
3.2句為什麼被帶來不是were brought forth而是brought forth

OU II WC CouTuyslue, we len ludny i 14 Season and Climate 皇 led to 1.1 According to the weather forecast, it won't be long before the rain season comes and the tem will also drop 1.2 For the next few days, people had better bring umbrellas with them when going out. given rise to 2.1 The occurrence of extreme weather events has a great loss of lives and property aro caused resulted in the globe. 2.2 Drier countries may encounter a severe shortage of water; on the other hand, floods will put low-lyin countries at risk. struck 3.1 Since the typhoon last week, it has rained continuously for six days in the mountain area. hit 3.2 Mudslides brought forth by the heavy rain caused severe damage and blocked all roads to the mountains. 4.1 In spring, sprouts on trees signal that everything on earth comes to life again. No matter where we go, we can see a more beautiful world with colorful flowers in full bloom. Wherever enjoying 5.1 With the approach of summer, many people can be seen a variety of water sports to enjoy on the beach. 5.2 The hotter it gets, the more popular these activities will be and the better cold summer treats will sell. 6.1 Because of unique scenery and moderate weather, autumn is my favorite season. 6.2 It is neither hot nor cold. You will feel totally relaxed and refreshed after going for a stroll. 4.2
JIL IT 3.1 自從颱風上週來襲以來,已經 Since the typhoon hit last week, it has rained for six days in the mountain area. 7 3.2 雨所帶來的土石流造成嚴重傷害,並中斷了所有到山上的道路 block 中斷

