

Pract 1 日本語に合うように,( )内の動詞・ 1. Mr. Suzuki loves cooking and (make) his own packed lunch for the past several years. 鈴木先生は料理が大好きでの数年ずっと自分の弁当を作っています. has been making 2. He says he (never, cook) before his wife got ill. had never cooked. 奥さんが病気になる前は、料理をしたことがなかったそうです. 3. He is also good at playing the piano. He (hold) concerts together with his friend held several times before. 先生はピアノを弾くのも上手です. これまでに何度か友だちと一緒にコンサートを開いたことか あります。 4. He (already, decide) the date of his next concert. 先生は次回のコンサートの日にちをすでに決めました。 2 日本語に合うように、英文を完成させなさい. Genre Sakura High School Student Wins Gold A Sakura High School senior, Hoshino Yuri, came in first in the women's 50-meter freestyle swimming race held in Osaka City in September. ① Yuri of the swimming team since she entered high school. ② before this race. However, she said, ③ “My record was not a surprise to me because until the race." 4 for the upcoming race when a reporter interviewed her. ① ユリは高校に入学してからずっと水泳部の活動的な部員です. (active) ② 彼女はこのレースまで一度も決勝に進んだことがありませんでした. (move into the finals) ③「そのレースまで, 毎日ずっと練習してきたので、私の記録は驚きではありませんでした」 ④ 記者が彼女にインタビューしたとき、 彼女は次のレースに向けてすでにトレーニングを始めて いました.


1. 〇
2. 〇
3. 判読不能 → has held
4. has already decided

① has been an active member
② She had never moved into the finals
③ I had been practicing every day
④ She had already started training

