
英語長文 構文

Lastly, my dad said the noisy honking that draws your attention to a flight of M6 0 の geese also has its purpose. He told me the noise came from the geese at the back of the V” honking encouragement to the geese in the more difficult roles(at the front of the “V"} 7 The migrating geese flew on to their destination in Canada. The memory of that
次の英文を読んで, 設問に合 1 o! rememberalesson I learned from my dad on a warm spring day many years ago in northern Minnesota. As we fished for trout on the Prairie River my attention My youthful curiosity aroused, I asked my dad why the geese were flying in a “V» formation. *as urawn to a flight of geese heading north to their summer home in Canada 3 He said geese fly in formation because they can travel up to 30 percent faster in formation than if they fly individually. 12 oEach goose was filying independently, and yet they were all fying together. g The Tormation's structure gave them the extra speed. _The formation also meant that there の was always a goose that led the entire group. their summer 13 の ,They also knew where they were going. They had a goal の home in Canada. You have never heard of aflight of geese giving up and stopping in Kansas.They always reach their goal. 14 の There is more to the lesson of the geese.The next thing my dad toldme was that 2 when a goose becomes too tired to continue the journey, at least one other goose stays with it - to watch over it until it is strong enough to fily on. 15My dad also told me the geese take turns in the lead position, the most demanding position in the “V" formation. の When the lead goose begins to tire another quickiy takes its place, enabling the lead goose to fall back into line to rest and regain energy. 16 Lastly, my dad said the noisy honking that draws your attention to a flight of の geese also has its purpose.。He told me the noisecame from the geese at the back of the “V" honking encouragement to the geese in the more difficult roles at the front of the "V"} 17The migrating geese flew on to their destination in Canada. The memory ofthat の warm spring day on the Prairie River in northern Minnesota is melted into the memory of many similar days of my youth. But the lesson I learned from my dad that day wil never be forgotten. (H.8 九州大 From Fly High in Formation by Jack M. Kantola from The Toastmaster, April 19 Copyright © 1985 Jack M. Kantola. Reprinted by permission of Mary Kanto


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

He told me [(that)(接続詞:省略) the noise(S) came(V) (from the geese)(M) (at the back)(M) (of the "V")(M) <honking(現在分詞) encouragement (to the geese)(M) (in the more difficult roles)(M) (at the front)(M) (of the "V")(M)>]. <分詞構文>
※分詞構文 → 普通の文:and(接続詞) it(=the noise)(S) encouraged(V) to the geese in ….

