

2.それぞれの文が同じような内容を表すように, ( ) に適語を入れなさい。 1) a) This is the least difficult question on the test. b) This is ( 2) a) Lake Baikal is deeper than any other lake in the world. ABC ) question on the test. 2-b) ( の) in the world is ( ) deep ( Lake Baikal. 2c)( Baikal. 3) a) He is rather an artist than a soccer player. b) He is an artist ( c) He is ( y )in the world is ( ) Lake 寿す )a soccer player. )a soccer player ( ) an artist.
((the +最上級〉「ほかのどれよりも勝っている」を表す)114 be PP.353 - 36% Lesson 26 比較(2) )私はこの写が /think this pho 形容詞や副詞の最上級を使う 日本語の意味に合う O This is the tallest building in the world. O This is the most interesting novel that I've ever read. 3Iwas clearly the least excited person at the party. 2)これは、このエ This is ( 9彼は、日本では He was ( ((the least +形容詞/副詞) (by far) 11A) ((one of the +最上級) 11』 O This is by far the worst news of the week. 6 She is one of the brightest students I know. 参考副詞の最上級は,名詞が続かないのでthe をつけなくてよい。She runs (the) fastest in ho, ◆比べる相手がその中に入っている場合 My sister is the most talkative in my family. (in を使。、 比べる相手を個別に意識している場合 Susan is the best player of them all. (of を使う。) の発展 最上級を使うのは3つ以上のものを比べる場合。2つの場合は比較級を使う。 She is the better singer of the two. (どちらかに決まるので比較級の前に theをつける。) O the least は, ある集団の中で「最も~でない」 の意味を表す。 ◆O by far や much, very を最上級の前に入れると, 「飛び抜けて~だ」の意味を表す。 ◆6最上のものがいくつかある場合は, 「最も~なもののひとつ」 と表す。 最上級のあとは名詞の複数形 2番目の場合は, This is the second oldest university in England. と表す。 発展 比べているものがその人自身やそのもの自体のときは, the をつけない。 I feel happiest when I'm with you. りその病気につい: あなたはその You must stud の彼女はワイン She paid ( 2 それぞれの文が 1) a) This is th. b) This is ( 2) a) Lake Bail 原級·比較級を使って最上級の意味を表す Lake Bai 6 No other animal is as large as the blue whale. O No other river is longer than the Nile. 8 The Nile is longer than any other river. 11.5. Baikal. 3) a) He is ra b) He is a c) He is ( 11.52) 6 <No (other) +名詞の単数形〉+ (as +原級+ as ~>で「ほかのどれも~ほど…ない」を表す。 の (No (other) +名詞の単数形〉+ 〈比較級+ than~> で「ほかのどれも~より…ない」 を表す。 ◆6 〈比較級+ than any other +名詞の単数形〉で「ほかのどの~よりも…」 を表す。 の発展 nothing, anything, anyone, no one, nobody などを用いて, 最上級の意味を表すことができる。 Nobody (else) plays the guitar as well as him./ Time is more valuable than anything else. 3()内の語行 1) (the / is 2)(is / Aur 3) K2(the 形容詞や副詞の原級を使う表現 4 (refrest 9 Will you finish this job as soon as possible? O As many as twenty people were injured in the accident. ① He was not so much a coward as arealist. 5 We mus 6Ihave r ((as +原級+ as possible)) 11.6. D He did (as many [muchl as) 11.64 9「できるだけ~」 を表す。 〈as +原級+ as S can》 も同じ意味を表す。 0 「~もの」と, 伝えたい数や量がかなり多いことを表す。 の「Aというよりむしろ B」 を表す。 ○参考 Brather than A / rather B than A (not so much A as B) 11.8. 1.佐 Towas a realist rather than a coward. / He was rather a realist than a coward. 2. 3.1 60

