

TRY! 次の英語を日本語に直しなさい. the crying baby 2 the window broken by Paul 3 Kathy looks disappointed with the news. 6 We saw the sun setting in the west. 5 Jack kept me waiting for a long time. 6 She had her hand bitten by the dog. How about going for a walk? ポ 1 2 3 4 5 6
練習問題 次の[ ]内の動詞を現在分詞または過去分詞にして()に入れ、全文 を日本語に直しなさい。 (1) Who is that man( (2) Don't touch the ( (3) The woman sat ( (4) He felt the house ( (5) Can I have this suitcase ( ) on the stage ? [sing] ) wall. [paint] (2) wal ) by her three children, [surround] (3) by SV ). [shake] 次の[ ]内の語句を並べかえて、英文を完成しなさい。 (1) the grass. lying, the boy, on] (2) [sleeping. my cat, under, found] I )? [deliver] (3) [herself, heard, in, make, the classroom] She tried to (4) [by. had, taken, her picture] Kim (5) (the sky, looking up at, stood] He is my brother. the table. the photographer. 3.次の日本語に合うように、【 完成しなさい。 (1) トニーは私たちに手を振りながらやってきた. [come, wave] Tony (2) 私は自分の番号が呼ばれるのを聞いた。 [hear, call] 彼女はいつも自分の自転車の鍵をかけておく、「keep, lock] (4) 電車の中で財布をまれた。 [have, steal) He る」 (5) 9 d 1内の動詞を適当な形にして使い。 英文を (1) at us. (2) (3) (4) on the train.


