

② 日本語を参考に、( )内に適切な語を入れ、 英文を完成させましょう。 B (1) 朝ウォーキングをすることは健康に良いです。 (T ) ( ) ( (2) クラスメートの1人が来週転校する予定です。 ( )( )( next week. (3) 知っていることと教えることは別物です。 ) ( (4) あなたと話す機会を持つことを楽しみにしていました。 I've been looking forward ( )( ) to you. )( ) is one thing and ( ) in the morning is good for health. ) is going to change schools :) ( ) a chance ( ) enough sleep. his another. 3 日本語を参考に、( )内に適切な語を入れ、 形式主語を使った英文に書きかえまC (1) 十分に睡眠をとることが大切です。 To get enough sleep is important. → It is ( ) ( )( (2) 彼は親切にも私をわざわざ駅まで連れて行ってくれました。 He was kind that he took me all the way to the station. → It was kind ( ) ( ) to ( (3) 未来がどのようなものなのかを知ることはできません。 There is no knowing what the future looks like. → It is ( not ) to ( know (4) 会社が新入社員のために歓迎会を開こうとしているのは良い考えですね。 The company is going to hold a welcome party for new employees, and it is a good idea. → ( I ) is a good idea ( that ) the company is going to hold a welcome party for new employees. ( 青山学院大 ・改) ) what the future looks like. me all the way to the station. (中京大学 ・ 改 )


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(1) (Taking) (a) (walk) in the morning is good for health. ※take a walk 散歩する
(2) (One) (of) (my) (classmates) is going to change schools next week.
(3) (To) (know) is one thing, and (to) (teach) is another.
(4) I've been looking forward (to) (having) a chance (to) (talk) to you.
※kook forward to ~ing ~することを楽しみに待つ

(1) It is (important) (to) (get) enough sleep. <It 形式主語:to get enough sleep 真主語>
(2) It was kind (of) (him) to (take) me all the way to the station. <It 形式主語:to take … station 真主語>
(3) It is (impossible) to (know) what the future looks like. <It 形式主語:to know … like 真主語>
(4) 〇 <It 形式主語:that(接続詞) the company … employees 真主語>





My pleasure!😊
