

整大) 口14.(a) There is an expensive camera in this package, so please tell him to handle it with ) for nothing but sweets although she needs to lose (b) Mary seems to ( weight. a Jsrh wam (津田塾大) 口15.(a) Those naughty kids are really out of ( (b) You should ( ) in your report by Friday. acg u dot 口16.(a) My host family was very kind and did everything to help me feel at ( (南山大) (b) The true meaning of life was brought ( ) to me when I saw the movie Rain Man. (津田塾大) 口17.(a) ( (b) It might be better for us to make allowance ( )all his campaigning, he couldn't get enough votes to win. ) his inexperience because he is a newcomer. d tog (上智大) 18.(a) This is going to cost you a good ( lopitg ) of money. o(b) In this African town, there are many merchants who ( ) in diamonds. (早稲田大) 口19.(a) Will you ( ) after the children while I'm out ? n9mA ) in the mirror before you drive off. 02 w t2st em (名城大) 口20.(a) She was quite content with her ( (b) I couldn't find a parking ( ) near the station.nspbilog til te d (大立(c) The weather is a ( もD warmer here. (西南学院大) 口21.(a) It rained five days on ( 515Tud 1a (b) The festival will ( )up with fireworks. (西南学院大) (c) His invention is sure to serve a useful ( ) open all night. (b) Tell the children to (ode uoy) out of their father's study. 口22.(a) Few stores ( bod 9oin vlbor 6 borsilo (西南学院大) ) in New York. (c) I met an old friend of mine during my ( 23. (a) You will be sure to like him, ( vGwis at ) you talk with him. ) in a while, but not so often. )a year. (b) He writes a letter ( (実践女子大) (c) The earth goes around the sun ( ) tell the history of life. To ( my a nl(c) (実践女子大) odT YO you uot moit (b) My father left me a lot of money in his ( 5g6 ), there is a way. (c) Where there is a ( ge 88


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

14. (care)
(a) with care = carefully 注意深く
(b) care for … …を愛している、…の世話をする
15. (hand)
(a) out of hand 手に負えない
(b) hand in … …を提出する
16. (home)
(a) feel at home くつろいだ気持ちになる
(b) bring home to A B AにBを痛感させる
17. (for)
(a) for all … …にもかかわらず
(b) make allowance for … …を大目に見る
18. (deal)
(a) a great deal of … 多額の…、大量の…
(b) deal in … …を扱う、…の取引をする
19. (look)
(a) look after … …の世話をする
(b) 車で出かける前に鏡で自分の姿をちゃんと確認しなさい。/自分の姿を鏡でちゃんと確認してから出かけなさい。
20. (lot)
(a) lot 運命、宿命
(b) a parking lot 駐車場
(c) 天気はここの方がずっと暖かい。※a lot+比較級 ずっと…
21. (end)
(a) on end 続けて、断続的に
(b) end up with … …で終わる
(c) serve a useful end 有益な目的を果たす
22. (stay)
(a) stay open 開いている、営業している
(b) stay out of … …に近づかない、…を避ける
(c) stay 滞在
23. (once)
(a) once(接続詞)+S+V~ 一旦Sが~すると
(b) once in a while 時々、たまに
(c) once a year 1年に1回
24. (will)
(a) 私の人生の経歴をあなたに教えてあげます。
(b) will 遺言状
(c) <格言>意志あるところに道あり。





You're welcome!😊

