

二、綜合測驗 (15%) to eat Sarow way you se polov.. stise When Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was published in 2011, it immediately triggered many ot, play. SONO DI 9000 discussions among parents. Some praised the book for its tough approach to teaching children. Others 11 were shocked at some of the stories. The book quickly became a popular bestseller, newspapers calling it one of the most important books of the year. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was written by Amy Chua, a Harvard-educated law professor at 12 her kids in her "tiger" way. However, she claimed that her story Yale. Chua described how she was not a "how-to" guide, but simply "a story about a mother and two daughters." In this book, Chua was often tough on her kids. For example, she forced them to practice the same piece on the piano or some 並通刑京中苏
violin 13 Also, she stopped her kids 14 watching TV or spending the night at friends' houses. TOGO Many parents disagree with Chua's methods, 15mthey believe her methods might do harm to children's development. No matter you like it or not, the term "tiger mother" remains in use today, ad odas as livi A di ganub 21sibioz babnow bein bed odio iv trigger 31 (B) and O0I ni boib odz (C) with S dower (D) because bootsbau (B) bringing up bilods (C) has brought up bi srl (D) had brought up diom C.B. RB Bis sdi 13. (A) at the back of her mindros gaithw-1519i (B) time after time zodio 190 19/1 0002 nad 1(C) no longer 0 B 11. (A) as of yew s beinsw 12. (A) brings up 14. (A) from o bisd to any od A (D) any longer oM as ysM ni ysbnu2 bnoosa (B) to .vsbilor Isnob (C) in sb sri obsm noz (D) asorbooW msbiest shoq 15(A) so istinu sdt ni zyst (B) for stendeleo ylabiw (C) owing to ono ai because of boT TalioM no istom rist of lism of abuso gniony od som to 08 ns


11. 如果要放and,則前後兩方都需要是完整子句(對等兩個子句)
所以這提的關鍵在於觀察到後面跟的是some newspaper "calling" it...
若要放and,則會是 ", and some newspaper called it..."
較常見的是 "with + 名詞" 來構成,呼應with作為介係詞後方需要跟名詞屬性物件的需求

15. 這裡", for ...." 的意思是 "因為" (比較正式的文體)
跟because/as 甚至 owing to 語意上是一樣的
because/as/since 是屬於"從屬連接詞",結構上是連接兩個完整子句,並將該句從屬於另一句(從屬句置後時不須逗號,置前需要)
owing to/because of 用法跟上面類似,差別在後面跟的是名詞屬性物件,而非完整子句(語法分類上會將其稱為介係詞,但這不重要)
for 在這裡的用法,是屬於對等連接詞,也就是結構上會對等兩個子句,意思是前後兩句都是完整子句,且會需要逗號(就像and)
基本上for作為"因為"的語意,它的型態很固定,一定是 "......, for ...." 的結構,呼應對等連接詞的用法


11.(B)如果用and 後面的動詞就不應該用ving 而是-ed 也就是說calling 應該改成called。因為and是對等連接詞,意味著它的前後動詞時態要一樣。
(C)with+O(受詞)+OC(受詞補語)是附帶狀況的用法 你可以去查網路
