau Sea TirL emreem cm help nek imporem mesanwae ae Wih othen or Twor。 Yor andy Pugfeh iard and mac smakie Enefen eeery dee んのwirTimk oe riipow ii oseebor iisr por gr ey る me 1 JPoetJipenand ao oh owaete、 : Yo4 io te. hcsedd ae daeed s ke Weeedo meg ye 人 vs oWmmcu noir Nor rr om nlr ip Po me randmoer oton sys ha dc rw imagnedk ika dc aeyome es 1 hink the Inernet makes the world smaler でえ> y 1 mee Tne neww smw hi epi ene ommpeee Tderyand hat becquee many fordin peofle work in japan nome NN、 Mamy Japanesc peoplc aho work m forcign counics。 Nr fmher js am je eds wib rpk fe Ja niints ha th eoyee ma 5 The world las become think the word s "gbaio SR oy: Yee。 The word "globar means rigting to the yio woddi We nccd to underii記 more fn such a word. Ithink Enghsh helps ts. ゃさい 太 : Yonie right Enghah sinportatto commenicde witu ordgn poynk hn he meeryou as an interpreier TLtry hard for my drvam - om gn do it Kemj Tl shdy more abortJapan amd aik yom mort dhceioei Mo 2 oy Eo Mg の


