

since 2 unless ③ that what 〈桃山学院大〉 (31) I hardly recognized you, (S) you've changed so much.文 はる の because 2 that ③ even if ④ although 〈湘南工科大) (32) A man is not great ( ) he knows many things. の for 2 as 3 because ④ since 〈実践女子大〉 219ua png MG MEUE 1O9 (33)( Ow. w. o swdp ) you sow at the right time, you cannot expect a rich harves 0 Whenever 2 If 3 Unless ④ Wherever 〈西南学院大〉 代(34) I wil forgive him ( ) he acknowledges his mistakes. っ 0 provided 2 otherwise ③ nevertheless ④ however 〈青山学 (35) I'II lend you the money ( ) condition that you return it within : 0 with ② for ③ in ④ on 〈玉川大〉 Tra6) (36) She behaves(おい。 i she we re a queen.1 boop 916 [li8] bn 0 although - 2 because ③ so that の as if (和洋女子大〉5]1 m (37)( ) h e has lived in Japan for some time, he cannot speak Japa 0 Although ② Even ③ However ④ Nevertheless 〈駿河台大》 (38)( )it rains tomorrow, the music festival will take place as plar 0 Although ② Even if ③ During ④ Because (甲南大〉 (39) Dark (-)it was, we found our way back. bs9id emo2 ing こんて 0 as 2 if ③ that ④ while〈中部大〉 (40) You must go there with your parents, ( b5x69T39 ) you like it or not. Tdovbns .69) d19n 0 when ② though ③ whether ④ as 〈名城大) (41) The soup was ( hexalex.isal.o otnnb ur ) hot that I almost burned my tongue. 0 such 2 much ③ very ④ so 《芝浦工大) (42) It was ( )a terrible day that we decided not to go. 0 very 2 so ③ specially ④ such 〈拓殖大) 【S puld] 10 [

