

2238 The children came in one after( (花園大) 0 an another and another 3 another の other 6 the another 2239 “How about these shoes, madam?" “Oh, they are too large for me. Show me( ① smaller ones (白嶋大女子短大) 2 them a smaller one の it 2240 No one would help me, so I had to do the work by( ③ myself (京都産業大) 0 alone の oneself me 2 241 もう100ドルあればそのコンピューターが買えるでしょう。 ) 100 dollars would be sufficient to buy that computer. (東京都立医療技術短大) 0 Some ② Another ③ More Over ) of the participants had an opportunity to speak at the meeting. ③ Every 2242 (近畿大) ① Almost 2 Each の Nobody 9 (桜美林短大) ) people present were tourists from Japan. ③ Most of 2 243 ( 0 Almost 2 Almost of Most of the 2244 The population of China is larger than ( ) of India. (名古屋外国語大) one ones 3 that の those 2 245 ( my classmates like our teacher. (京都産業大) 0 Nobody ② None of 3 No one of の Not any ) rude to ignore a formal letter of invitation. の it 2246 I consider( (福島大) 0 that の those 3 too 2247 ) was a present from my father. (センター) 2 My old this camera 0 My old camera of this ③ This my old camera ④ This old camera of mine 2248 There are some from Asian countries in the group. Four of them are Koreans, and ) are Japanese. three are Chinese. ( ① Another (九州看護福祉大) 2 Other ③ The other の The others 2249 One of my eyes is better than( (関西学院大) 0 another の other ③ others の the other ) four years. 2 250 The Olympic Games are held( ② during (天理大) 0 for at every 幅 幅
英表 文法


